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Election symmetry — 17 Comments

  1. What good are election laws if it takes over 5 years to find out something like this? The President of the United States, elected, then re-elected before possible fraud comes to light?

    It is easy to see how much of the electorate is not motivated to come out and vote. As our failed Secretary of State said: “What differance does it make?”

  2. Not to mention the fact that it’s never been proven that Obama was even born in the U.S. to begin with. The PDF birth certificate the White House released awhile back was a transparent forgery. Even *I* could have made a better one. At least I know enough to flatten an Illustrator file before saving it as a PDF. As it was, it was yet another middle finger erected at the American people.

    It should not be the responsibility of skeptics to prove he wasn’t eligible. He never should have been allowed on the ballot, period.

    Then there is the problem of the rampant, endemic vote fraud. From motor voter to same day registration to early voting to vote by mail to lack of ID required, the whole system is a sick joke. It virtually invites fraud.

    We have a Third World voting system here in the United States. Even purple ink on the finger would be a step up, but we can’t even do that much.

  3. Neo
    (see also this post of mine for more information; unfortunately the lengthy 2007 Chicago Tribune article that described it in detail has disappeared from the net).

    It hasn’t disappeared from the net. Its address has changed. You might update your old story to reflect the new URL. This is a problem with Internet references that didn’t occur with hard copy. Once a book is published, its name doesn’t change, nor does its Library of Congress or Dewey Decimal address usually change.

    Last year, when a yellow dog Democrat friend- his vehicle is pasted in several layers with Democrat posters- repeated the then-standard MSM narrative about Herbert Cain’s squeeze, I pointed out that he had voted for Bill Clinton. I added that news about Cain was just another example of Chicago sleaze operating. [Axelrod and the squeeze/victim lived in the same building in Chicago.] Such as unsealing of divorce records to get rid of two Obama opponents in 2004. Such as what happened to Alice Palmer. Of course, the Yellow Dog Democrat was completely unaware of these instances.

    http://www.chicagotribune.com/chi-070403obama-ballot-archive,0,3156264,full.story New URL

    http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/obama/chi-070403obama-ballot-archive,0,5693903.story Old URL

  4. Perhaps the lesson from this is that as Democrats play hardball all the way, the Republicans should respond in kind.

  5. I believed in 2008 that Obama stole the election.

    On one hand, he should be prosecuted. On the other, it’s probably a good thing that we got this fool/knave in the White House now, rather than having to listen to people bleat about him for endless years (like Jesse Jackson, Ron Paul, the various Kennedys, Hillary, and others of those demagogic ilk).

    All signs are pointing to a gigantic crash of our economic system, and let’s hope that it’s under Obama’s watch.

    BTW, I’ve been reading Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics, and he explains very well why politicans will never do the right thing re economic knowledge (i.e. the “pricing” system).

  6. I second rickl’s comment, the electoral process is broken. Every voter should be required to show a current voter registration card and a driver’s license or other form of photo ID. Same day voting laws need to be repealed should be illegal and absentee voting should be severely restricted.

  7. So, the Democrats are not above disenfranchising American citizens. Apparently, old habits die hard. Suddenly, the efforts to address and mitigate the risk which stems from these distortions makes sense.

  8. We woefully, woefully , underestimate the extent of voter fraud going on. All over the country.

  9. I seem to recall seeing a photo from the 1940s of a bunch of good ole boys standing next to a pickup truck with ballot boxes they’d stolen.

    So I found this:

    >>By MARTIN TOLCHIN, Special to The New York Times
    Published: February 11, 1990

    A study of Lyndon B. Johnson provides new evidence that the 36th President stole his first election to the United States Senate, in 1948.

    The book, ”Means of Ascent,” by Robert A. Caro, is the second volume of a projected four-volume study, ”The Years of Lyndon Johnson.” With a first printing of 250,000 copies, it is to be published on March 15 by Knopf, and excerpts have appeared in The New Yorker.

    Mr. Caro maintains that although ballot fraud was common in the late 1940’s in some parts of Texas, the Johnson campaign of 1948 raised it to a new level. Mr. Caro supports his charge with an interview with Luis Salas, an election judge in Jim Wells County who said he acknowledged his role only after all others involved in the theft had died.

    Determined to Win at All Costs

    It has been alleged for years that Johnson captured his Senate seat through fraud, but Mr. Caro goes into great detail to tell how the future President overcame a 20,000-vote deficit to achieve his famous 87-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic runoff primary against a former Governor, Coke Stevenson. A South Texas political boss, George Parr, had manufactured thousands of votes, Mr. Caro found. Johnson died in 1973, Stevenson and Parr in 1975. Mr. Caro says the election showed Johnson’s determination to win at all costs as well as his coolness under fire and his ability to select gifted lieutenants, whom he then manipulated.<<

    Also, if anyone missed it, watch "We Will Not Be Silenced," by Hillary supporters in 2008 after the Obozo juggernaut steamrollered them. They're still in shock.

  10. The following is moot, thanks to Gringo, but just to remind people about it, I’ll mention it anyway —

    Never forget the Wayback Machine.

    I took the link in the old article, plugged it in, and found the original piece:


    There are certainly times and places where you can’t get at something via TWM… but that’s usually because someone was being a dick and told TWM not to keep old stuff.

