Home » Did the IRS target liberal groups, too?


Did the IRS target liberal groups, too? — 8 Comments

  1. Response to a lib trying this one on is a big, big smile and,
    “Everybody knows better, already, including you.”
    Do not attempt to engage on the facts. They already know the facts and they know they’re lying.
    Big smile: “Everybody knows better, including you.”

  2. Richard Aubrey [above] has it right, especially not attempting to engage on the facts.

    “Facts” for some people are whatever it is convenient to say at the time. As long as someone they trust has put the so-called “facts” in front of them for them to imbibe and parrot, engaging on the facts, as honest people of good will are inclined to do, becomes a fool’s errand.

    (As I instructed my children when they were much younger, anyone who argues with a fool *is* *one*. Or better — but I never encountered this maxim until my children were no longer children — “don’t argue with idiots, you’ll be reduced to their level and get beat on experience.”)

  3. Or to use an old Southern expression: “Don’t wrestle with a pig — you’ll only get muddy, and the pig enjoys it.”

    Speaking of Leftist 501(c)4 corporations — Here’s something to lighten the mood (and lower the tone): at Ace, they posted this hilarious account of a couple of “Free Beacon” reporters who crashed the Nutroots, er, Netroots Nation convention in D.C.


    There were two or three “Coke through the nose” moments in there. Enjoy!

  4. In order to create a more perfect Slave Union, the Left must promote grassroots by Leftist billionaires. The same standard can never be applied to freedom fighters.

    Stop trying to take Away Our Property, is the line one should use as Leftists.

  5. “Nearly everyone appeared to be an activist…”

    I was thinking
    Let me put it on the line
    No one was making
    their rent on time.

    Let me put my thought on line’
    People have lost family
    They are ready to sacrifice everything’
    And give it all to You

  6. When most of your news/information is via sound bites and/or headlines, the left will win each time. If you do not dig deeper and compare many different sources, you will never get to the facts. Too many people pay no attention to what is happening in their City, let alone their State, or Country.

  7. Probably their best talking point is the idea that the extra scrutiny given to conservative groups could not have LEGITIMATELY dampened Republicans’ electoral prospects because groups that were trying to get GOP/Team Party candidates elected weren’t entitled to 501(c)(3) status anyway, by definition.

    Of course this wouldn’t justify targeting conservatives over liberals, but it’s still an interesting argument that raises questions about the policy choices underlying the laws in question.

    Is the whole according of “charitable” tax-exempt status to obviously political groups like “Tea Party” organizations just an arbitrary legal fiction that everyone has come to accept, or is there more to it? To my way of thinking, groups that are out to effectuate political change (as opposed to feeding the hungry, curing the ill, etc.) probably shouldn’t be classified as “charities.” Perhaps political advocacy groups should be tax-exempt, anyway, but they aren’t charities in any traditional sense, I don’t believe.

    Any thoughts on this?

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