Home » Mom of suicide bomber has no idea how it happened


Mom of suicide bomber has no idea how it happened — 31 Comments

  1. Islam is screwed up beyond fixing. The West needs to keep Islam out and suppress it in every way possible.

    Again. What religion advocates murder?

    Start with lawfare. Revoke Islam’s tax-exempt status.

  2. “There is a seeming disconnect between the ownership by Muslims — whose religion forbids the use of alcohol and tobacco — of a bar, where drugs were being dealt, on a quiet street in the low-rent Brussels borough of Molenbeek who have become the focus of a manhunt for violent Islamists with ties to Syria.

    Yet time and again, investigations after attacks like those that killed 129 people in Paris have uncovered tales of workaday Arab immigrant lives, assimilated to the profane daily cares …”

    You know that there is even a name for this Muslim doctrine of “moral” exemption for the purpose of deception, don’t you?

  3. It may well be as you imagine neo. Another possibility is that Sunni jihadists who live in violation of Islamic proscriptions have been granted special dispensation by an Imam, under the Sunni doctrine of Muruna. Unlike Shia Islam’s doctrine of Taqiyya, which only covers lying, the Sunni doctrine of Muruna also covers forbidden behavior.

  4. Friday night on Mark Levin’s show he stated that a moratorium on Muslims entering our country and sending back those here on Visas needs to be enacted. He asked, “Will it hurt innocent Muslims?” Answer, “yes.” And the result will be that they will see to it that the extremism of their various family members will be addressed in a way that the west will never be able to do. This makes sense to me. What are our borders for? What is the most important role of our Federal government?

  5. DNW, Geoffrey Britain:

    Yes, I know.

    But the profile of those terrorists who practice taqiyya in that manner seem to be more of someone who was once an observant Muslim and then pretends to be non-observant for a while (like the 9/11 hijackers in the US), shaving their beards and even sometimes going to prostitutes. These guys seem to have always been secular carousers. That seems different to me.

  6. Sharon W:

    I remember thinking after 9/11 that no more visas would be issued to people from those countries as a matter of course, at least until we figured out a better system. It seemed like a no-brainer.

    Boy, was I wrong.

  7. I think the most likely thing is that those friends of his are lying about not knowing of his radicalization to protect themselves. That article says other family members admitted he’d spent “a long time” in Syria, and quoted them as saying this:

    “We were really surprised that Salah [the bomber’s brother] was involved. Ibrahim [the bomber] was different. We did see that he had been radicalised, at least in part. But not so much that we ever thought he would commit an atrocity like this”.

    If the family knew that, I don’t see how his friends didn’t.

  8. She is just following the lead of our own government:

    ISIS Genocide Victims Do Not Include Christians, the State Department Is Poised to Rule

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427044/christians-isis-genocide-obama-administration
    A report by a renowned journalist states that Christians are to be excluded from an impending official United States government declaration of ISIS genocide. If true, it would reflect a familiar pattern within the administration of a politically correct bias that views Christians – even non-Western congregations such as those in Iraq and Syria – never as victims but always as Inquisition-style oppressors.

  9. Neo: havent you read what some of us been telling you about islam?

    In Shi’a Islam, taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqÄ«yah) is a form of religious dissimulation, or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts, especially while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution.

    she is going to be persecuted, so she is following the religion… duh… ok.. double duh

    no punishment in denial or saying stupid things, if there were, the democrats would fill our prisons… among lots of others… (unions, womens studies teachers, global warming change agents)

  10. I get a little nervous when a Muslim talks about a “mastermind” being behind something like this. Reminds me that sooner or later, the finger will point at Mossad. Oh, wait, that’s already happened:

    An op-ed in the official PA [Palestianian Authority] daily announced that the Israeli secret intelligence service, the Mossad, is behind the attacks in Paris. The writer stated that it is not a coincidence that “blood is spilled in Paris” at the same time as Europe has decided to label Israeli products made in “settlements.” He stated that Israel is the one benefiting from these attacks and that they serve the “goals” of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who “hides in his soul enough evil to burn the world”.

  11. All of the denials are lies, Tsarnaev deja vu. The West is headed for destruction unless people (voters) wake up and demand our governments do the obvious; no more muslim immigrants/refugees. deportation of muslims on visas, harsh border security, increased surveillance of muslims such as the Somalis that infest the Twin Cities, blockades and no fly zones for nations that fund jihad, and new rules of engagement where the conflict with islam is hot.

  12. “The population [of Molenbeek] as of January 1, 2015 was 95,576.The population has been described as ‘mainly Muslim’ in the media; however, actual figures range between 25% and 40% depending on the catchment(sic) area.The population of Molenbeek itself, while already impoverished and overcrowded, has further increased by 25% since 2010.” From Wiki, which also says the population is “mostly migrant,” belying the 25-40% figure.

    H’mmm a 25% increase in population in less than 5 years, already impoverished and overcrowded. Mostly migrant.

