Home » If you want to become very, very depressed…


If you want to become very, very depressed… — 17 Comments

  1. The comments are sad, ignorant, and bigoted, no? The preening presumption of higher intelligence makes them even more annoying. But the prevailing atmosphere is common on comment threads at liberal news sources. I find it ironic that the current bigotry and antisemitism is as much a production of radical Jews as of any other group. Some of my Jewish relatives don’t seem to understand how much their liberalism has been hijacked for illiberal causes. The assumptions that underlie their world view are no longer valid, but they haven’t noticed.

  2. Yes, depressing.

    I have an antidote for the depression. It’s Honolulu, August 14, 1945. Everytime I watch it I laugh and smile at the sheer joy. It’s here:

  3. To read the comments is to mentally and intellectually be forced to one’s knees to surrender to despair. It’s no wonder that those not well versed in God in the world have no notion of the evil in it.

  4. It’s Yahoo’s comments section. Like ESPN’s and so many newspapers’ comments areas, it’s less a place for decent and lively interaction and more a sewer for idiots to entertain themselves.

    I’ve actually stopped worrying about general news comments sections years ago. They don’t even reflect the sad state of the average idiot, much less people of actual intelligence.

    If you want decent, reasonably intelligent comments threads, you look in blogs. If you want genuinely intelligent ones, you look in specific blogs. But I no more judge humanity by comments left in Yahoo’s pigpen than I do by the denizens of Occupy tent cities: Their mere presence in either place represents a self-selection out of rationality and intelligent thought.

  5. Thank you for that video, J.J. I have never seen that before–it’s fantastic.

  6. People are stupid and ignorant, but this hardly is news. And this should not be a reason for depression, because there are much more serious flaws in human nature.

  7. yeah?

    we (most men) aren’t the ones who decided to make socialism, declare war on our mates, and repeat that history in ignorance.

    the article tells me nothing i already didnt know and tried to pass on…

    but we have the SAME thing here..
    its just not gelled enough to act yet.
    but note, there it wasn’t till later too

    when are they going to make the same volumes for the Russian persecution?

    why do they not do that?

    More Jews died during World War II in Poland and the western Soviet Union – today’s Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania – than the estimated 1 million gassed in Auschwitz

    and there were so many in Lithuania and the baltics because latvia and other accepted Jewish refugees when the USA would not

    and notice the commenter s only have the soviet socialist belief in how it works

    oh, have nationalist beleif.. simmer, and voila

    but that isnt how it works, or was made. thats how the soviets described it to move you away from a love and respect of your home… which is not the same as nationalism

    i guess now that you have read those comments, you get what i have been saying for years in the absence of such

    ie. they are now angry at the jews for the same disparate impact reasons made normal here by feminists… ie. women who are 50% of the population control less than 50% of [whatever you want to put here]

    the jews in the desert do better than others in the desert. now that they turned barren rock into farms and such,.. they are evil and disparate impact on palestinians.

    the shoa II is well along

    when the fit hits the shan, you might notice that the attacks on whites is an attack on jews. zimmerman was considered white because his last name is Jewish.. duh.

    the point is that last time, the christians and est prevented their end. so now, the Christians and the others have to go with them.

    if they went after jews alone, too obvious
    so they went after white men, set other races against them, the poor against them, their female mates against them, gay men against them. etc. remove their right to assembly, equality before the law, equality of employment, now will add health care rationing like the nazis did.

    so what part of SHOA II dont you get?

    too bad its way too late to stop it (Again)

    everyone would have had to believe before it was obvious and so prevent it. but when its obvious and such comments are DOMINANT, its way too late.

    and look, in th4 next election, refusal to pay more on welfare and other thigns.

    those nice jewish homes and businesses and such are going to look really attractive, just like that opening scenes from schindlers list.

    and this time, it was the sociliast, but not nazis…

    too busy looking for nazis, they forgot it was the socialsits and russians that also murdered them. ie. by NOT including all the other victims and erased the soviets, they created the conditions for a repeat by the same ideology but a different brand.

    to accept that hitler, stalin and all that are diffferent, is to imagine that polmolive, lava, dove, and such are all differnt and not all soap. or in this case, all are socialist

    and why is it happening again?

    because Marxisms fundamental tenet is that jews and capitalism are one and the same!!!

    and you cant get rid of one and not the other.

    but their dippy followers who would attack people like me and deny our explanations, shut up the extra info left out as to that premise.

