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Testing, testing… — 12 Comments

  1. Same goes for Dzhokhar and Tamerlane. Plenty of red flags but bureaucratic ineptitude incubates mass murder. And then there is Nidal Hasan. Meanwhile, the tea party presents the greatest terrorist threat.

  2. .. and the hospitals don’t think it’s important when a patient in the ER comes from Liberia.

    We are in the best of hands.

  3. When you think it could not be worse, scratch the surface for more details. There is always something left to shock.

    Bill Clinton rationalizing his pass on assassinating Bin Laden literally minutes before the planes hit the towers. The nearly insignificant portion of the prewar German population comprised of Jews. DDT applied in disease abatement not with crop dusters but by spraying walls inside houses.

  4. Years ago I saw an interview with an airport employee who thought at the time that Atta fit the profile of an Arab terrorist.

    Now here’s the amazing part; The employee was still embarrassed for “profiling”, even though the profiling was correct.

  5. I interview people for a living. It’s normally a straightforward question and answer process, and the interviewer knows the answers being sought. Anyone who has a job has been through this process. It’s routine.

    Where it stops being routine is when certain red flags go up, and those flags often depend on the perceptions of the interviewer. And more often than not, the clues are nonverbal and involuntary.

    I interviewed a man three different times as he applied for benefits; each time he told me that his benefits closed while he was “down south at his mother’s funeral”. Really? Three times? OK, dude, you’re mom’s actually Count Dracula; take some garlic with you the next time.

    But seriously, it was the guy’s nonverbal clues that gave everything away. He was smiling in a crooked way, and his eyes were defiant. That told the story. Nonverbally he said “I’m lying, you know it and I know it, but you can’t do anything about it!” And he was right.

    The airport employee (or it might have been a vehicle rental employee) who briefly interviewed Mohammed Atta noted two things–his eyes looked absolutely dead; no life in them. Although he conducted himself normally, she was frightened by him. As well she should have been. I probably would have been if I had the misfortune of interviewing him. People can learn how to lie convincingly with words, but their body and face will give them away. Only the real pros or complete nuts can convincingly control all three….

  6. If you rely on the authorities or organizations to save you, you’re already half dead.

  7. Meanwhile, the tea party presents the greatest terrorist threat.

    Tyrants have been known to be paranoid and fearful of competent generals. They tend to lose their heads to such, you see.

  8. American “citizens” that expect their government to take care of them, protect them, feed them, and health care them, are already well on the way to slavery. Serfdom they passed decades ago.

    The individual protects themselves, by themselves, first and foremost. For a citizen that seeks to change his nation or protect his nation, must first protect himself. If they cannot kill their personal enemies, they sure shouldn’t be in charge of killing the nation’s enemies.

  9. Ben Affleck, in this (complete video of the argument) clip, shows the Disease of Denial (and the emotions that go with it) that has tied our hands:


    Now, Bill Maher and Sam Harris score some definite points: I wish they had just cited poll after poll after survey after statistic, and buried Affleck and Kristoff (the latter is really despicable, he’s somewhat brighter than the actor, but idiotically and slanderously equated Christians and Muslims’ public behavior).

    It was good to hear the audience giving Maher some applause for telling the truth.

    This argument, BTW, has been excerpted in the usual lying-weasels fashion by the Ministry of Truth types to show Affleck scoring a supposed point on Maher, and of course scissoring out any effective points by Maher. That is then shown to the sheeple as “the debate” that Affleck “won.”

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