Home » California’s Obamacare network woes continue


California’s Obamacare network woes continue — 30 Comments

  1. The federal gov’t is nearing breakdown, and so are those of the States which mimic them:

    “The Tribune’s “Broken Bonds” highlighted the city’s habit – both under former Mayor Richard M. Daley and Emanuel – of kicking its debt obligations down the road, at a higher cost to future generations.”


    And Wall Street, the unintended victim of bubblehood, because there has been no other place to place money?

    And money printing making the dollar and therefore every other currency unknown along with the end of “quantitative easing?”


    It has its own pace, a pace quite slower than normal life, but economic earthquake will occur when the faults are there. And they are there.

  2. Neo: “I’m not sure what it would take to pry her loose from it.”

    To start with, she would have to be persuaded the problems are features, not merely bugs to be ironed out.

    The Dems defense is the problems are normal start-up issues – merely teething, growing pains – and when ironed out, the promise will be fulfilled and everyone complaining about it now will be made out to be petty, short-sighted jackasses.

    Therefore, it’s not enough only to point out problems as they happen. Such news ought to be coupled with explanations that the problems are symptomatic of a fundamentally harmful law.

  3. The people that believed the Obama propaganda aren’t about to admit they were fools. It would be too embarassing to admit they were conned, especially when those awful Republicans were telling them it was con game.

  4. “I’m not sure what it would take to pry her loose from it.”

    Some relevant thoughts on the matter;

    “The capacity of the human mind for swallowing nonsense has never yet been plumbed.” R.A. Heinlein

    “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill

    “Political ideas that have dominated the public mind for decades cannot be refuted through rational arguments. They must run their course in life and cannot collapse otherwise than in great catastrophe…” Ludwig von Mises

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  5. Ray and Eric observations are true and combined present the iron lock on the 47% changing. Besides their obvious self interest (which can last only as long as the bird in front can fly), “pros” (short for progressives) cannot admit to the “proles” (ironic how that title applies now to the “middle class” since the impoverished live life better) they have been duped.

  6. Tut tut. Progressives really don’t live life better because work is a good, generally, and those who work are happier and better than those who don’t. And the best “worker” of them all is a Mother and following close is the Father.

  7. Boo hoo hoo.
    Mark Steyn read this letter on the air today, and quite appropriately said that if you were stupid enough to vote for it (given all the predictions and warnings), you deserve what you get.
    Or don’t get, as the case may be. As everyone here has pointed out, these people and a large percentage of Americans expected to get free health care, and it never refused to listen to anyone that they would have to pay for it, or that it would ruin the existing system.
    They were “waiting for King Barack to wave his magic sceptor” … and delcare free health care for all.
    I am already tired of hearing their sob stories, and if anyone tells me one of theirs personally, I will have no problem pointing out the same truth to them, and I encourage everyone to do the same instead of trying to reason with them or understand them. They’re suffering from terminal stupidity, and no health care plan or doctor can cure them of it.
    Instead of wondering what kind of mental gymnastics these people put themselves through and giving the benefit of the doubt that they were duped, I suggest treating them like villiage idiots, because there is no hope for them. They may be able to do all sorts of things for a living that would seem to make them intelligent beings, but when it comes to understanding government, it’s purpose, and understanding the men who love to govern, they are hopelessly stupid people.

  8. Pathetic! She thought she’d get more care for less money (or the cheap grace of being “for” a program that makes the wealthy pay for the uninsured) and now she’s shocked the deal was too good to be true. Hard to feel sympathy for someone who helped bring this fate upon all of us, not just herself. Think she cares if one of my elderly parents is given palliative care instead of treatment thanks to Obamacare?

    She’ll probably still be wishing Obama could swoop in and save her on her death bed (if only he knew, of course). I do wonder who she blames for her situation, if not Obama.

  9. The problem with treating them like village idiots is that there is usually one or two village idiots!

    But here we are faced with a problem more like the tea party in revolutionary times. About one third were tea party, about one third were loyal to the King, and about one third watched.

    It happily happened that the one third which were the tea party were property owners, educated for the free market and against tyranny, mostly religious but tolerant to a degree, and most of all, self-reliant.

    In our time, that one third is not as self-reliant or resilient against gov’t oppression. In effect, the tea party is not tea party enough.

  10. I am thoroughly sick of listening to people who voted Obama – TWICE! – now whine about their problems getting care for their problems. Yes, you dopes – you were warned.

    And I am still smarting from a member of my online writers group, who went off on a Facebook rant, telling me I ought to be ashamed for posting a ‘like’ on a link about a story which soberly outlined some of the dangers in implementing Obamacare. Basically, I was a horrible person – not wanting the uninsured to have medical care! Eleventy!!!

