Home » I was thinking…


I was thinking… — 46 Comments

  1. Yes, he played a round and a half of golf this weekend.
    His 230th golf outing since becoming president.

    The Obamas don’t scrimp on “me time,” do they?

  2. Maybe his handlers have told him to dial it back for a bit so they don’t have to arrange an accident.

  3. “See what’s happening in Biden’s family. Be a shame if …..”

    Hey, Rand Paul’s not the only one that gets to be paranoid.

  4. In the rein of the boychild the gop has managed to regain control of congress, a large majority of governors, and an even larger majority of state legislatures. Despite the msm dnc cabal, the ballot box has swung away from the left.

  5. NEO: he may be resting a bit and viewing the fruit of his labors

    he is and hsa been doing more than before, its just they dont want to let you know… and if i let you know, i am haranguing… so you figure it out.. as you certainly dont need someone to inform you of what you miss as you miss nothing..

    let me know what you find…

    i could say a lot, but wont, its a waste of time…

    my aspergers got in the way, i should have remained quiet… its a communication disorder, and so i should not try to communicate…

    given what this is causing in my life, my mother should have afforded herself of the abortion industry and saved everyone a lot of misery…

    people only want me if i am useful (and on their terms never mine), and it seems i have worn out my usefulness again… once i am too annoying being helpful and so on, they start using negative terms and that is my sign to go..

    better to be alone and not bother interacting than deal with the way that this thing makes things… im too old and tired and have no future…

    sorry everyone…
    i can see i have worn out my welcome and will endeavor to stay away…

    I hear things get better when i am not around
    at least no one will be harangued

  6. Arfldgr:

    I know it’s your communication disorder.

    But if no one tells you that you are in fact haranguing people, and that if you would just cut out the haranguing part you’d get a lot better results, that’s not doing you any favors, either.

    I discuss the use my use of the term “haranguing” further here. I don’t know whether you’ve seen it.

  7. Artfldgr:

    As for whether Obama is really “resting” or not, I don’t know whether you read the NOTE that is part of this post. If not, I call your attention to it:

    [NOTE: And yes, I’m well aware that Obama’s doing plenty right now under the radar. He’s not really resting, nor are his supporters. They actually never rest, although they probably sit down now and then.]

  8. EPA now holds sway over tiny, seasonal creeks, and “large” puddles. The eye of Orthanc never sleeps, even when teeing up at the 18th hole.

  9. By ignoring our Constitution, was how he managed to
    effect all the *transformation* maybe if he had campaigned saying the Constitution would be in the WB
    alot of people might have gotten a clue. Of course his sycophant enablers in the MSM made it their duty to cover for him. Never reporting his associations with Ayers & Wright, or his phoney professorship of the US Constitution, no less, at harvard. Many may have assumed if he was a prof of the Constitution he must *love* the document, aha, but not in this case, being mentored by a disgruntled Communist Frank Marshall Davis , a clue too, but ignored by Obama’s
    media groupies.

  10. The lust for power never ends.

    The left wants a Borg society where everyone is controlled at the cellular level, all linked up to hive.

  11. Biden has been invisible for even longer. Shrillary had shut it too, until her run. Yes, yes, noted. The whole giggling gaggle has shut the love ledes down. I hope they are in the bunker, holding on to fictions, fighting the encroaching from the left and the right. Most likely though, they think they can do more harm if they do it without trumpeting their moronic attempts at governing.

    Just as a kid, and then having had to watch over youngers… when it gets quiet is when to check. Quiet is not a good thing, not when plans are known to be intended.

  12. It brings to mind the old movie trope where , just before the Big Bad Thing Happens, someone looks around the peaceful scene and says in foreboding tones, “It’s very quiet around here . . . TOO quiet.”

  13. Art: people tend to get what they give.

    If you’d like to be treated with more appreciation and less criticism, consider leaving some of the constant criticisms and insults out of your own posts and including a little appreciation in them here and there instead. Has it ever once, in all these years, occurred to you to thank Neo for the platform she has patiently provided for your comments and the access she’s given you to her audience — the audience that SHE built, without your help or mine, through the years of daily effort, expense and excellence she has devoted to developing this blog?

    She has treated you with remarkable patience and continued to allow you to comment here, year in and year out, while in return you regularly insult her knowledge and intelligence, criticize her for writing her blog according to her own interests and preferences rather than yours, and condescend to her — and the rest of her commenters — for failing to sufficiently comprehend your superiority. She rarely even responds to your jabs, and when she does, she’s a lot more measured and gentle than most people would be. She has done wonderful things for you and has quietly kept doing them for years. Who would be reading your writing if not for her? Isn’t it about time you recognized that, expressed some thankfulness, and throttled back the nastiness a little? I think if you tried it, you’d find that readers would spend less time criticizing the way you write and more time considering the substance of your posts — which is what you claim to want.

    Try treating others the way you’d like to be treated yourself. It’s an old-fashioned idea, but it’s been known to work.

