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Will wonders never cease? — 35 Comments

  1. And I’d bet dollars to donuts that whoever wrote that particular piece is no longer employed! Such defections are not tolerated by the ‘re-election’ campaing.

  2. When Hitler attacked Poland to start WWII in Europe, he had a bunch of Nazis dress up in Polish uniforms and pretend to attack a German radio station near the border. This is called a false flag operation; you stage an atrocity and blame it on your enemy.

    Obama may be enamored of false flag operations. In Fast and Furious, the Obama administration allowed Mexican cartel members to buy automatic weapons. The objective was to make it appear, as Hillary Clinton had previously said, that the violence in Mexico was the result of liberal gun policies in America, thereby providing a rationale for restricting the rights of American gun owners.

    In the latest case, a PAC supporting Obama has run a horrendously evil ad. Obama had every reason to believe that his connection to the ad would be hidden by the media because the media has refused to report on what really happened in Fast and Furious.


    Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads

  3. This piece illustrates Romney’s handicap in this race — he’s a decent guy. Obama is not so fettered.

  4. The two polls generally regarded as the most consistent, from poll-to-poll, are the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll, asking 1,500 “likely” voters, the Gallup Poll, polling 3,050 registered voters. Their 8/9 results, had Romney +4 (Rasmussen) and tied (Gallup). I take heart from these results — especially at this point in the campaign.

  5. There is little to be gotten from election polling data and the greater/wider the electorate — in this case the nation — the less likely it is the data will reflect reality. Add to the equation pollsters and their companies are in most cases of a liberal bent and are not above nobbling the process.

    I’m pretty sure I’d commented on this blog once that Carter and Reagan were, within a week of the election, in a within the margin of error tie in the polls. In the ads of the time, Reagan was the blithering idiot cowboy; people, i.e., liberals, women, and children, were going to die in the streets; and a nuclear conflagration was inevitable. The beat down and humiliating defeat suffered by Carter a week later should not befall a Christian man (but it’s okay for an idiot). Polls are for losers.

  6. effess is right. The most consistently correct polling firms (after the votes are counted in November) are Rasmussen and Gallup. They have the best track record. As artfdlgr notes Romney is now tagged as being associated with El Salvador ‘death squads’. This is in the realm of The Onion. Only the vote democrat or die minority is believes this rot.

    Romney as murderer, Romney as reverse Robin Hood, Romney as school yard bully, Romney as dog torturer, Romney as neck biter, and now Romney as submachine gun toting death squad leader are signs of extreme desperation. Team Obama’s internal polls must be telling them exactly the opposite of the polls highlighted above.

    Romney is a gentleman, but I suspect the gloves will come off after the convention and the campaign will do to BHO what was done to Newt.

  7. This article is simply cover for later Romney bashing articles so NYT can say … HEY we are not prejudice to any candidate.

  8. parker Says:
    August 10th, 2012 at 4:12 pm

    Romney is a gentleman, but I suspect the gloves will come off after the convention and the campaign will do to BHO what was done to Newt.

    He bloody well better. It’s been obvious for a long time that with the Chicago Mafia in charge, this would be one of the nastiest, dirtiest campaigns in American history. It will only go downhill from here. We ain’t seen nothing yet.

    If Romney tries to stay “above the fray” and run a civilized and respectable campaign, he will lose. I don’t want to see McCain II. He’s going to have to get down in the gutter with Obama. This isn’t an election campaign; it’s a street fight, complete with brass knuckles and sucker punches.

  9. It’s become commonplace to ascribe the Obama campaign’s filthy slander to desperation. I beg to differ. I said the other night that I think this strategy is deliberate and is aimed at ignorant, “low information” voters. They may very well end up deciding this election. It is nearly impossible to influence those people with reason and facts. They respond only to pure emotion.

    Further, by depicting Romney as an uncaring, out-of-touch plutocrat, it seeks to depress turnout among white working class and middle class voters. Remember reports from about a year ago saying that Obama isn’t even bothering to woo the white working class? His strategy is to get them to stay home in disgust. He knows they won’t vote for him. He just doesn’t want them to vote for Romney.

    I heard Sean Hannity on the radio this afternoon and he brought up another point. I can’t quote him exactly, but he essentially said that there is a difference between negative advertising and the barrage of lies and slander we’ve been seeing. This will have a corrosive effect on our whole political process. It will cause people to tune out and say, “a pox on both their houses”. It’s yet another example of Obama deliberately inflicting damage on an important part of American society.

  10. rickl,

    MR doesn’t need to get down in the gutter Chicago style. While he should not remain above the fray and should come out with a forceful campaign; it is the pro-MH pacs & the VP who will do the street fighting. IMO Romney does need to be forceful and call BHO out on his ridiculous lies; but at the same time he must appear as the calm and calculated manager who can undo the damage BHO, Pelosi, and Reid have done these past almost 4 years.