    The Michael Crichton pieces on his Cal Tech lecture, “Aliens Cause Global Warming”, and the equally significant transcript from his address to Congress about government inability to properly manage ANYTHING (much less “climate”), — using their endless eph-ups at Yellowstone as an example — which were central to his site at one point when he was alive, but now that he’s passed away, have been removed by those who would suppress that notion, are an example. You can still find them but you pretty much have to work at it, and hard.

    But always check the TWM if you can’t find it otherwise.

  11. }}} But always check the TWM if you can’t find it otherwise.

    Yeah. I know. Shush. 😀

  12. Beverly, JFK and RFK knew just how to tee off LBJ: Call him “Landslide Johnson.”

    IIRC, LBJ lost a Senate primary circa ’41-42 due to fraud from his opponent. He then decided to play the game the whole way, which explains his 1948 primary victory over Buck Stevenson. From what I recall from my readings over the years, one cannot be sure that Buck Stevenson had his hands clean, either.

    Which reminds me of George Wallace’s reaction to losing a primary in 1958 to a candidate who had the support of the Klan.Later, Mr. Wallace, in a quotation whose authenticity he long disputed, was recorded as saying that no one ”will ever out out-nigger me again.” Before, George Wallace had earned a reputation as being a Judge who was fair to all races. He had also spoken out against the Klan. Which explains why it wasn’t that hard for Wallace to later apologize. Whatever will gain votes, will do- flip and then flop.

  13. Speaking of elections, there’s a new Cruise in town, and his name ain’t Tom.

    Remember this: SSOTC. Scared Shitless Of Ted Cruz. And they are. I can feel them. They’re out there. Little men doing things on big walls. They’re scared. They’re writing crazy things and trying to pretend they’re not scared. They’re in denial, but here comes that Cruz missile. SSOTC.

    Ted Cruz for President.

  14. Dear President Not-Obama,

    I am a black man. I am writing because you are not Obama. You are not the Obama I voted for in 2008 and in 2012. You can’t be. Because just look at us today. Look at how we are.

    You promised security. There aint no security. Aint no economic security. Ain’t no national security. You promised health care. There’s no health care. Doctor’s disappearing and hospitals leaving the inner cities. Ain’t no health care. Except for all our babies getting killed in the womb. Ain’t nothing except that. You promised racial healing, but the walls just keep getting higher and the slums bigger. Whites just moving further away and we can see the distrust in their eyes. You promised you’d work day and night and stop the income inequality. But all we see you doing is playing golf and sporting with Hollywood, getting rich yourself and forgetting where you came from.

    No. You’re not Obama. Can’t be. If you are, my dream is gone, cause you turned out to be just another huckster and I another sucker.

    And I haven’t got the energy or means to know what to do. But if you see me coming, you’d best just step aside.

  15. sharpie,

    Too bad you bought into racial
    identity politics.

    Owebama’s a book that, while mostly hidden, is still there and partly open to see for those with their eyes open. His hubris and arrogance are well known. His love of killing babies aborted alive by throwing them into a closet alone to die is well known; that he said “God bless you” to the Planned Parenthood murderers confrims that. The Fort Hood shooter was a workplace accident, not jihadi terror. Owebama rushed to judgement in the Trayvon Martin shooting, a strictly local matter, while he demands that we not rush to judgement on the Boston Marathon Bombing terror attack because ‘we don’t know what motivated these fine young lads’. Owebama lied about Sandy Hook to push his anti-gun agenda, rushing to judgement once again, this time on the bodies of dead children. King Putz parties and parties and parties while the American economy continues to sink, even though the Administration jiggles the stats (unemployment is closer to 15% than the official 8% rate). Owebama has an inflated ego to the point of mania. Owebama appoints communists/progressives into positions of power and expects the Senate to roll over for him (and they do). Have you noticed yet that Owebama never answers any direct question with a direct answer? He fillibusters every answer, playing four corner offense in an attempt to run out the clock to avoid answering anything. Fast & Furious? Benghazi? Arab Spring? Drone strikes against Americans without due process, just on the whim of his say-so? {crickets}

    No, Owebama has always been the man you now complain about, you just didn’t notice it because a brother finally got over on whitey. Screw that.

    We have never had a more racist president, and that includes Wilson and L.B. Johnson. You didn’t notice the racism within Owebama’s evil soul because you didn’t want to. But me, and others like me, have been beating the drum about who Owebama really is since 2007, only to be marginalized because calling someone what they are, a communist, is now racist. And those, like yourself, ignored us because we were accused of attacking a black man for the color of his skin, not the (lack of) content of his character.

    Aren’t you so glad Owebama has set race relations back 50 years or more? Owebama is what you get when black people overwhelmingly vote (around 90%) for the black presidential candidate for no other reason than his skin color. The Free Shyt Army are not low information voters; they are ignorant voters without skin in the game, except the taxpayers’ skins who fund their free shyt. And that’s why they voted TWICE for the man who promised to keep giving them their free shyt. Redistribution of wealth, reparations, affirmative action, it doesn’t matter what you call it. It’s still black racism.

  16. Whoopie!!!
    Dont matter, does it???
    I am still wondering how yall missed the constitutiknal change in patent law wigbout votes¡!!!!!!!

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