    and so people think theya re differen,t and that the camps were destroyed at the end of the war. no. FDR Signed the german camps over to stalin, and they continued to be used.

    by making it a german nazi thing, they were made blind to the socialist thing. and nazi was like dove is to soap…

    to think you can get rid of palmolive and all soap would be gone, is silly…

    ergo… as the socialits say
    they will be cleansed.

    oh.. and dont forget, the white male oppresosr set has almost the whole set of jewish males inside it (Sammy davis not counted)

    so to turn against white males, is to turn against all Jewish males and not care about the collateral damage.

    ergo Shoa II
    and now it has to play out, there is no wayh to stop it. as we are on the same ignorant page we were on 4 years ago and still denying the reason isnt the reason. and in the absence of another one, have been sitting with our thumbs up our arses.

    they are four years aehad, and we have not moved.

    and so as i said 4 years ago
    its not going to be stopped at all
    the people who could do it will not do it
    they love their normalized cancer to the point its not evne a cancer but something to preserve thats more important than themselves.

    ergo ipso facto. the end result

  8. Super video, J.J.

    But even that can depress me, because there is no way in heaven above or on this planet earth beneath that this once-great nation can ever rejoice in shared unity of purpose and resolve ever again — at least not in the foreseeable future.

    There will always be a sizable faction blaming America first in a ridiculously Pavolvian manner and imputing the most heinous of motives to those partaking of America’s joy.

    The unity following the 9/11/2001 attacks was incredibly short-lived, with the blamers rapidly (d)evolving into “Bush lied people died” and all that.

    But yes, that day in 1945 was one to be longed for — just as was 9/12/2001 in its own curious way.

  9. how much their liberalism has been hijacked for illiberal causes.

    it was not hijacked..
    it was never any different than it is
    what was hijacked was the hsitory that would let you know that it hasnt changed and so should be opposed as it was before.

    i showed you stuff rom the 1800s that detail liberal stuff that matches today. but dont read the long psots, you wont see that.

    and you will think that something that has always been a certain way, has changed.

    Liberalism versus Socialism
    (November 1890)

    your thinking that john steward mills was the only liberalism of the past, nope.

    but then again, you HAVE To know the history of kansas, the poeoples party., marx, moses harmon, his 16 year old daughter marrying a pederast, and so on and so on.

    and NONE of that was even taught when i was a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    here is a link to a powerpoint.
    pictures and not a lot of words..

    building the ation state german unification 1815 to 1871

    right after the berlin march..
    the Franfurt assembly

    German liberalism was conjoined with a strong nationalism, and with it a desire for unification of the German states

    — Idealistic liberal leaders across the German Confederation believed they could have a united, liberal Germany simply by designing it and asking for it

    short of germans who knwo their own history to some extend, i ahve yet to meet americans that know much

    the failure of the F.A. brought many German liberals to question the idealism they had had in the 1840s

    Rochau banished the revolutionary fervor of his youth; he decided instead that for all practical purposes, what matters in politics is raw power…

    the seed was planted.

    and power does NOT come to those with a “just cause,” as liberal constitutionalists, with their faith in the Enlightenment, had believed

    power comes not from having the best ideas, but through economic expansion, the prudent organization of social institutions, and a strong military

    this new political attitude was called Realpolitik; the term became popular as a label for the changing outlook of the German middle classes after 1848

    F.W. IV did grant a constitution that established a bi-cameral parliament, with the lower house elected by universal manhood suffrage

    royal edicts modified the electoral system to reinforce hierarchies of wealth and power

    like obama?

    Voters divided into three classes based on the amount they paid in taxes; their votes were weighted accordingly/ Consequence: Greater wealth = greater voting power

    ah. so the wealthy elites were designing a liberal state.. sound famliliar?

    The liberal majority in the Prussian parliament refused to approve new taxes to support military expansion

    Socialism v. Liberalism v. Communism
    By Jonah Goldberg

    again. there is years worth of historty to read
    you can pretent its not there, or think its not becauuse your ignorant, but if you had the history and so on, and not just smatterings here and there, the questiosn would not wonder so much about such

    “I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies but not the madness of the people” – Sir Isaac Newton

  10. -=-=-=-
    Communism is now widely regarded as an aberrant system, and it is thought remarkable that it could have survived for so long among a species which regards itself as rational. There is little awareness that a system of broadly identical ideas dominates Europe under the title of liberalism.

    Tick off the five main points.

