Home » Hung jury, mistrial declared in Porter case (Freddie Gray)


Hung jury, mistrial declared in Porter case (Freddie Gray) — 14 Comments

  1. o say does that star-spangled
    banner yet wave
    oe’r the land of the free
    and the home of the show trial?

  2. The rampant racism on the left and in our court system makes me cynical. What if Porter were one of the white policemen? Would the outcome have been the same? Time will tell.

  3. Porter cannot be forced to testilie against the other cops by offers of leniency in sentencing until he’s convicted.
    He’ll have to be retried before the others. The prosecution has likely figured he knows, or can be proposed as knowing, damning evidence against the others. They’ll need their lever.

  4. Oh give me a home, where the beefaloes roam
    and the skys are smudgy all day
    where there never is heard
    a disparaging word
    cause hate crimes put us in camps right away…

  5. I believe this trial (these trials) were to serve two purposes: to calm the agitators in the street (that didn’t work) and to build Marilyn Mosby’s reputation (ditto).

    I think the only thing that would work at this point to accomplish both objectives would be a public execution. Baltimore needs to build a gallows with six nooses in a very public place. That would at least calm the protesters for a while.

    On a slightly more serious note, I am extremely troubled by TV coverage of the protesters. It looks to me as if they are led by professional agitators, presumably paid with Soros money. When oh when will Soros no longer be a malign force in American politics and society?

  6. > The prosecution has likely figured he knows, or can be
    > proposed as knowing, damning evidence against the others.

    Too complex.

    They need to try the black cops first because they want to cut deal with them in order to convict the white cops. That’s all this is about. Pure racism. The city and the mob wants the white cops convicted. They don’t care about the black cops. That’s why they are trying the black cops first, then the white cops. It’s disgustingly transparent.

  7. Richard Aubrey

    Driver’s trial set for early January. Mosby has to either offer him a deal in exchange for testimony or he won’t testify. Retrial won’t happen for some time, if at all.

    Hung jury screws up the government’s plan.

    Note well Mosby didn’t try the case herself.

  8. Despite the official numbers, Democrats are not in the minority in Congress. Conservatives are. The majority party is not Republicans. It is the Democrat—RINO alliance, headed by assistant Democrat Paul Ryan.

    Also, the deal props up ObamaCare and continues funding the lucrative private abortion/body parts business Planned Parenthood. Naturally it funds Obama’s insane climate deal. It puts the screws to American workers by increasing foreigner worker visas.

    In general, the budget sellout meets Obama’s priorities, exactly as if Congress were still in Democrat hands despite the clearly expressed wishes of the voters.

    [and a dead criminal is what is more important today… cause why? because he is more important than the people who are working hard and will lose their jobs and lives… cause other peoples lives dont matter as we are forgetting that all this is about a man who was caught doing something criminal…. not working hard.. not doing the right thing… ]

  9. The autopsy was the killer.

    It fit the evidence and made clear Gray was so stoned he couldn’t stand up by himself. He swooned and cracked his head.

    The jury had no choice.

  10. Another show trial like the George Zimmerman trial. The prosecution will pile on the all the charges they can think of and hope something sticks.

  11. I posted the following on another site discussing the trial:

    It seems to me that a hung jury, by definition a refusal to convict, should negate another trial. The state should have one opportunity to present its best case. If it fails, absent new evidence, that should be the end of it.

    The State can–and does–“punish” a defendant simply by ruining them financially. That is an advantage to the state because the prosecution is obviously playing with other folk’s money. Allowing multiple trials, in an attempt to find a favorable jury, is guaranteed to ruin the average person who may have blundered into the prosecution’s sights.

    Ray touches another nerve in his comment. This seems to be a modern phenomenon. You–not anyone here– commit one act, but are prosecuted for breaking a multitude of overlapping laws.

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