  14. I wouldn’t call it LABOR. As far as a work ethic goes, he’s more like a mannequin than a president. But his talent for screwing up a country is unsurpassed. Just imagine if he had worked at it.

  15. Mrs Whatsit, 7:51 pm —

    Thank you for saying explicitly and in excruciating detail what has needed saying. (Since I have been unhappy with artfldgr’s posts in the past, and have comented on this forum to that effect, I did not want to be piling on.)

    Especially, but certainly not exclusively, the paragraph beginning, “She has treated you with remarkable patience and continued to allow you to comment here, . . . .”

    Thank you.

    M J R

  16. I can’t help observing that rust never sleeps.

    And Art: Try to absorb what Mrs. Whatsit said: you know she’s right! Sometimes your stuff is quite astute (especially when it’s to the point and brief) but try to cool it with the invective and complaints.

  17. They have been quiet about the biker clubs the police killed using snipers. Is the media allowed to report on that yet?

  18. Isn’t it about time you recognized that, expressed some thankfulness, and throttled back the nastiness a little?

    Maybe people still don’t know this, because they skim over Art’s writings, but Art has pretty much confessed as to what his issue is. And no, it’s not Asp, which is mentioned a lot, by all kinds of people.

    Here’s a brief history of what he told us.

    1. Art works for Leftists, radical feminists, nazi fems.
    2. Art works with Leftist co workers that puts him in a closet and locks the door from the outside.

    3. Art is kept working for his masters by the threat of his pension being cut.
    4. Art cannot criticize the Leftists, because the last time he started a blog to do that, the Leftists (like his co workers) found out and came to his house to do what you expect.
    5. Art cannot be allowed to criticize anyone in real life, because most people in real life can manipulate or control him, so it is too painful.
    6. So without anyone to criticize or talk to, he has to criticize and talk down to people on the internet, where it is safe. Where he knows it is safe, because we aren’t like the Leftists even though he calls us Leftists at times.

    If people still can’t figure out why he behaves as he does here, then that’s their problem.

    It’s plenty enough for an analyst to figure out what the ‘human’ in this problem is all about. And no, it isn’t about Asp, or verbal\mental diarrhea.

    Also, an argument between Ymar and Art years ago centered around whether someone reading a book can become as good as the author. Based around the example of military texts. I stated that a person cannot become a military genius or competent tactician merely by reading Sun Tzu’s works or Clausewitz. Art believed that merely reading about something, equaled to being a master at doing it. Perhaps Art, in comparison to his Leftist co workers and bosses, is much more competent at doing things because he reads stuff his fellows refuse to read. But when contrasted with people who are equal to Art’s intellectual capabilities, when contrasted with people superior to Art’s physical and emotional capabilities, that system breaks down. It becomes unpredictable. There are people who cannot become good merely by reading a book that says how to be good.

    People at the bottom tend to overestimate their capabilities, such as the retard in Ivy Academics thinking they are smarter than conservatives like Palin or Bush II. People at the top tend to underestimate their abilities because they think everyone else is like them, capable of transforming theory into action. But the issue here is that Art does both things at the same time. There’s no way we can get Leftists to prove to him that he is overestimating himself because he probably is much more competent at things than his Leftist fellows. For being a Leftist, they are already downgraded 50% of their IQ already.

    Things get complicated later on, so I’ll end it here. For now.

  19. Ymar, I’m well aware of Art’s history, or at least the versions of it that he’s chosen to tell here. While it may explain some of his weirder behavior, in no way does it excuse anything about the way he treats Neo. History, Asperger’s, whatever – he’s every bit as responsible for himself, his actions and his treatment of others as he expects others to be for themselves.

  20. he’s every bit as responsible for himself

    I made a similar point to him after GB criticized Art’s answer to GB about quantum mechanics or FTL. So my post wasn’t for disagreement purposes. A lot of it was in response to how Neo deals with Art, prioritizing the Asp or communication issues over the displacement or projection issues. It’s not like a psychologist is unable to see it being used. It should be easy to read people like a book or at least possible, even with the internet suppressing 90% of the bandwidth and communication speed.

    I gave a test before to see if he wanted to change. He didn’t, thus he failed the test. Without changing himself, I don’t see how anything will change behavior wise. People will still criticize others based on their self perceived notions of what righteousness is and what good writing is all about. It means about as much as it convinces. So basically, if a person wanted to change himself by now… they would have.

  21. Well, there’s this: “Obama Administration Moving Forward with New Gun Regulations”:

    “The Justice Department plans to move forward this year with more than a dozen new gun-related regulations, according to list of rules the agency has proposed to enact before the end of the Obama administration.

    The regulations range from new restrictions on high-powered pistols to gun storage requirements. Chief among them is a renewed effort to keep guns out of the hands of people who are mentally unstable or have been convicted of domestic abuse.

    The new rules, The Hill, continues, are aimed at expanding the number of people who will be banned from owning a gun:

    The Justice Department plans to issue new rules expanding criteria for people who do not qualify for gun ownership, according to the recently released Unified Agenda, which is a list of rules that federal agencies are developing.