    Its the economy stupid and the ‘independents’ are the key. They will be paying attention to one thing, and one thing only, who can reverse the economic death spiral. MR needs to convince these people he can do it. They already know BHO can not.

  11. “Remember reports from about a year ago saying that Obama isn’t even bothering to woo the white working class? His strategy is to get them to stay home in disgust. He knows they won’t vote for him. He just doesn’t want them to vote for Romney.”

    We are going to see a tremendous turn out from the ‘white working class’ and it will not be voting “D”.


    I understand why so many are pessimistic; they are dragged down by the war drums of the MSM. But I think that a majority will turn out because they have observed Toto jerk the curtain and expose the wizard. 2008 was not the real USA. 2010 was the real USA.

    After the election I would like you and I and all regular neo citizens so inclined to meet in Chicago for a few glasses of wine to celebrate. If Romney wins with less than a 2% margin I will foot the bill. At or above 2% I drink free.

    We, America, have survived many debacles and threats, we shall survive BHO. To despair is to be defeated. Think your opponent on the ground gasping for breath. That is the key to victory.

  12. rickl

    I said the other night that I think this strategy is deliberate and is aimed at ignorant, “low information” voters. They may very well end up deciding this election. It is nearly impossible to influence those people with reason and facts. They respond only to pure emotion.

    Sounds plausible to me. One problem with that strategy is that according to the CBS exit polls of the 2008 election, Obama dominated the low-information group- did not complete high school– by 63%-35%. He doesn’t need to convince high school dropouts to vote for him. He already has that demographic sewn up. He just has to convince them to get to the polls.

    His lies may well boomerang among better informed independent voters.


  13. Rasmussen, Schmazzmussen; Gallup, Schmallup. What matters is the vote in key electoral college states. What matters in the vote in electoral college ^swing^ states.

    My best understanding is that in these arenas, Obama’s in pretty decent shape. I would not be surprised — this is ^not^ a prediction, only the innocent airing of a possibility — if Romney is able to eke out a popular vote voctory but lose an electoral college vote. Shades of 2000.

    Except when it comes to getting out the dead and fictitious people vote, Democrats have an insuperable edge based on long experience.

  14. Many here are buying into the MSM/DNC narrative that BHO has the edge; buying into the idea that a majority will see Romney as a submachine gun toting death squad leader. On Main Street the small & mid-sized business owners and their employees are not buying into “you didn’t build that”. The United Mine Workers of America are not buying into “you didn’t build that”. Can the Teamsters be far behind?

    The more outrageous the accusations, the more ridiculous BHO and Debbie the pinhead appear. 2010 was not fluke. BTW, the Allen West as mugger video is wonderful. BHO just lost 5% of the black vote in FL. In the privacy of the voting booth no one is a ‘homey’ and no one is a ‘racist’.

  15. Gringo:

    I wouldn’t conflate low information voters with high school dropouts.

    I dropped out of high school myself, and later passed a GED exam.

    I know college graduates who I would classify as low information voters. If I try to engage them in a political discussion, their eyes glaze over. They don’t want to hear it. They’re content inside their bubble.

  16. Is anyone else sick and tired of hearing about the MSM’s predictable opinions or rare deviations from the narrative?

  17. I agree with Gringo also.

    I just can’t picture the crowd being as excited as they were the first time around.

  18. One of the greatest problems with men of Obama’s ilk is that they never give up – NEVER! They just keep coming at you: high-ball or low-ball, it makes no difference.

    There is much more going on than the lies and slander about MR happening. Obama is trying to buy votes with money give-a-ways, along with ‘getting out the vote’ push in the inner cities. Dead people and dogs are already registered Democrat, and Obama with the DoJ is busy trying to suppress the vote of the military in Ohio. You can bet Eric Holder along with the other Black African socialists are doing everything in their power to disrupt the coming election – pervert the voting process.

    There is also the Obama spies within the Republican party sending data to the Obama Administration. Honestly, getting rid of Obama is like trying to get rid of cockroaches or bedbugs – it’s proving very difficult. Depressing, but if he doesn’t get elected for a 2nd term that means he is still available for another 4 years sometime in the future. I don’t see him fading off into the sunset quietly like Mr. Peanut.

    A false flag operation? It’s possible, but is it probable? I don’t know. The only thing I do believe is that Obama is going to do everything in his power to hold onto his title of POTUS, regardless of his inability to govern. If he is elected there will be nothing to stop his plans to go forth – as a lame duck POTUS, without the ability to get re-elected, he’ll be like a mean dog off the leash. We can wave goodbye to Israel and hello to Muslim Brotherhood. Goodbye freedom, hello tyranny and economical slavery.

