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Don’t blame the Swedes — 18 Comments

  1. the best for trump was today after the emmys last night…
    Donald Trump Turns Emmy Snark To Campaign Advantage
    “It’s sort of amazing when you think of it – you’re watching television, you’re watching the Emmys, and your name is mentioned,” he simpered to the Fox & Friends gang.

    “Is the president going to defend me because last night during the Emmy awards people said things about me?” he asked, rhetorically, moving to NBC’s Today Show. “Is the president going to hold a news conference and defend me? I don’t think so.”

    Among those “vicious shots”:

    Host Adam Samberg opened his monologue, saying “Donald Trump is running for president, to the delight of uncles everywhere. I’ve got to say, sure, Donald Trump seems racist. (Pause) Let’s see, what else?”

    Veep’s pretend VPOTUS, Julia Louis-Dreyfus brought up the reality-TV star running for the White House when she accepted her best comedy actress win, quoting her character as having said, “What a great honor it must be for you to honor me tonight,” then correcting herself with, “Oh, sorry, Donald Trump said that.” She added, “It’s getting trickier and trickier to satirize this stuff.”

    And the Inside Amy Schumer writing team had their heads badly shopped into Trump photo ops while an equally cheesy fake Trump voice ticked off their names in the best variety-series writing race.

    and on jfk now… released this month

    CIA confirmed Oswald contacted Cubans, Soviets before assassination, memo shows

    Three days after President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, U.S. intelligence officials told President Lyndon Johnson that they had confirmed that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had recently traveled to Mexico City to visit both the Cuban and Soviet embassies, according to a half-century-old briefing memo declassified Wednesday.

    Oswald’s travel plans were revealed in an unprecedented declassification and release by the CIA of thousands of presidential daily briefings from the 1960s. …

    According to the Nov. 25, 1963, briefing, Oswald – a former U.S. Marine who defected to the Soviet Union in 1959 [he returned to the USA in 1962] – visited both the Cuban and Soviet embassies on Sept. 28, 1963.

    “He was trying, we are told, to arrange for visas so that he could travel to the USSR via Havana,” the briefing reads.

    Oswald returned to the U.S. on October 3, according to the briefing.

    On Nov. 22, 1963, Oswald shot Kennedy with a sniper rifle as the president was traveling in an open-air motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas.


  2. I want to remind you of a story that emerged in the aftermath of 9/11, because it demonstrates something about how people process information they’re given. When the first of the Twin Towers collapsed, or so the story went, there was a man standing on the roof. As the building went down, the man “surfed the building to the ground” and walked away. This circulated for a couple of days and was widely accepted as true.

    But of course, it wasn’t true. No one can “surf” a building more than 100 stories to the ground and walk away. It’s absurd on its face, and once it was revealed as baloney, people who believed it felt like morons. But at a time when something has happened that no one could have quite imagined, your entire frame of reference for what’s real and what’s possible gets thrown into question. You become open to suggestions that you would never have considered because you’re simply not sure what to believe.

  3. Yes, it was important to the press to convince the American people that Oswald was some combination of troubled and Right Wing (He’d been a Marine! He had a gun! It was in Texas!), and no one would have thought a Norwegian angle would help.

    Ion Pacepa, the highest-ranking defector from the USSR, relates that the KGB openly took credit among the other secret police for inspiring and assisting Oswald. Perhaps they exaggerated their own importance, but that was their story.

  4. The Left attributes all the mass murders to conservatives because the Left knows that they are the ones producing serial killers.

    It’s been kept in the dark for generations now, but since the rate of expression is increasing, people will figure out the lie and deception sooner or later. Maybe after they’re dead, but still.

  5. The vile perpetrators of the savage gang-rape of a middle-aged Swedish woman on a ferry a few months ago were described in the local press as “Swedish”, when, in fact, all were Somali immigrants, reaping the welfare benefits of the suicidal immigration policy imposed on the inhabitants of Sweden by their evil and delusional left-wing leaders.

  6. Oswald == East Wood …

    Notify Clint immediately.

    Lee Harvey ==> total screwball.

    It’s finally coming out that he had more ‘communications’ with Cuba than previously acknowledged.

    Some have posited that Oswald was attempting to become Fidel’s BBF — so that he could be admitted as a Commie in Cuba.

    Moscow was dullsville, the winters were a nightmare.

  7. j e

    Get a load of this:

    NSFW and from a kookville website — yet the video is straight as is the crime report.

    This crime was a major event in Sweden, quite high profile.

    ( Remember that Norway, Sweden and Denmark are modern city-states. Outside of the capital city there is practically nothing.)


    This gal was hyper liberal and multi-cultural:

    She’s in the music video, linked, wherein she’s mock copulating a member of the vibrant immigrant Muslim community.

    (Sweden is not absorbing Christian Blacks.)

    DNA has linked the perp, photo at bottom, to the atrocity.

