Home » Obama: with friends like these


Obama: with friends like these — 21 Comments

  1. Although Obama isn’t Scotish, the word Bannockburn comes to mind. Considered the turning point of Scottish independence, it still took a number of years to accomplish.

  2. I think it is hilarious. Bill Clinton is calling Obama a liar and Carter is calling him incompetent. You know he’s in trouble when that happens.

  3. Much as I deplore Clinton, I enjoy imagining the moment when he decided to make his move on Obama.

  4. neo…

    I take exception with the idea that Bill cheated on his wife.

    They had an open marriage — from day one. She’s bi-sexual, and had been quite busy in her own way.

    Her bi-sexuality was an open secret even back in her college youth.

    It’s also the motivation for Bill to chase tail far and wide.

    It’s on the record: Bill has proclaimed his wife a lesbian, see Huma Weiner.


    We haven’t seen the rest of the dirt piling up at the Pink House. Nixon looked untouchable — and then it was all over.

    There are going to be simply no end of scandals in the next twelve months — if not the outbreak of atomic warfare in the Middle East.

    The bankruptcy of a presidency is like that of a major corporation. It goes downhill slowly, slowly, then it picks up speed, then it collapses into the abyss.

    Only the insiders have any inkling as to just how perverted the leadership is.

    I give you Hitlerite Germany and Stalinist Russia. In both cases the general public — and most of the military — was kept in the dark.

    We too, live in a collective bubble of babble provided by much more practiced merchants than Dr. Goebbels. They, like him, see themselves as essential warders of the state — the status quo/ big government.

    Thusly, a fusion, a group-think, that spans the talking shops across the land. Only a few renegades (Rush) punch through their narrative shield. Indeed, they’re self convinced of their own spew.


    Lest we forget, I called the revolt days before it happened.

    Check the record.

  5. There is nothing Clinton, or Obama, or even any Republican Pol can do at this point to hurt or help Obama.

    This one, at this point, is 100% down to the American People. If they are still a good people, they will never forgive this lying sack of you know what.

    If they are already as corrupted as they may well be, Obama is barely nicked.

    It’s a mortal question concentrated on the electorate.

    Has been from the beginning.

    We are about to find out what America is truly made of.

  6. blert:

    Note I did not say that Bill cheated on his wife. I chose my words very carefully and wrote, “breaking his commitment to his marriage,” and “unfaithful husband.” I was emphasizing his role as husband and his commitment to the institution of marriage and his own vows, not to Hillary per se.

    However, I knew people who knew Bill and Hillary back in their law school days and at the time it was a very real and more conventional relationship. How long that lasted I don’t know, and certainly by the time of Monica it was almost certainly pretty much played out, but I believe that earlier on Hillary was hurt by his philandering.

  7. @blert “I take exception with the idea that Bill cheated on his wife.

    They had an open marriage – from day one. She’s bi-sexual, and had been quite busy in her own way.

    Her bi-sexuality was an open secret even back in her college youth.

    It’s also the motivation for Bill to chase tail far and wide.

    It’s on the record: Bill has proclaimed his wife a lesbian, see Huma Weiner.”

    Not suer of the facts of the case, but…if the Clinton’s both say that they have a “open marriage” and therefore cannot be said to have cheated, does that mean they have not in fact cheated.

    If that is the case then the institution of marriage is not an institution at all.

    There are roughly 20,000 years of human history that say otherwise.

    But against Bill Clinton!!!! what is all of human history?

    Bill knows he did wrong. So does Hill. Everyone does.

    In the words of our master Obama…Period.

    There is a good book on the subject of morality (marriage being inherently a moral project) called “Things We Can’t Not Know” by some some philosopher at U. Texas.

  8. blert:

    Also, by the way, I know bisexual people who are nevertheless faithful to each other.

    Whatever personal arrangement the Clintons may have made about fidelity, and at whatever point in their marriage they made it, they were married in a religious (Methodist) ceremony by a minister, and those are the vows and the commitment I’m talking about.

    I know about all the Huma Abedin rumors. But where is the link to Bill saying that about Hillary? You didn’t provide one, and I can’t find a link to him ever saying that (plus, wouldn’t he avoid saying that for political reasons?). Jennifer Flowers said he told her that, but I don’t consider that an especially objective or unimpeachable source, to say the least.

  9. neo…

    I omitted his exact wording because it’s so ‘blue.’

    It’s anything but polite.

    IIRC, he made the claim to one of his sexual targets… who wanted to know why he was ‘wandering.’


    Found it.^^^^

    Read the reviews, they’re a hoot.

    “Excellent book. Gennifer asked Bill is Hillary a lesbian. His very graphic answer – Hillary has been with more women than I have!

    Hillary also had affairs with Webb Hubbell (Chelsea is the offspring according to Clinton insiders) and Vince Foster, who was her emotional husband.”

    “Then there is this jewel. Gennifer asks Bill, is Hillary a lesbian? Wild Bill’s answer:

    She’s probably eaten more _____ than I have.
    [Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.42]

  10. @Mike

    “If they [Americans] are already as corrupted as they may well be, Obama is barely nicked.”

    I think the American voter may be less corrupt and less virtuous than we’d like to believe. The truth is, they are self-centered. Since this law will hit them in their own pocketbook, now they care. Not exactly the most morally-based reaction, huh?
    But then, maybe that was always the case and we’re the ones that need adjustment.

  11. My earliest intel on her lesbian streak came in 1993….

    A business acquaintance started dishing on her — big time.