  19. The problem with polling is it’s done by people that need this to be a close race. Even republican leaning organisations adhere to this. How else are you going to stay tuned and deem their services of vital importance?

    Obama lost this election a long time ago. Mitt by 7 to 10 points.

  20. People.

    Obama doesn’t even articulate a vision!

    Where is his inspiration or message of here is what I want to do?

    He doesn’t say!

    Other than “raise taxes on the wealthy to pay down the debt” he only tears things down with, “you didn’t built that speeches.

    OK. OK. Hey. I listen to Obama way more than I should. I actually do. His message is very muddled is all I’m saying.

    His message is not inspirational. I don’t understand where anybody is inspired to vote “FOR” him.

  21. Parker and SteveH,

    I couldn’t agree more. I’m expecting (hoping, actually) for a popular vote of 55% Romney to 45% Obama. My astonishment will center around who those 45% willing to vote for their own enslavement is.

    Parker you mention that the white working class will turn out in droves and will NOT be voting D. I agree. In the PA primary this year the undervote in some counties was as high as 30% (undervote = Democrats voting for downticket Dem offices but leave an Obama vote blank even though he was the only choice). I live among this demographic. They’re not saying much but when they do it’s rarely anything complimentary about this administration.

    Obama’s “you didn’t build that” comment was the real Toto curtain-puller for many of them. Any blue collar worker who worked 40+ hrs per week to enjoy a boat on the river or a cabin in the mountains was offended. Obama didn’t just insult business owners. He insulted plumbers, landscapers retail clerks, immigrants who came to this country to “build something;” i.e., he insulted the basic work ethic and the basic work incentive that is ingrained in this country’s citizenry. I actually heard someone say “He’s [Obama’s] trying to take away our electricity. We can’t let him do that.”

    I agree that we’re seeing the result of internal polling that is devastating for Obama and many incumbents.

  22. Paul Ryan is VP? I won’t know how to act with two competent and America loving men at the helm.

  23. I had a weird dream last night that Romney asked me for advice on who he should pick and I blurted out Susana Martinez (governor of NM).

    Paul Ryan? I like him tremendously.

    I wanted to see the Democrat party demonize yet another woman. Idiotic as they are.

  24. Romney/Ryan vs. Boy King/Slow Joe?

    If America doesn’t elect Romney/Ryan I weep for the future of our country.

  25. Tex- I thought the same thing. This is an election that is more about the electorate than the candidates. Are we a nation of adults who value self-reliance and responsibility? Or are we a nation of dependent scared, irresponsible schlubs?

  26. “Tex- I thought the same thing. This is an election that is more about the electorate than the candidates. Are we a nation of adults who value self-reliance and responsibility? Or are we a nation of dependent scared, irresponsible schlubs?”

    Exactly…you hit the nail on the head.

  27. Great comment via iowahawk:
    “Paul Ryan represents Obama’s most horrifying nightmare: math.”

    Also, this six-minute demolition of O-care with O present. Ryan rarely looks down at his notes. No comments needed about Obama’s expression during this tutorial.


  28. LOVE that youtube piece. It is a classic of assertion, evidence, conclusion, smack down.

    My. President, there really is a difference between us.

    Mr. President, you haven’t been listening to the American people.

    Orrin Hatch kind of bugged me staring at Ryan like he did. That is kind of a “lay off Obama” signal when he should have been nodding and supporting Ryan. Putz.

  29. comment from the youtube piece:

    If you lose this November, don’t blame me. Blame the roads I drove on to get to the polling place in my precinct. Thanks.

  30. I listened to an interview by Hugh Hewitt of Mitt from earlier in the week today: Romney repeatedly said that Obama is “an old style Liberal”..!

    Mitt, Focus Please: NO he’s NOT. You assume that, Bubba, and you’re headed for a shipwreck. I don’t for a second think that Paul Ryan believes Obama is anything short of a Radical Leftist. So, I assume that Mr.Romney was shading his own hand. Pound Obama’s LIES. Show the huge store of video of him saying one thing, then doing another. Over & Over.

    Relentlessly pound his actions, non-actions, horrible choices, lies, lies, lies and laziness, moral cowardice, dizzing of allies, treachery towards Israel, 100+ golfing escapes. Days in a row of attendance to work–WORK–in the Oval Office, etc. Take off the gloves and TELL THE TRUTH of the Boy King. Days spent–from month one of his term–on his Perpetual Re-Election PR Blather Tour, days overseas and juxtaposed to attendance to business in the Oval. Shocking hardly states it.

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