Home » Annals of the acceleration of time: have you noticed…


Annals of the acceleration of time: have you noticed… — 9 Comments

  1. Taking a break between holidays interfers with corporate profits, so we can’t have that. We just notice it less in the summer because the major summertime holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day) are all similarly themed – semi-patrotic cookouts.

    I was in Wal-Mart with the wife the other day, and we were wondering just who in their right mind would want to buy their Halloween pumpkin in the first half of September.

  2. how progressive and antiracist they are….

    after all, to be acultured is to disregard culture

    to not be a racist, in the original sense the way the leaders use it, is to try to hold on to your culture.

    [which makes everyone complaining a racist!]

    just like women dressing sexy, its a race to the bottom when people dont hold their cultural traditions and penalize people for breaking cultural things they like. since that is not allowed, the stores try to be a bit earlier as the marketing advert people are used to looking at these things as fetishes they can exploit, not beloved things we want to keep.

    it was feminism that normalized all this kind of thing
    ie. the breaking of the status quo culture..

    ie. it is men who hold traditions, not women. women have to adapt to the family they enter into (historically), so their desire to hang on to traditions and things that were set up by the partiarchs of the families and shared, is pretty nill.

    heck.. they have basically said that heterosexuality is a plot by which men trick women into families and then enslave them.

    if you think sexual orientation is cultural based

    then skewing holloween, a pseudo religion based holiday, is a big old nothing.

    i bet neo can accept halloween and xmas in august a lot more than having group sex with other women if she is not made up that way…

    and before you s ay that i keep bringing up feminims, feminism is the largest useful idiot army and the most effective it has (as laid out in 1869 by Nechayev).

    i would be like complaining the american army keeps showing up when americans fight… well, the leftist army shows up when they fight, so the army is responsible for what happens (while others are responsible for helping)

    so if heterosexuality is cultural
    and race is cultural (not genetic)
    and the idea is to raze the culture and create a new one from the wreckage

    what makes you think that holidays, especially christian or western ones, and not secular state fake ones (like womens day), would exist in the future?

    ie. why do so many women not get the end project and so oppose the system that upon each new awakening reveals that the things they love are being removed, forbidden, deconstructed, socially forbidden, and they have no power in their lives any more?

  3. Lowes will start breaking out the Christmas stuff around the 1st of October here in Houston. It’s insane to see the Halloween stuff and XMAS stuff out at the same time.

  4. Last week I went to our local Costco and they already had their Christmas items out on the floor, which likely means that if you want to buy any of their better Christmas stuff you had better do it now, because when December rolls around all of the good stuff will be in short supply or gone.

    This kind of crap really ticks me off, just as it does when stores remove all of their seasonal merchandise before even half the current season has elapsed; I am not interested in looking at or buying winter clothes when it is still summer, 90 degrees out, and fall has hardly begun yet.

  5. A local DJ hit the nail on the head about starting things too early. The local oldies staion here in South Central Wisconsin is WOLX. They have gotten into the habit of starting thier Christmas Music 24/7 at the end of the first week in November. Their mornig show is Scott Miller, and his Henchwoman, Heather Moore. Last June 25, as I was driving home from work, ( I am a night watch badger ), Scott Miller goes, ” Good Grief, we are half way to next Christmas!”, and Heather says, ” Yep, we switch formats at 3:00PM”. I was almost afraid to tune in that afternoon. Starting the Christmas music 24/7 in early November kills the season for me. There are only so many secular songs of the season, and you can only hear Jingle Bell Rock so many times, and Bruce Springsteen sing Santa Claus is Coming to Town makes me put a CD in triple fast. Oddly enough, they used to have the best Christmas Music format, they would stick to their usual format, and play something seasonal on the quarters, which was just about right.

  6. Halloween?! Are you kidding me? I wish.

    According to the store decorations and items being stocked (Walmart, Kmart, and the 2 major groceries by me) it is CHRISTMAS!

    I just hope they don’t start with Christmas Carol muzak anytime soon.

    The one grocery store near me always has bins filled with bags of “scented pine cones” that have such a strong smell that my asthma kicks in whenever I am near them. So, I used to avoid that store at Christmas time; this year it looks like I will have to avoid that store for several months now!

  7. Halloween arrived in August in many of the stores I frequent.

    Christmas is arriving now…I have seen fully stocked aisles filled with twinkle lights etc. already.

    By the time Christmas rolls around the spring gardening season will be in full swing.

    I hate it! At least they haven’t started playing Christmas Muzak yet but I suppose it’s cued up and ready to go.

    Not ready for Halloween yet…it’s been hot and humid and feels like south Florida here in my neck of the Northeast.

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