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The Republican candidates, high school edition — 32 Comments

  1. I guess that is when Trump was learning what it is like to be in the military. Oh look; he has medals.

  2. Trump made “cadet captain” in his senior year.
    He told a biographer in 2015 that NYMA gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military”

    [his grasp of strategy and tactics shows in how he will finally have his name in history way beyond his years more so than any edifice he could put his moniker upon]

    New York Military Academy is one of the oldest military schools in the United States

    On March 3, 2015, NYMA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, facing serious financial difficulties from low enrollment. Instead of opening for the fall semester in September 2015, NYMA closed and was auctioned to a group of Chinese investors who reopened the school in November.

    Its interesting to see who also went there, and if they have been treated as negatively throughout their career no matter what they did?

    Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, Class of 1923 (did not graduate), last descendant of Abraham Lincoln

    Les Brown, Class of 1932, bandleader 🙂

    Francis Ford Coppola, Class of 1956 (did not graduate)

    Fairleigh Dickinson, Jr., Class of 1937

    John A. “Junior” Gotti, Class of 1983 (did not graduate)

    Stephen Sondheim, Class of 1946 (did not graduate)

    Bob Stiller, Class of 1961, founder of Green Mountain Coffee

    Spencer Tunick, Class of 1985 [does those large scale nudes where 100s of people appear in public places turning a sexual fetish category into something respectable]

  3. Yikes. None of us look at our best in high school.

    (Except for Rubio… he looks exactly the same today.)

  4. My first observation. Rubio looks like a morph of Slater and Zack. (Saved by the Bell) That’s a good thing if you want people to look at you for long periods of time.

    Carly looks very much like a girl in my HS graduating class. Interesting to speculate what Faye looks like now…

  5. My second observation. Carly actually looks a lot like Faye’s mother did back in the day… Not that anyone else knows what I’m talking about.

  6. So negative today! I think they all look like nice, normal kids. Huckabee is definitely “most changed.”
    Rubio is “cutest.”
    Carson is “everybody’s best friend.”
    Christie is “heard most often saying SPRINGSTEEN ROCKS!”
    Fiorina is “most likely to succeed” (female).
    Cruz is “most likely to succeed” (male).
    Bush is seen most often sleeping during study hall due to abundance of extracurriculars (student council, Junior UN, Yearbook, Newspaper, Chess Club, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis) to pad resume for Yale.

  7. Daniel: Of course looks the most now like he did in HS: that was only a few years ago for him!

  8. When I can’t download something or saveit as a file, I’ll take a screen shot and crop it.

  9. Artfldgrs; You are kidding, right? I don’t give a damn what school you and Trump are talking about, it is an insult to compare attendance to actual military service. For starters, he could walk away any time he chose. He was not liable to be sent to the scene whenever all hell broke loose.

    As someone noted; regardless of when they served, a military man writes a blank check to the United States for any value, up to and including his life.

    Trump’s assertion reveals that he is nearly as narcissistic–and untruthful– as Obama. I do not know why you would try to defend it.

  10. So Rafael Edward Cruz took an interest in Douglas Adams in his high school days. Is it little wonder then that he takes on an accomplished art historian as his principle foreign policy adviser?

  11. Oldflyer, cool it. You have your knickers all in a lot about so very little.
    My now-deceased stepson went to a military academy like NYMA. It did wonders. Discipline, humility, duty are traits of high value, often best learned by teenage boys when in uniform.

    Neo: “It’s more than enough for me” strikes a discordant note, and I don’t get it. Thanks for digging out the yearbook pix.

  12. Oldflyer,

    I agree that a non-military school that’s military-style is different in kind than real soldiering.

    That’s not to denigrate military schools on their own merits for the environment they provide for educating young men. But a derivative of a thing is not the thing.

  13. Frog:

    It just means that I got tired of looking for their high school photos.

    It’s more time-consuming than you might think.

    It was also meant to be a mildish commentary about the huge and unwieldy Republican lineup.

  14. They’re all good-looking!

    Surprised Cruz was only a National Merit Semi-Finalist. Got him beat. 😉 [well, in high school, anyways….!)

  15. On a serious note: The movie “13 HOURS,” just now out, is based on our Special Forces guys’ account of the terror attack on our consulate in Benghazi that night. I hope all of you will consider going to see it and spreading the word.

    Here is their interview, interspliced with film clips, by Megyn Kelly:


    They are adamant that they were told to “stand down” during the firefight by higher-ups. One of them also mentions (though Kelly talks over him a bit) that the “security forces” at the consulate were the “February 17th Martyr’s Brigade,” an actual TERRORIST organization employed by the State Department to provide security! (Look them up online and marvel… then ask yourself “Whose side are the Dems on, anyway?”)

