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Recommended reading — 5 Comments

  1. I subscribe to the WSJ and Strassel’s columns on this have been brilliant and devastating. She obviously had been following Obama’s seamier side for a long time so when this story broke out she was immediately able to connect the dots and cite numerous instances of Obama’s demonization of and thinly veiled threats made toward his political opponents.

  2. Exactly! Strassel’s always been an astute observer and a wonderful columnist. In my opinion, she is a much greater asset to WSJ than Peggy Noonan, whose columns are often airy and soft

  3. The new normal or otherwise called tyranny.

    (Ohh, and you know what we do to tyrants, right?)

  4. Strassel connects Obama’s remarks about shadowy organizations backed by foreign governments to the activities at IRS quite nicely.

    I now understand Pelosi’s remark about the TEA Party being astro-turfed. They believed, or wanted average middle of the road voters to believe, that the Tea Party activity was all a cleverly funded (astro-turfed) attack by the Koch brothers or other conservative billionaires such as Sheldon Adelson.

    They were also claiming some foreign corporation was funding these groups to make them sound more sinister. It is to laugh. The TEA Party I am involved with is a loosely organized group of 200-300 very middle class people who fund the operation out of our own pockets. We show up at rallies/protests with homemade signs, comfortable shoes, and bottles of water to slake our thirst. (No professionally printed signs, coordinated color T-shirts, or catered food that is typical of SEIU protests.) The average rally lasts about 4-6 hours and consists of waving our signs for passing cars to see and a lot of smiling and hand waving. We especially wave and say thank you to dems who give us the raised middle digit as they drive by. They hate it when their insults are met with good-natured laughing and waving. Out of maybe 10 or so rallies I have been at only one that was covered by the media. (We wanted coverage – they refused.) That was when Rick Larsen, our Congressional Representative, came to town to explain Obamacare. Not surprisingly, the coverage was not favorable to our group. 🙂

    I think the dems were really alarmed by what they saw as a powerful conservative grass roots movement. When they lost so many seats in the 2010 election that was when they decided to use any means to discredit (charges of racism, funding by sinister groups, foreign involvement, etc.) and defund. (Use the IRS to hassle and not give them tax free status.) We are now seeing the results of that. In Chicago it always worked. Maybe not this time.

  5. Noonan is a collaborator. Don’t expect too much there.

    Her leash will be extended or tightened based upon the needs of the Revolution.

    None of the Left’s operations in this country has ever been discovered or curtailed.

    Only the US Constitution, rule of law, and the checks and balances of government restrained them. The people… the people were at the mall talking about new smart phones.

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