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Dallas’ patient zero… — 19 Comments

  1. Richard Fernandez nails it again: http://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/

    What is required is a return to science and truth telling, and a move away from superstition.

    You can imagine who is into lies and bad science and shamanistic superstition.

    I cannot be said often enough, and until the monsters are defeated I will not stop saying it: The biggest threat to humanity on the planet today is the liberal in your neighborhood and even family now because those are the very ones who voted for Obama and for all of the Democrats Nationally, Statewide, locally.

    People in America will die, have died, because they don’t care about Americans. They care about votes. Keeping a secure border is the last thing they want. That keeps votes out. If letting votes in means letting diseases and killers in too – they say “tough”.

    Keeping people poor and dependent is in their interests. They pay people to stay poor and people sign up for it. Poverty leads to illness, misery, death,violence. They do not care. I am starting tho think they prefer the whole sadistic angle of it.

    Always the hope is that reality will reign these people in. I doubt it but it is possible I suppose. Rather I think they will need a greater force – the voices and actions of their better neighbors to stop them from winning even a dog-catchers seat in any election on anything anytime anywhere.

    Impossible? So is civilization unless you do it. We may be finding out how impossible civilization really is if we let the Savages-Next-Door continue on.

  2. On a purely human level, I can sympathize with his desperation to get to the U.S., knowing as he did that his chances of survival in Liberia were nil.

    And I can imagine there are many more like him in those African countries stricken with ebola. Those who have contacts in the West, and the means, are probably doing their best to get out of there.

  3. Ann:


    They must be desperate to get out. And some probably have heard that treatment is much better here.

  4. I wish to add one more thing to the ‘blame’ menu. when the missionaries were infected, the first response of the US was to have them come to the US and be treated, and that was successful. that sets up in peoples minds in the infected area the preconception that if they can get to the promised land they can be saved, but if they stay where they are, they will die in a few days. this means that the bringing back of an infected person has a more subtle danger than just the idea that it will escape from them and hit the public. it sets up the idea that somewhere out there, there is a place where you can be saved. and the US, despite the admonishments of obama as a negative place one cant be proud of, is famous for not being cold hearted and sending sick people home. quite the contrary. lets call it the baseball effect, if they can get to home base, they might be called safe. given the desperate actions people can and will take, this subtlety is much much more dangerous than the surface cargo cult notion that what the dangers are are what is in front of you. in this case, it was the establishment of a potential safe haven that is infinitely more dangerous for setting up in the minds of the people there, a place to run to, sick or not.

  5. “The biggest threat to humanity on the planet today is the liberal in your neighborhood and even family …”

    If that is overstated, it’s not by much. With only the barest touch of imagination you can anticipate them working themselves into a frenzy wherever they electronically collect right now.

    They will, we know – because we have seen it all before – avidly monitor what non-liberals are saying for the slightest hint of an indifference to their fate; or better yet, some touch of expressed Schadenfreude.

    And, invariably, after witnessing some conservative’s or libertarian’s sardonic laughter at the predictable consequences of liberal scheming and self-destructiveness, they will hurriedly dress in their victim robes and occupy themselves with choral denunciations of conservative brutality and selfishness and unfeeling.

    They will shout to each other that certain people, people like me for example, would be just as happy as not, if the molesting left were biologically hoist on its own petard, and we “Neanderthals” could subsequently shrug off the yoke of the collectivist minded other by means of some natural as opposed to political intervention.

    And given that they will never, and cannot ever back off of their own volition, and finally let those who don’t need or want what they produce in the same desperate way they need what we produce, they would I must for my own part only admit, be right.

    The collectivist left could die in the gutters for all I would care if the contagion would strike them alone. Which partly explains I reckon their never-ending focus on making sure that the necessary distance is difficult if not impossible to realize.