    Re the Feb. 17th Martyrs’ Brigade:


  16. Beverly — “Semi-finalist” just means that for whatever reason he didn’t get awarded a National Merit scholarship, and that can happen even if someone has perfect PSAT and SAT scores. He could have screwed up the way I did — waaaay too early in the process, you pick *A* school and if you wind up not applying there, or committing to going somewhere else and don’t submit the change in time, you’re “only” a semi-finalist.

  17. Alas, our noble men of genius, Heaven’s real messengers to us, they also rendered nearly futile by the wasteful time; — preappointed they everywhere, and assiduously trained by their pedagogues and monitors, to ‘rise in Parliament,’ to compose orations, write books, or in short speak words, for the approval of reviewers; instead of doing real kingly work to be approved of by the gods! Our ‘Government,’ a highly ‘responsible’ one; responsible to no God that I can hear of, but to the twenty-seven million gods of the shilling gallery.

    -Thomas Carlyle, Latter-Day Pamphlets, 1850

  18. By the way oldflyer… my son is a officer i the navy, he can walk away from his commission any time he likes too…

    its enlisted men who cant…

  19. “neoconservative is a liberal who was mugged by reality and wants to press charges.”

    they are basically soft leftist elitists.. they only seem to be not on the left, but when it comes to support they wont support the people that support the common worker against elite ideas and so on, they side with the elite who will pretend to back off a bit, but not try to back off the 40 years of bad

    elitists fear blue collar average people
    which is why they wont support a person like reagan, who was not an elite either..

    your going to get the same old same old, soviet light is still soviet… no way to clean house with someone who wont totally change things or even dares to claim to.

    better to vote for bernie or hillary and get it done rather than vote for the other side and death by a thousand tiny cuts and back downs post election, which is what elites do.

    elites have thin skins, they CAN be manipulated and influenced by making them fear their reputation, but someone whose reputation was always negative, has no such qualms.

    GO Hillary…
    there really is no other candidate..
    anyone else but the hated one, who has always been hated and never had good press, ever… is just the same thing in a different shade of suit

    good cop bad cop, they are both cops
    elite leftist, elite not left they are both elite
    they both had to agree to get their degrees and pass their courses..

    so either they lied to become elite to pass
    or they agree… they certainly never oppose and lose that status they bank on

    they cant get rid of their fear nor their elite given ideas… their only opposition is in pieces not the whole… they certainly will NEVER come in and clean house, and so, at best, they can never be more than half a step back…

    meanwhile, we need a house cleaning..

  20. Lee, it’s a picayune point, but in my day, at least, there was a substantive difference between qualifying as a National Merit Semi-Finalist and a Finalist. At that time, you took a separate qualifying test known as the NMSQT. I took it and qualified as a Semi-Finalist but not a Finalist; I was able to state on my college applications that I was a Semi-Finalist, but not apply for the actual scholarships. My friend (who had sensibly stayed away from a late-night party that I attended the night before the NMSQT) earned a score exactly one point higher than mine — this qualified her as a Finalist and she did ultimately end up with a scholarship.

  21. Artfldgr: “which is why they wont support a person like Reagan”

    I thought Cold War liberals supported Reagan, at least on his Soviet policy, which was the overriding foreign policy of the period.

  22. National Merit Semi Finalist and Finalist are pretty much the same thing. Both my kids were fairly recent Finalists; one in 2010 and one in 2012. Since I home schooled them I had to take care of the formalities that are usually completed by a candidate’s high school college counselor. And am very thankful that Marcia at the National Merit helped me through the process! It is the student’s score on the PSAT taken in Junior year that earns them Semi Finalist status. The rest is basically establishing that the candidate is in actuality who the say they are and that they are a student in good standing at their school. Essentially, they need to fill out some paperwork, supply a character reference and chose a first choice college for the scholarship. This could fall through the cracks a number of ways, a counselor not submitting the forms or a change of schools, something like that. For example, I was not aware it was based on PSAT scores until we received a letter with my son’s scores. Most parents probably just leave it up to the school and if they aren’t the kind of school that churns out candidates they might not file the paperwork correctly. But a Semi Finalist – like a Finalist, has achieved PSAT scores in the top 1% of their state for that year. BTW, the 1% ranking is based on scores in the student’s state which can vary as widely as 15 or more points (comparable the 150 points on the SAT). Cutoff points vary from state to state and year to year – a score that would get you in in one year might not be enough in another. We were in Hawaii which is fairly competitive, but, only my daughter would have made National Merit in Massachusetts! I do feel it would be more fair to take an average score of the nation as a whole. When people ask me how to get their kids to National Merit I tell them to move to Nevada!

  23. When I won the National Merit Scholarship in 1974, it was what they called a “portable” scholarship, not tied to any school or discipline: the rarest of them all. Ratio of semi-finalists to finalists, 10:1.

    Then I went to college and became a complete party animal, so I didn’t get my Phi Beta Kappa key. Damn and blast. “Pottle deep while sluggards sleep!”

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