    I was so disappointed in this reaction – it was so over the top, and he was a writer that I had previously thought well of, and had contributed interesting things to the group.

    Well, another good reason for me to keep my author persona separate from my political-blogging persona.

  11. Mr. Frank: please don’t hold your breath while you are waiting. We don’t want to lose you

  12. The lede of today’s NYT editorial:
    “A new report found that by reducing the number of full-time workers over a decade, the health care law will have a liberating impact for millions.”

    Liberation! Freedom! Reminds me of the old Kristofferson song, “Freedom’s just another name for nothing’s left to lose.”

    My hat’s off to Rosenthal and the NYT editorialists. They are able to make some amazing sh*t up. I would like to liberate them myself.

  13. For this dolt I say: Xin loi… go dance nude in a cactus patch, you’ll at least have something to show for it

  14. To be honest? I hope a lot of fucking people die for what they voted to encourage. While I am a disbeliever in evolution, I do believe in the Darwin Awards. Cheers. Hell, double cheers!

  15. “You can’t cheat an honest man.” — W. C. Fields

    Meanwhile, the lead propaganda story on Yahoo News [sic] today was this: “Why this millennial quit his 6-figure job and gave away most of his possessions”

    Why? “Joshua Fields Millburn, who at age 27 became the youngest director of operations at a large telecom company in the Midwest, had been asked to craft a plan to close eight retail stores and terminate 41 workers. But when he handed the report to his boss in early 2011, it included 42 names. At the top of the list he’d written his own.”

    So business is tanking, 8 stores have to be closed, but don’t worry, Comrades! IT’S ALL GOOD!

    Because life without a high-paying job is SO much less stressful! because you can spend more time picking that lint out of your navel, hanging with your kids in the dollar stores, etc.!

    The Yahoo ‘Mouth of Obama’ ends with this: “Ask yourself how your life might be better if you owned fewer material possessions.”

    Could they BE any more obvious? The commenters aren’t buying this hogwash, tho: they’re chiming in with “I had to downsize my life AGAINST my will thanks to this president’s policies/Obamacare etc.”

  16. “The Dems defense is the problems are normal start-up issues — merely teething, growing pains — and when ironed out, the promise will be fulfilled and everyone complaining about it now will be made out to be petty, short-sighted jackasses.”

    And for this woman I hope her comfort DOES NOT occur in the grave but it might.

    Them darned unintended consequences sure are an inconvenient thang and………. racist!

  17. Beverly, I saw that story. I’ve read about him before, and he is one of those people who had his life (marriage, etc.) crashing around him and found his lifestyle too much to handle.

    He is a minimalist now – not a pushy one. I’m sure that Yahoo is running that (old) story now because it’s a “get out of the ratrace” idea; but it’s not the same as “live simply” because you’re living on less than $20K a year.

  18. I’m with waitforit (3:04) on this.

    I think there may be a sharp economic downturn before November. More unemployment, etc.
    But with stocks tanking, at least inequality will be lessened, eh comrades?

    The potemkin village of an “improving economy” will be a tough sell by then.

  19. She’s not alone.

    I think your post was truncated when it got published. The complete sentence should obviously have read:

    “She’s not alone in being a complete idiot.”

    Being a fan of something that doesn’t work and has the complete opposite effect of what was promised is a sign of stupidity.

  20. ” Her belief in Obamacare and in Obama himself is quite intact, and I’m not sure what it would take to pry her loose from it.

    She’s not alone. ”

    Hey……. These morons still believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming and are clueless why AGW proponents have now changed its label to “Climate Change”. They also believed that “Hope” and “Change” were specific strategies for a better future. BRAIN DEAD, all!!

  21. This lady is gonna die because of Obama and she’s gonna think she deserves it. That’s how brainwashed these people are. They are going to think “well everyone has to die sometime, and at least now everyone has insurance.” Or something like that. Don’t mean to be negative but they are all beyond hope. (I used to be in their world, I know how they are.)

  22. Curious placename, Aliso Viejo. Turns out it is in Orange County., CA, is prosperous, with median household income 2007 of $92,000.

    The trouble with Ms. Nelson’s diagnosis is that nonHodgkin lymphoma can be quite expensive to treat at state-of-art level, but if so done can be curative or extend survival to 10yrs or more if not curative.

    There is no free lunch, Ms Nelson. What goes around comes around. She is now a hostage to Obamacare so is naturally emotionally invested in it.

  23. “I’m a complete fan of the Affordable Care Act, but now I can’t sleep at night,” Nelson said. “I can’t imagine this is how President Obama wanted it to happen.”

    Am I a bad person because this doesn’t bother me?

  24. Obama, Pelosi, Reid will soon correct the flaw in Obamacare that lets doctors choose patients.

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