Home » The Times on its Putin op-ed


The <i>Times</i> on its Putin op-ed — 8 Comments

  1. Well, I suppose that a Communist with an opinion (Putin) is sometimes viewed more favorably than a Communist who constantly vacillates (Obama).

  2. On the specific subject of dissing Americans’ belief in their own exceptionalism, to me, Putin is tweaking the amateur-in-chief’s nose, knowingly shoving the latter’s own past words down his throat. I’m referring to the a-i-c’s speech at the NATO Summit in Strasbourg, France, in 2009:

    “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”

    Now, the a-i-c wants to appeal to Americans’ sense of their exceptionalism, and Putin is in the a-i-c’s face about it. I for one am happy that *someone* prominent is finally showing up the a-i-c. But my happiness is tempered by the fact that it takes an utter lout like Putin to do it and have the citizenry-at-large take notice, at least a larger-than-usual portion of the citizenry-at-large.

    But that’s the name of the 2013 game. Get someone to write an op-ed in the Noo Yawk Times for you, and the Times’ readers (and the mainstream-fed citizenry) will take notice — except that, if, for example, even if Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin could get printed in the Noo Yawk Times, they’re easily dismissed as wingnuts (or just plain nuts).

    Is our USA diminished as well? I have to say yes, and I’m not happy about *that*, but it’s been being diminished for years by the a-i-c administration’s antics. We’re naked out there, the emperor has no clothes anyway.

    The mainstream media’s filter works on the American citizenry, but it’s of no effect at all when it comes to the world’s citizenry. They’ve been laughing at us ever since they realized what a buffoon the a-i-c actually is. No more Greek columns and soaring speeches, that’s for sure. No one faints at his events any more.

    Anyway, for this very unusual moment in time, I actually find myself cheering Putin on. I’ll have to petition for forgiveness some other time. Right now, GO POOTIE!

  3. Obama is a far greater danger to America than Putin.

    Never in a million years did I think it would be possible to see a KGB Russian Thug Dictator as a liberator = but if he harms Obama he helps America….and that is just the fact.

    The enemy from outside is like nothing compared to the enemy inside who is Chief Exec and CIC. Putin is not an American, and he wants to defeat us. I don’t consider Obama to be a real American (legally yes, spiritually no) and he wants to defeat us too. He’s got a much better chance than Putin and is already doing amazing damage.

  4. Quick perusal of comments (especially in the NYT) is hardly an indicator of sentiment regarding Putin’s outrageous cheekiness in presenting this op-ed (which the Times lapped up like a dog licking anti-freeze.)

    I think most Americans — those too busy working to take time to read the NYT online and go through the difficulty of making comments — were offended by it, as they should be.

  5. I actually do think it is a good thing that we can hear, indirectly direct so to speak, from world leaders.

    Bush, Sarah Palin, and other people would have benefited more if they had bypassed the gate keepers of information in the beginning.

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