    Her death is but a snippet of the Muslim crime wave that has roiled the Nordic nations.Yet their elites are not for shifting course.

    At some point, the inner Viking is going to pop out.

  8. Warning: a little off topic.

    I’ve never read that any of Oswald’s ancestors came from Norway, and I couldn’t find anything with a quick and lazy internet search.

    Anybody have a link?

    Just curious. (Yes, all my family came from Norway late in the 19th century.)

    Contrary to the weeping Norwegian housekeeper, this source (http://tinyurl.com/qy6wevr) describes Oswald’s ancestry like so:

    “On his father’s side, Oswald’s family tree dates back to colonial times. He was a distant cousin of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which explained why his father was named Robert Edward Lee Oswald, and his own name was Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald’s list of noted cousins include President Teddy Roosevelt, who is also a descendant of Joseph Oswald of Scottish origin.

    His mother was a mix of French and German immigrants to Louisiana, many who escaped the reign of terror in the mid 1800s.”

    Of course, this is from the internet, and it’s about Oswald, so who knows. Maybe Oliver Stone is the ghostwriter.

  9. Tens of millions believe the mannish boy is a messiah, Russians asked if only Stalin knew, hippies carried Mao’s little red book, muhammad has inspired billions over the last 1400 years of rape, pillage, and burn; and the beat goes on. People have always believed in things they do not understand. Unfortunately, they vote for their imagined dear leader when allowed to vote at all. Otherwise, they stand in long lines to buy a shriveled head of cabbage because that is their reward from dear leader.

  10. Being a good Norwegian American Badger, I am fairly sure that the Swedes are behind most things.

    Neo, did your cook make good krumkake? My Dad was a superb krumkake maker, but after Dad died, my younger brother, ( actually, my only brother ), made off with the krumkake irons.

  11. Well hello Badger, I see you still get around (as you once observed at Lexs’ place) to most of the places I visit also. 🙂

  12. blert – city-states? Huh? About 10% of the populations of Norway and Sweden are in their capital cities. Plenty of other cities in both countries.

    Denmark, which is smaller, is more like what you describe.

  13. SCOTT the BADGER:

    I don’t remember krumkake, although she might have made it. She was a fabulous cook in every respect. What I remember most about her baking were various kinds of cookies, but especially apple pie and an apple bar/tart. The best.

  14. SCOTT the BADGER:

    A few more things about her. She was one of the most energetic people I’ve ever known, even in her old age. She didn’t walk, she scurried or ran. She went to bed early and got up at dawn, like on the farm where she was raised. Her son was a very successful business executive, and he was upset that she was still “in service.” He would have gladly supported her. But she insisted on working as long as she could. That’s the sort of person she was.

    Because most of her previous work had been on enormous estates with mega-rich people, she also insisted on calling us by titles. I was “Miss Jean” rather than “Jean,” for example, and although this seemed very odd to me, that was what she wanted, and so that was the way it was.

    She was actually an amazing person, and “they don’t make em like they used to” is very apropos for her.

  15. “I’m pretty sure that, had a Muslim immigrant to Sweden been involved in terrorism, the MSM would refer to him/her as ‘a Swedish man/woman.'”

    Of course they would. They have hate speech laws in Sweden that would make it a crime to refer to a Muslim immigrant who commits crimes as a Muslim immigrant.

    People have been arrested in Sweden for telling the truth. For instance it’s still legal in Norway to point out that for years every single rape in Oslo committed by a man unknown to the woman has been committed by Muslim immigrants. At least, the way the source put things it seems there may have been date rapes committed by Norwegians but no random attacks on the streets, in parks, or during home invasions.

    As one prominent Social Democrat put it a few years back, if the debate is going to be about problems with immigrants and refugees, “We don’t want it.” And of course they don’t want it. They are largely responsible for imposing this mass immigration of an unassimilable, hostile population and they did it without debate. Now that everything is blowing up around them the last thing they want is debate. So they have criminalized debate as promoting racial hatred against a particular group. And ordinary citizens and politicians have been informed by the kangaroo courts that truth is no defense.

    So who has made Sweden the rape capital of Europe? According to official sources and the Swedish press “ordinary Swedish men” have somehow developed a penchant for rape.

    And it’s a crime speak the truth. The same process is now taking place in Germany, as Merkel will brook no debate over Muslim mass immigration.

  16. j e said:

    “The vile perpetrators of the savage gang-rape of a middle-aged Swedish woman on a ferry a few months ago were described in the local press as “Swedish”, when, in fact, all were Somali immigrants…”

    Seriously, it would have been a hate speech crime in Sweden to correctly identify the perpetrators as Somali immigrants.

    So, what does everyone imagine will happen when all the hundreds of thousands (soon to be millions) of unaccompanied military aged Muslim men arriving in Europe, and the vast majority of the invaders fit that description, start thinking about “female companionship?”

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