    She informed me that she was in the same classes with her when undergrads — and what an active player she was!

    The facial expression was intense — and the implication was that Hillary had come on to her. The rest of the details were NOT for mixed company.

    She expressed additional disgust that the national media was burying this hot story. That included the National Inquirer.

    She had other extremely nasty things to say, turning on Hill’s ultra snappy, bad temper.

    This was the first account I had of which we are all now aware of. She has a FLAMING temper — as does Al Gore. Neither should be allowed near the button.

    The Secret Service men regarded those details as punishment duty.

    She was, and is, a total control freak. She reputedly insisted that the White House detail Marines look down and away when ever she passed!

    There’s a WICKED parallel from history. Adolf insisted that his personal SS body guard never be seen. Hence, their absence from all period photos for the ‘casual hours.’

    Further, Adolf used, exclusively, homosexuals for that detail! We learned all of this from just one of those guys — captured during the race across France — who spilled the beans to Allied intelligence. This zany reality was only revealed in the last three years! It had been held classified until the 21st Century!

    Evil minds think alike. Both Adolf and Hillery have terrible self images. Based on the one, who would wish for the other?

  12. I remember during Bill’s tenure that the really bad scandals seemed to have Hillary’s fingerprints on them.

    Bill was a good-old-boy player who liked the ladies. He just wanted some lovin’.
    Hillary was the petty, vindictive one.

  13. Monica’s luva has the survival instincts of a Machiavelli mind and the heart of a Crocidodile. He knew exactly what and how to say it, smiling as the blade entered the belly. How to be a Frenemy and influence people. Toot sweet, he put Hilary out of range (he thinks) of the stink of ObamaCare and on to 16 to save the Liberal cause. Now they will sit back and watch the cannibalistic frenzy. Did anyone SEE Hilary anywhere lately? She and Crazy Grandpa Joe are being hidden away for different reasons but their absence is glaring. Remember Bill said something like “A few years ago and Obama would be getting us our coffee.”?? I can smell the contempt and bitterness of a Narciccistic rival and they recognize each other.Mizzpants said it well. But I’d like to see his face NOW, as he licks his chops and laughs his evil laugh and says GOTTCHA!

  14. That it took an infamous and brazen liar to point out to the an even bigger liar he had been cornered by it is interesting. Obama’s Achilles Heel is he’s got no sense of when the lie is no longer effective and when to bail out. Without the hand of the master, he would have kept spinning more and more ridiculous versions of what he “really” said, while the endless video loops continued to humiliate him. Like the old John Lovitz character on Saturday Night Live, the phrase “yeah! That’s the ticket” was not far from being a reality.
    But there’s another thing that should be obvious to voters, meaning it won’t be. Given the opportunity to do the right thing themselves to repeal that part of the law or fix it, the Democrats in danger of losing their seats complained and grumbled and dithered. They would not act on their own to do the right thing, no matter how bad the situation for the people who have been affected. Caught between their fear of voter retribution and party loyalty, the cannot act without cover. They need the upstanding and honest Bill Clinton to point the way. Sure, those “brave” moderates like Joe Manchin looked for a camera to stand in front of and to SAY the right things, but nothing stopped him or others from acting and doing, except fear they would be left out on a limb and isolated by their party.
    Makes you wonder what event or amount of suffering, or how many people need to be hurt before men like this not to put themselves first.

  15. It seemed pretty obvious that Bill Clinton responded on the Obama lie to make sure he’s out front distancing Hillary from this debacle, in hopes of a 2016 run and also as one of the old, respected party faithful, who has the gravitas to speak out publicly and everyone takes notice. More than likely, many SOS phone calls started pouring in to the Clintons from concerned Dem movers and shakers, worried about this Obama PR tsunami poised to swallow up the entire Democratic Party. If it’s one thing you count on the Clintons to do well, it’s damage assessment and control.

  16. Southpaw…

    What we’re witnessing is ‘political totalitarianism.’

    Note how the NSA has been revealed to have been bugging the cloakrooms on the Hill. (!)

    The MSM is in hand because of implicit and explicit threats to their livelihoods, freedoms, if not lives.

    Lest not forget the recent hacked flame-wreck that shut down one nosy reporter!

    That was on a par with Putin using Po 210.

    Both assassinations deliberately evidenced state ordered liquidations to protect the big man — and no one else.

    Vendetta and murder, what a classic pair of tyrants.

  17. @southpaw

    “Makes you wonder what event or amount of suffering, or how many people need to be hurt before men like this not to put themselves first.”

    Politicians will always put themselves first. The question is: when will voters put themselves first? Only when that happens will politicians care about the people.

  18. You might also say that voters were putting themselves first when they voted to give themselves “free” stuff. The politicians dutifully obeyed.
    Only when the people discovered that “free” stuff costs a lot did they start changing their tune.

    I don’t bemoan the dislocation that’s occuring. It was necessary.
    What we’re all seeing is the education of America.

  19. I don’t believe the American people will be educated much. At least, not so long as the Left’s disinformation and mind control propaganda exists.

    After the 1st Civil War, Democrats controlled the South socially, culturally, politically, and economically. This led to such poverty that equality of incomes and living standards didn’t equalize under WWII.

    The “South” didn’t learn anything before WWII and after Reconstruction. All they knew was the war was started by and the fault of Republicans like Lincoln and other Northerners. The South were Democrat slaves for several generations.

    Suffering, war, economic collapse? The South had all of it. What did they learn though?

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