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Public opinion polls comparing the Republican candidates… — 25 Comments

  1. I have to be very, very honest and say I am pessimistic and down hearted about the prospect of a Republican winning the presidency.

  2. Look, if the political news isn’t about Hillary Clinton falling down drunk on a railroad spike or Obama bursting into flame I don’t care.

  3. @ Janetoo, then I guess you re ok with a dem picking the next SCOTUS justice ! & filling all the federal judgeships out there ! Cool!

  4. I would like to announce that i am throwing my hat in the ring, and becoming the 243 republican candidate for president…

    i guess they cant throw the game with a bad selection, so now they will throw it by dilution…

  5. Molly NH, Janetoo says only that she is “pessimistic and down hearted about the prospect of a Republican winning the presidency” — not that she is hoping for “a Republican winning the presidency.”

    There is a world of difference between being “pessimistic and down hearted”, and hoping that that which causes one to be “pessimistic and down hearted” comes to pass.

    Why am I bothering to write this reply? — because I, too, am “pessimistic and down hearted about the prospect of a Republican winning the presidency,” because I am being realistic. I am in NO WAY “ok with a dem picking the next SCOTUS justice ! & filling all the federal judgeships out there “, but I realistically project that that is the most likely scenario. I wish it were not.

    As I tirelessly remind any who might listen, Hillary! will have legions of dead people and illegal people voting for her, and in exactly the needed electoral vote states. That hardly means I am “ok with” that. I’m not “ok with” that.

    But I sure am “pessimistic and down hearted about the prospect” of anything other than that coming to pass.

  6. Opps on second thought @Janetoo are you saying you despair that any Republican can win….
    or that you would not want to see one elected ?
    If you are that down you must be from a blue state.

  7. @Molly…oh how I wish it were so. Sure, in a sane world Hillary would have no chance, and then also neither would have Obama. But, 50% of the population has drunk the Kool-Aid, and the Dems only need a few swing states to reach the golden number of electoral votes as they already have something like 75% sewn up with no effort at all.

    I think Hillary is running a brilliant campaign: why do anything when you are guaranteed 75% success already in the electoral College? Why answer questions that could hurt you? Just sit back, and let the election happen. We have become a one party nation, at least in terms of the Presidency.

  8. Molly

    Cmon guys you need to get a new perspective…
    Hillary is toxic she has too much baggage to win

    Racketeering Suit Brought Against Clintons

    Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have been hit with a racketeering lawsuit in Florida court.

    The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state. …

    The racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO, case alleges the former first couple and their family philanthropy traded political favors for donations or generous speaking fees for Bill Clinton while his wife was the nation’s chief diplomat.

    “Negotiations by email about influencing U.S. foreign policy or U.S. Government actions to benefit donors to … The Clinton Foundation or sponsors of speaking engagements would not be captured on a U.S. Government email account because her emails would not be with a U.S. Government official,” Klayman said in court documents obtained by the Washington Examiner.

    “Hillary Clinton deleted 32,000 email messages from her email server that included her communications arranging, negotiating, and agreeing upon speaking engagements by Bill Clinton in return for large speaking fees and donations to The Clinton Foundation,” the documents, dated May 20, said

  9. Molly – I am sickend by the thought of a Hillary Clinton presidency. What I meant was this: I feel like Hillary will win by as much as Obama in his elections. I fear the presidency will be won by a democrat going forward. If that sounds like I have given up – that may be so. It does not change my beliefs. But, I look at it realistically. I hope to be surprised. but I don’t count on it. Sorry you misunstood me.

  10. Hey, I’m one of the biggest pessimists that comments here. And we may indeed have to get used to saying President Clinton, again. Fortunately though, Hillary Clinton is no Barack Obama. The media can try to carry her over the line, but they can’t keep her from sounding like nails on a chalkboard. There will be a lot fewer people turning off the TV, resting their joint in the ashtray, and getting up off the sofa to go vote for Hill. So, we got that going for us.

  11. Waiting for the moment when the Republican “Debates” look like the set of Hollywood Squares.

  12. Waiting for the day when a warrior with the strong heart of Palin and the mental wizardly of Gingrich throws down the gaunlet and starts metaphorically slitting msm throats. Defying the lackeys of the msm with wit and just anger is the way.

  13. sorry Janetoo , I read too fast, you re in the despair category, but come on they never thought they d get the shellacking they got in November 2014 !!!
    We can do this again, people !

  14. Hillary Clinton must be defeated.

    She is a criminal.

    Any one who votes for her has a very serious character flaw.

  15. There’s still the 20 million and probably 30-40 million fake votes people have avoided talking about, which the Democrats have available in reserve.

  16. I hope that the republican candidates who don’t make the top few will bow out gracefully and become a part of he team. I hope the others will try to include them in the team (except for Trump and Paul) and emphasize that their main differences are in priorities, not principles or specific issues.

    And I wish someone would ask Hillary how much they could make renting out the Clinton bedroom.

  17. expat: exactly.

    We don’t need this many Republican candidates, but each in their own way, they each have a role to play. They can all help.

    My wish is that, at some Republican debate or other, one of the candidates will say: “Look, I think I’d make a better President than the other people here. If I didn’t think that, I wouldn’t be running. Nonetheless, I think ANY of us would be miles better than anyone the Democrats have to offer. Folks, do you agree with me on this? Could I see a show of hands, please?”

    If desired, such a statement could continue into specifics. “All of us here are committed to keeping America great and making America greater. None of us destroyed government e-mails, or defied a federal subpoena to produce them. None of us are responsible for the death of a U.S. Ambassador. None of us have sold government influence, or gotten rich from dictators’ contributions to a Foundation slush fund. Heck, none of us embarrassed America by giving Russia a misspelled reset button! If any of those things are important to you, then please, do your country a favor and vote Republican in November 2016. ANY of us would be much better for the country than the person who did ALL of those things.”

  18. The Left knows that if Republicans joined a coalition of the willing, they would be in trouble.

    So if Ted Cruz became vice President, Palin Secretary of Energy, Bolton Sec of State, and a whole bunch of other semi candidates filled the cabinet slot, there’s no way the Left can demonize all of them effectively. Not without skeletons in the closet ready to burst right out.

    Which is why the Left’s strategy has a reserve in place for such a scenario, one in which people don’t know about.

  19. The Left already constitutes an alliance. That’s why John Fing Kerry is still in power in DC, even though they failed to use him to beat Bush.

    The Left pools their entire resources together, against you. While anti Leftists sit around with their thumbs in their eyes talking about who is going to take the Imperial Throne of the US Presidency, stabbing out each other’s eyes for the pot of gold which won’t last long once they are isolated against the Left’s war machine.

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