  6. I was at a family dinner party a couple of months ago. One of the topics beings discussed with the people at the table was Donald Trump’s comment on not letting those with the Ebola virus in the States (specifically Duncan). Some of the people around the table said “How ignorant of him!” since they believed that US should treat him — being that the country has the resources & faculty to treat such a sickness. In their minds not letting Duncan back into the States would be like not letting your child in the house when it’s negative degrees outside. I thought to myself “You’re using ignorant in the wrong context.” And these were nurses, so it was a bit sad (but the food made up for it).

    I wanted to say “Er, and if it spreads? This is the US we’re talking about. Population of more than 300+million. How to deal with population panic? You’re going to risk the health of an entire nation, let alone the city of Atlanta, all for “our duty to serve & be compassionate” for one guy who was fully aware of his health?”

    Who’s “ignorant” now? Ain’t Trump.

  7. So they’re (understandably) desperate to get to the US and our government is doing nothing to stop the. Encouraging them, actually, given the open border/DHS escort to the city of your choice program and extended the deferred deportation policy for illegals here from Liberia.
    It’s hard not to see malice in how Obama is handling this.

  8. “The biggest threat to humanity on the planet today is the liberal in your neighborhood and even family …” Mike

    “If that is overstated, it’s not by much.” DNW

    It’s not only overstated, it’s substantially inaccurate.

    “According to a new Pew Research Center study, only 40 percent of consistently liberal Americans say they often feel proud to be Americans.”

    That finding, along with “just 40% of Solid Liberals, say the phrase “honor and duty are my core values” and that, it “applies well to them” reveals that 40% of ‘solid liberals’ are the duped and indoctrinated low-info voters who actually support traditional classical liberal values… the other 60% of ‘solid liberals’ are the Marxist/Progressives of whom Mike and yourself speak.

    When reality arrives and the consequences of the left’s policies under Obama are no longer deniable (ala Chris Matthews), a lot of that 60% are going to turn on the left because for many, survival trumps ideology… or are we just going to kill them all and let God sort it out?

  9. Geoffrey Britain: a lot of that 60% are going to turn on the left because for many…

    and that is why they endeavor to prevent the counter revolution – and why the persons of such are to be feared as conversion brings zealotry. This is why these people end up in a poor way, they are the scaffolding of the project being built. once its built they are not needed, and they can see what it is they have been building compared to the rhetoric that inspired the building, which is why they are prevented. this is a process, and so, the results are not unknown.

    oh… and they have no idea its survival, they only know that they have been betrayed. that they have been running the wrong way, and what they wanted was the other way.

  10. Note the actual events are resembling a hollyweird horror flick:

    Dallas Ebola Patient VOMITED WILDLY Outside Apartment On Way to Hospital

    Two days after he was sent home from a Dallas hospital, the man who is the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was seen vomiting on the ground outside an apartment complex as he was bundled into an ambulance.


    United Airlines scrambles to alert HUNDREDS of passengers who came in contract with Ebola patient as it is revealed he entered U.S. at Washington Dulles before flying to Dallas

    U.S. officials had previously refused to provide details of his itinerary, claiming none of his fellow passengers were at risk because he was not showing symptoms at that time.

    He left September 19 from Monrovia, Liberia, and flew to Brussels. From Brussels, he caught a United Airlines flight to the U.S.



    Officials: Second person being monitored for Ebola

    Health officials are closely monitoring a possible second Ebola patient who had close contact with the first person to be diagnosed in the U.S.

    “Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents: The fact that we have one confirmed case, there may be another case that is a close associate with this particular patient,” he said. “So this is real. There should be a concern, but it’s contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment.”


    the process seems to consist of telling the public that the next step is rare and nigh impossible, then when it happens, move to speak as to the next step. a panic scares them more than the disease currently does. Bottom Line: the administration and its leaders in the various connected organizations under the federal policy makers, really screwed up with their policy. their policy did not function to meet the situation and its outcome (intent is a guess).