    Some of the rules come in response to President Obama’s call to reduce gun violence in the wake of Sandy Hook. He issued 23 executive actions shortly after the shooting aimed at keeping guns away from dangerous people, and some of those items remain incomplete.

    The “dangerous people” may include “a person who spanked his kid, or yelled at his wife, or slapped her husband,” warned Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Gun Owners of America.

    In addition to these “dangerous people” who cannot be trusted with a gun, the Obama administration seeks to include anyone who has ever had any problems with depression, anxiety, or even seen a psychologist. Considering the popularity of “seeing a shrink” and the over-prescription of antidepressants and other mood-enhancing drugs, this is a potentially sweeping change that will affect tens of millions of Americans.


  22. Yes, he’s quiet all right.

    And people are right to ask, “So what’s cooking?”

    As mentioned above, it’ll soon bes open war on legal, law-abiding gun owners.

    And then there’s this:

    The problem is, of course, that the Middle East “issue” is not proportional. That is, lots of Arabs and Moslems and Christians are being killed.

    But not enough Jews.

    Yes, it’s morally and criminally unproportional. And something has to be done about it.

    But there’s one other essential factor:

    There are simply too many Jewish States in the world today.

    And this is the most important problem-to-be-solved in our time. Maybe even more important than Global Warming….

  23. My impression is Artfldgr holds an idealized image of Neo and with that, in combination with whatever other characteristics may impel his frustrated expression, overestimates Neo and expects more from her than what her niche is here.

    His frustration may also reveal a view of Neo’s blog as more than a platform where he can air his take in the comments for Neo’s audience, but as a proxy for himself, so when she doesn’t pick up on his comments that are equipped more than enough to outfit series of posts by Neo, the disappointment is personal.

    That’s not a put-down of Neo. She is who she is, a commentator, not an activist. Neo calibrates her take on her blog with her own guidelines for her own reasons, which is enough to bring us here to read and comment.

    On balance, the content of Artfldgr’s comments enriches Neo’s blog and his desire to make a difference is a good impulse. An important and needed impulse from many more people. Placing his take on public view is better than keeping it to himself.

    But Neo and her audience by and large are not activist, so his efforts here are unlikely to yield the greater effect he desires and commensurate with his investment in his comments.

    To gain better than the frustration of crying Cassandra, Artfldgr needs to find and join with activists who will apply his input to compete in the only social cultural/political game there is.

  24. Fausta,

    One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. It’s simply a matter of perspective, and in the Narrative contest for the zeitgeist of the activist game, narrative is elective truth.

  25. Frankly, I don’t know how Potus could be constrain his narcissism and be persuaded to avoid the podium — but it’s good politics to let the right beat themselves up and let HRC look like the heir apparent.

  26. Mark30339: “I don’t know how Potus could be … persuaded to avoid the podium – but it’s good politics to let the right beat themselves up”

    The Republican candidates are not acting in a vacuum. They’re abiding by the Left-activist shaped setting. The general will of We The People is a function of activism. The Left is superior at activism, dominant to the degree that the Republican candidates have stipulated the enemy’s Iraq narrative, which has generational implications for American policy and politics.

    President Obama is not self-made. He has never done the work by himself. In 2008 and 2012, he didn’t want it or fight for the White House more than his Republican opponents. Obama’s political success has been largely a product of the Left activist social movement.

    Adjusting fire for the moment while Left activists do teamwork in other aspects is merely MO.

    As always, the solution isn’t found in the GOP. They’re trapped in the Left activist frame and need the people of the Right to do their part to reset the frame.

    The solution, as always, is the people of the Right organizing as a competitive Right activist social movement that reaches beyond electoral politics. The problem is the people of the Right tend to limit their vision to electoral politics and reflexively project their duty on the GOP to do the fundamentally activist tasks that the people of the Right must do themselves in order for the GOP to act properly in turn.

  27. C6loq:

    Bill Clinton was black, Obama’s Jewish, and I’m the Queen of Sheba.

  28. Bill Clinton was black, Obama’s Jewish, and I’m the Queen of Sheba.

    Twice reelected … I’m not sure to call these voters … specially the Jewish ones. There must be some choice yiddish word … commie bastards will do for the moment.

  29. Fausta, it’s to pave the way for Democrat child molestors to go to Cuba for the service.

  30. “…how relatively quiet Obama has been lately in terms of news.”

    Sure, but whether it’s Michelle or his bureaucratic minions, there’s always something appalling or outrageous or offensive or unconstitutional or something else. I’ve stopped caring and busy myself with my escape from the sinking ship I used to admire and love the most.


    President Obama divulges that for all intents and purposes, he is basicall Jewish.

    That would indeed explain why he has been making himself scarce over the past several days.

    File under: Sweet pain.

  32. G6loq:

    You can choose from this list.

    Too good! I met them all and they met me.

    Obviously all of that theater’s been going on for a while. We know know and there are no more excuses.

    I blame the voters.

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