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Can’t a cat… — 8 Comments

  1. That’s a real change of events.
    I have an ocicat that tries to kick the door in when I’m sitting on the throne. If the door isn’t completely latched, she will kick it open (she’s got some mean cat-fu.)


  2. My cats prefer privacy when using the litter box. They don’t like being watched, which I have to do once in a while when the vet wants a fecal sample and I need to know which cat left the item in question.

    On the other hand, they seem fascinated by human use of the white porcelain equivalent of the cat box. They haven’t gotten to the stage of kicking the bathroom door open, but they will definitely come in and sit in front of me if I leave the door ajar. I can’t call them Peeping Toms as they are both (spayed) females.

  3. My cat Kira usually comes in the bathroom and sits on the floor next to me when I’m using the facilities.

    which I have to do once in a while when the vet wants a fecal sample and I need to know which cat left the item in question.

    As I understand it, the fecal samples are tested for the presence of parasites. If two or more cats are sharing litterboxes, it’s likely that if one cat has a parasite, they’ll all have it. So it doesn’t much matter which cat the fecal sample comes from. But somebody correct me if I’m wrong.

  4. My cats (2 neutered males, 1 spayed female) are also fascinated by my use of the porcelain. I invariably have an audience for the performance, and if I close the door, they’ll scratch at it and meow (or howl, in one cat’s case) until I open it. They give each other more space when using the litter box, although one of the “boys” will often play-attack the other when the “victim” leaves the box; they both leave the female alone, and she them. And none of them cares if I watch them, which I don’t do unless I have to.

  5. It’s the odor. They just think you are communicating. If they could talk, they would probably give you an analysis of your health better than any doctor.

  6. This would seem to be universal: my boyfriend was cracked up that the two “girls” want to watch his every, er, move.

    This is a good thread to post this, really for the free-association Internet addicts: the Retronaut.

    Click and see: the variety is astonishing, ranging from the 1800s to the present, curiosities and oddities, postcards from Tsarist Russia, time-lapse photos of old Coney Island, you name it.

  7. A few weeks ago, my cat followed me into the bathroom and was sort of wandering around waiting for me to play with her. I tossed he an empty toilet paper roll, and she was delighted. It rolled nicely, made a bit of noise, and her paw fit right in the middle as she wrestled with it. I recommend this as the cheapest cat toy you’ll ever find.

  8. This came in my inbox this morning.

    “All this for a damn flag?”

    The Obamas at the September 11th Memorial ceremony. Just look at the expressions on their faces.

    Lip readers from a school for the deaf read her lips in this video, and this is what she said off-mike.


    Pass it on . . . to everyone. This should end the debate about whether BO means well for our country and is incompetent, or whether he’s acting out of malice — his reaction speaks volumes.

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