  11. artfldgr,

    A pandemic is NOT something that Obama is going to be able to explain away or once again, claim that others are responsible. Not when it starts killing liberals. Chris Matthews isn’t the only one getting nervous. Obama’s poll numbers are way down among soccer moms, one of his strongest demographics, over a few ISIS beheadings.

    If children start dying of ebola (God forbid) the political roof is going to blow off the country. Even rope-a-dope Obama isn’t going to escape the fallout because he’ll be ground zero for the blame. When the repercussions are catastrophic, there’s no avoiding that buck landing on his desk.

  12. Children are already being sold to child molestors by CPS in Texas. Has the rope a dope failed for Democrats there? No. The whole point of being in a death cult is atonement through suffering. Dying is sort of the point.

  13. Consider this. Mr. Duncan is wealthy enough to buy a ticket to the USA and has a visa to enter the USA (Which requires that you do not intend to stay and have sufficient funds to return). Ebola is not limited to remote villages in Liberia but has spread to cities with middle and upper class victims. The control of this will be difficult at best

  14. ” Geoffrey Britain Says:
    October 1st, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    “The biggest threat to humanity on the planet today is the liberal in your neighborhood and even family …” Mike

    “If that is overstated, it’s not by much.” DNW

    It’s not only overstated, it’s substantially inaccurate.

    “According to a new Pew Research Center study, only 40 percent of consistently liberal Americans say they often feel proud to be Americans.”

    That finding, along with “just 40% of Solid Liberals, say the phrase “honor and duty are my core values” and that, it “applies well to them” reveals that 40% of ‘solid liberals’ are the duped and indoctrinated low-info voters who actually support traditional classical liberal values… the other 60% of ‘solid liberals’ are the Marxist/Progressives of whom Mike and yourself speak.

    When reality arrives and the consequences of the left’s policies under Obama are no longer deniable (ala Chris Matthews), a lot of that 60% are going to turn on the left because for many, survival trumps ideology… or are we just going to kill them all and let God sort it out?”

    1. I don’t intend to kill anybody. I am content to let them smash their faces on the brick wall they are well aware they are racing toward. The only surprise in store for them is when I refuse to physically cushion their landing with some personally self-sacrificial act. If some third party tries to coerce that kind of insane “altruism” out of me, or those who I actually care about, then the scenario you allude to will have arrived, but not by my doing.

    2. Frankly I don’t have much sympathy for 11th hour conversions, although most of us have some element of that in our personalities. Let them then pound on the gate begging for asylum all they like, as the barbarian tide they have been enabling, and even part of, roars up to engulf them.

    Frankly, I’ve had all I can stand of humans who have reduced themselves to nuzzling, snuffling, appetite things …

  15. a lot of that 60% are going to turn on the left because for many, survival trumps ideology

    Why don’t 60% of moderate Muslims turn on the radicals? Because they won’t want to get beheaded or raped. Same will apply when the Left shows their true colors.

    The Left is all nice and equal if you are a member… but the moment you are declared an apostate or heretic, you’ll be trash to them. To some humans, social rejection and social violence, feels worse than physical death or violence. Stockholme Syndrome, hypnosis regression for fabrication child molestation memories, and battered women have been experimented on to this end to no end.

  16. Frankly, I’ve had all I can stand of humans who have reduced themselves to nuzzling, snuffling, appetite things …

    Those aren’t humans, they are livestock. Humans feel guilt and rightfully so for hurting other humans. That’s not part of the social compact.

    But livestock are routinely killed for humanity’s benefit. And the Left does not merely raise livestock out of human stock, but they are enemies of humanity. Their destruction is a benefit to the Race.

  17. Questions.

    1. Woman in TX is described as Duncan’s partner but he is a Liberian citizen who had a job there. He did get a visa to come to this country, but what is up with her and the kids? Illegals?

    2. What is the cost of a plane ticket from Liberia to TX?

    3. Does Duncan have insurance? Who pays?

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