Home » I’m really really…


I’m really really… — 13 Comments

  1. I am with you! I am sick of all the stupid memes that people post on their social media pages with the comment “TRUTH!”. The poster usually never checks on any of the dumb says they post for actual truth and they don’t want to hear if what they post is actually false. I immediately go past anything from the “I F&cking Love Science” site and really roll my eyes at anything that shows Neil Degrasse Tyson as part of the meme. That liar is not truth worthy at all.

    Hey!! I feel better too! 🙂

  2. I don’t know about anyone else, but if I am not given a glass of water and a menu within 5 minutes I’m back on the sidewalk 10 seconds later.

  3. Opps, are you all shaming me over my Green Tea Health tip??? I wrote, it was *if* you were interested .
    (hangs head like beagle puppy)

  4. I wrote, it was *if* you were interested .

    *pats head*

    It’s okay. Neo was just prescient, often times.

  5. I hope those “generous” people didn’t hurt themselves by patting their own backs so hard.

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