Home » Despite Hillary’s…


Despite Hillary’s… — 20 Comments

  1. she is doing well in the polls run by leftist organizations.. wlel known for playing games with the output so that the perception changes peoples choice going forwards. its classic version of dialoguing tp consensus… right out of havelocks change agent book…

    huffington post says she is great
    other polls say she is losing ground even now

    Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating – Polls – HuffPost Pollster

    Bad, Bad, Bad Poll Numbers for Hillary This Weekend | National Review

    Hillary Clinton’s Support Erodes in National Poll

    Clinton’s lead over Sanders shrinks as her edge over GOP [she never had an edge over GOP]

    Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers signal trouble ahead – POLITICO

  2. Still waitinf for you to notice that putin runs the world and is bombing like crazy in syria and winning fast the way the US doesnt, and so is negating obama, the US, and more..

    i know… i know…
    only black lives matter
    then only women matter
    then then… not much else lately

  3. Your final paragraph is right on: Hillary has a good start on the race despite the fact that she is dishonest, incompetent and unlikeable. And Bill is going out on the campaign trail for her starting this week. He too is dishonest and incompetent, but he is very likable and will help turn out more votes for her.

    But the race is not over. The Russians continue to stir the pot in the middle east and will likely do something eventually to shame Obama totally. When that happens Hillary will either have to disassociate herself from Obama, losing some of the minority vote, or double down (again) on poor policy, losing some of the Jewish vote. It just doesn’t seem possible that things can continue to fall her way. Something has to happen that will show her up for the incompetent she is.

  4. Should i point out that both Hlllary and Fiorina are mostly the same and both have the same kind of solution for this russian thing which would start WWIV?

    Clinton and Fiorina push no-fly zone for Syria
    Hillary echoes Carly Fiorina: I’d impose a no-fly zone
    Carly Fiorina: It’s time for the U.S. to impose a no-fly zone

    vote either way, you get the same outcome
    they both serve socialism, communism, etc

    see Entryism (Trostky)… apply it to fiorina…

    Clueless Carly Fiorina Would Create A NO-FLY Zone [since hillary copied fiorina is it clueless raised to the 2nd power?]

    and they say: shoot down russian planes if needed..

    yeah… at least with those warmongers we were safer as they were not stupid enough to actually go toe to toe with russia outright… (even during isreali war)..

    you have US planes shooting down Russian planes and then your going to have a fun time figuring out if the bombers with nuclear weapons that keep making runs at the US, UK, etc. will actually open their doors.. and leave a deposit.

  5. “Artfldgr Says:
    October 5th, 2015 at 1:34 pm
    Still waitinf for you to notice that putin runs the world and is bombing like crazy in syria ”

    Pull up your pants and quit sucking on the crazy man’s crack pipe. Thanks.

  6. Artfldgr:

    What on earth are you talking about?

    You’re waiting for me to notice Syria and Putin?

    Only women matter? Only black lives matter?

    Are you by any chance commenting on the wrong blog?

    On Putin, see these, and most recently this, as well as this and this, among many others.

    You are losing your credibility.

  7. These days whenever I see a comment beginning: “Artfldgr Says”

    I keep thinking of the Bob Dylan line from Tombstone Blues: ““Tell me great hero, but please make it brief
    Is there a hole for me to get sick in?””

  8. Neo: I’m not terribly surprised that Biden is polling well, even before announcing his candidacy. His numbers will drop when he starts opening his mouth more.

  9. Regarding polls:

    Barry Farber, when his radio program was still on around here, commented about the Polling Industry being the only major industry that doesn’t have some sort of regulatory body oversight. Good point. Polling questions can be skewed, polled groups can be cherry-picked, there’s many ways to get the poll results you want.

    And if not, you can always lie. Just be consistent in your lies.

  10. The Biden candidacy (if and when it happens) is in essence a Democrat-e phenomenon: analogous to what has come to be called the GOP-e, “e” denoting elite or establishment. Just as there is a lot of GOP-e out there, albeit certainly not on this forum, there is a lot of Democrat-e.

    These are people, I suggest, who just can’t go whole hog for the admitted socialist: some can’t admit to themselves that they really *are* socialist, some fear Bernie Sanders is unelectable, some are genuinely more centrist than left, and some come equipped with some other explanation.

    It’s encouraging in a way, sez me, that there are substantial numbers of Democrat-e who are looking for someone other than Queen Hillary to be their standard-bearer. It suggests that at some point, some Democrat-e will actually forego gender considerations and Clinton Cult membership.

    (Certainly, I am overlooking Biden’s shortcomings, but to the Democrat-e looking at Biden, those pale in comparison to Hillary’s. Can’t hardly argue with that, folks.)

  11. In order to vote for Hillary one must ignore one of the biggest breaches in our history of our national security and the whole “Clinton Cash” scheme.

  12. The Wall Street Journal has a hit-piece on Carson today. It belongs right in there with the hits against him being a Seventh Day Adventist (evolution, creation).
    Funny thing is no anti-Carson piece has pointed out that SDAs are vegetarian. That might improve his standing with eco-fringy Democrats.

  13. With the SNL Hillary-fest on Saturday night, yesterday’s WAPO hit piece on Carly and today’s WSJ hit on Carson, one gets the sense that a coordinated campaign has been launched in Hillaryland, supported by the MSM. Maybe they’ve all just been waiting for the right moment, e.g., the opportunity GOP brainiac Kevin McCarthy gave them with his Benghazi Committee gaffe?

    It’s been seemingly non-stop ever since…

  14. ” in order to elect a Democratic woman to the highest office in the land and to continue the wonderful policies we’ve come to know under Barack Obama.”

    This is why they like Hilary. This is why they even like Bernie. They want to ‘make history’ again, but this time electing the first woman POTUS.

  15. Zombies do what they are told to do and think and say.

    What, did people think they were living in a republic or something? Maybe a democracy too?

    Nope, this is closer to an oligarchy and a slave plantation system.

  16. “an awful lot of yellow dog Democrats out there, an awful lot of people willing to brush off the serious problems with Clinton’s personality, mendacity, performance, history, and evasiveness”

    There is only one thing a Democrat can do that will harm him or her with the Democrat voters — hurt the cause, harm the party’s grasp of power. They do not care about anything else. Not murder, manslaughter, rape, treason, corruption, lawlessness, lies, perjury, obstruction of justice, theft, bribery, abuse of power …. not anything.

    They don’t even care if liberal pet causes get shafted — feminism and sexual harassment, the welfare of poor blacks etc. (as long as the shaftings do not cause a loss of voter support that hurts the hold on power).

    They will vote for Ted Kennedy, the Clintons, Obama, Hastings, Marion Barry, the Fords, Reid, Gore, Edwards … the list goes on forever. They don’t care. They don’t believe in law, ethics, morality, or basic honesty.

    The only rule is win.

  17. The Democrats have been like what Stain described since around 1830+.

    It’s why Southerners were programmed to obey the Democrats in CW 1, Jim Crow, and all the other policies that hurt Southerners.

    It wasn’t until Reagan that Southerners began openly breaking with the Democrat mind control program. Before then, admitting to voting Republican is like a homo right now admitting they like Republicans and conservative culture. It’s considered apostasy.

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