    I wonder where the newcomers came from, don’t you?
    But hey! Paul Ryan is drawing up a bill to vet the migrants, Errr, refugees.

  13. parker: you are not severe enough.
    Somalia for Somalis! They are an infestation, breeding “homegrown” jihadis. Out with them.

  14. Islamic Jihad cannot be defeated without first securing the lines of supply from Leftist traitors and saboteurs.

  15. I just got in another Facebook rumble over the Syria refugee issue. Someone is claiming that there is no connection to Syria and the refugees when it comes to the events in Paris by pointing to some random oddball website that quotes someone from the UN.

    These are the kind of people we are dealing with. They won’t even believe mainstream news anymore like CNN or even news from French authorities themselves. Crazy world.

    So I am getting pummeled by bleeding hearts who think we should take in all refugees, no questions asked. And how dare we be so mean or judgmental.

    What I would like to know is, what benefit do these refugees bring to these lefties? If there is a question of who they are and some in our country is worried about that, why can’t these liberal types give a thought to OUR feelings and give us the safe space to deal with it? I’m a little curious as to why they think their feelings trump mine.


  16. I think there’s a lot to be said for the “sexual frustration” theory of Islamic terrorism. These young males grow up in an environment where sex (with humans) is forbidden to them and eventually the allure of 72 virgins may overwhelm their testesterone-saturated brains. Also, many of them were abused sexually by older males when they were children. I’d like to know if these Paris bombers were single, horny, and frustrated like Hassan (Ft. Hood). Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Boston Bomber) had some issues as well. He married an infidel. Don’t take my word for all this, check out Psychology Today: How Do Sex and Power Abuses Lead to Terrorism and War?

  17. Nobody dropped the dime. Not in France, not here, not in Mumbai. Either these guys are world champs at security or their inadvertent, or advertent, leaks strike people who think tribal solidarity trumps all.

  18. Muslims simply cannot be trusted.

    Outlaw Islam in the United States. Close down the mosques, and round them up and deport them. Strip US citizenship from American Muslims and deport them too.

    There must be zero tolerance for Islam in America.

  19. I have had some internet connectivity issues for a few days so I have missed it if somebody already brought this up, but the attacks in Paris bring up an opportunity to counter the narrative that the conflict between Islam and the west started with the Crusades. Point out that the Battle of Tours, In France (Gaul) , was fought hundreds of years before the Crusades against an invading Muslim Army.

  20. These sort of people will never learn alwayes they lie.

    tyrant saddam he used his fist to shutup all thoes lier and crminals simply if he caught one aganest his regim he will take hehole family. This they way these liers understand.

    I dont say to do this in westren word but there are few steps in same direction will help to stope these criminal or at lrart thinks twirs befor blow themselves.

    The one think would be effective any member of affamiliy who is torerrists killed or errasted let put them on plane strip thier passport citizenship and send them to homeland to enjoy the freedom on thier born land

  21. A certain cautiousness is necessary, but dwelling on the concept of taqiyya can drive you crazy. It doesn’t mean that every single thing a suspected Muslim says is a lie. That kind of thinking is paranoia. We don’t have to look for mysterious reasons to explain terrorists lying, grieving mothers in denial, or young men drinking and smoking.

    We sometimes forget that Islamic terrorists come from all walks of life. Young and old, men and women, rich and poor, religious and secular. On our side, Team Good, half of the Crusaders were sinful barbarians who wanted to live a decadent life and end it with a “go to heaven free” card.

  22. Neo: “somehow forced or pressured into this by other jihadi forces; this has been known to sometimes happen with Palestinian suicide bombers.”

    It’s plausible. I gather the tactic was encountered in Iraq and (more than) perhaps was part of Saddam’s terrorist playbook in the 1st place. The Hurt Locker, the movie about EOD in Iraq, included a scene with a coerced suicide bomber.

  23. In a sense such people are living a double life. As Muslims, they know that they are supposed to be living a pure, austere life and are supposed to reject western decadence. However, as human beings, they are drawn towards the easygoing immoral (by Islamic standards) Western popular culture. If I remember correctly, some of the 9/11 hijackers spent their last nights before the attacks in a strip club.

    So one explanation is that these are people who see the corruption of their soul happening in real time, but are unable to stop it. They know that if they continue in their path, by the terms of Islam, they are headed for hell. Yet Islam offers an escape — a guaranteed ticket to Heaven by dying in an act of Jihad. So they make the choice, which is not entirely illogical by the terms of their faith.

    If the end is to die in an act of Jihad, then becoming a suicide bomber is the perfect means. The suicide bomber can walk unnoticed through the public, and commit the act of personal salvation before anyone can stop them or even notice.

    So how does one put a stop to the phenomenon?

  24. One thing that police learned at Columbine was not to wait outside for any period of time, it just gives the shooters time to slaughter their victims.

    What I have noticed about the French attack is that the police waited 2 to 3 hours before moving into the Bataclan theater, thus allowing the Jihadis to do what they wanted.

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