    Both communism and liberalism maintain with complete certainty that the destruction of the existing society will give birth to a new form of human existence at the least approaching utopia. They are what Daniel Chirot dubbed ‘tyrannies of certitude’.

    A particular group of people has been responsible for blocking the happy development for centuries. In the case of communism it was capitalists, in the case of liberalism it is ‘racists’. One must be harsh to build the new society and not make excuses. Few people know that the word ‘racism’ was invented by Leon Trotsky, one of the principal architects of the communist nightmare.

    oh… dont that make a twist to things?

    The rightness of the cause dictates that a political architecture of lies rather than reasoned argument is permissible if necessary to bring about the result. Since no one will willingly give up their human identity, and that is what we are being asked to do, lies will, in fact, be indispensable. The communists aimed at eradicating ‘bourgeois consciousness’. The liberals are systematically eradicating our history and identity from schools to ensure pliancy before the onslaught of anti-majority bias in everything from newspapers to employment law. In this they are unlikely to succeed in the long run. The Russian and Yugoslav experience under communism has shown the persistency of racial and cultural identity.

    Doubters concerning the wisdom of the new arrangements are to be marginalised, vilified or silenced – under communism they were dubbed capitalist spies and saboteurs, under liberalism they are ‘racists’ – a sound catch-all term of abuse for any person opposing their own marginalisation.

    The ‘racists’ are well-organised and to blame for nearly everything which goes wrong according to authority, just like the ‘counter-revolutionaries, western spies and saboteurs’ in the heyday of communism. Under communism the newspapers would say ‘capitalist spy ring raided’. Under liberalism we read ‘police target racist groups’. In both cases good citizens are to congratulate themselves on the skill and wisdom of the authorities in protecting them from disruptions to the relentless march towards paradise on earth so evident on Soviet collective farms and now in Britain’s inner-cities.

    If communism was not delivering the goods then even more stringent action was needed to eradicate the source of the trouble. Since it had been scientifically proven that communism would deliver, what possible other cause could there be for failure except disruption by malcontents? If people do not actually enjoy mass immigration and the so-called ‘multiracial society’, it must surely be the work of similar malcontents. Liberal theory is flawless. Like communism, it presents itself as scientifically-based – an abundancy of pseudo-sociological tosh underpins its thinking – and dictates a historically-inevitable outcome in which we all celebrate the fact that we have as little in common with the people we live with as possible. Supposed ‘historical inevitability’ as a weapon of political language has been filched from communism and creeps into every liberal initiative.

    so now you know where the isolation that was created by the fronts came from (its in the other thread on facebook)

    Both liberals and communists maintain that their systems can never be wrong. It is rather like the jesuitical argument that no innocent person has ever been hanged. Since all those hanged have been convicted by a court, they are by legal definition guilty! It is this feature – the refusal to admit to possible error in the theory – which makes liberalism as totalitarian in nature as communism and why it must be unmasked as the monster it really is. The rulers, too, can never be wrong since they are applying a system which can never err. They are relieved of all responsibility.

    thats mechanics…

    How is it that our people could have been so hoodwinked as many are in our country? A system which targets our society for slow destruction is met with passivity and acquiescence. We can learn a lot from the experience of communism.

    and for space, the answer and link in the next post

  11. Most people assume that government is broadly competent. The latest theory must have some sense in it, people say, or it would not be introduced. New theories which claim to be idealistic enjoy an aura and are given a chance. That is what happened under communism. Sufficient people enthusiastically supported the experiment to carry along the rest – with plentiful dollops of intimidation against anyone who became too vocal in opposition. Most people, once they have passively accepted an ideas system, dislike it being challenged, since it implies criticism of their judgement. Those who draw attention to flaws provoke psychological discomfort. Anger and perplexity is a common response. None of us likes to seem made to appear foolish, and especially when merely to hear the message is thought to put one at risk. Later on no one wishes to admit that they were ever a believer.

    Under communism, only the tiniest fraction of people expressed open dissent against the system. The system tried to draw in as many people as possible as accomplices. One of the most effective means was the threat that a failure to actively denounce opponents of the ideology would mean classification as a supporter.

    ergo, white race has to go with the jews. the core of the your a [group] lover of the racists!

    We see this mechanism particularly clearly in a Britain where a political, police, teaching or media career means a requirement to offer regular tributes to the perfection of the theory on which the political system is based, and regret concerning backsliders who express any doubts. —- They resemble the unfortunates who were tortured by the Inquisition to obtain admissions about the poisoning of wells with powdered toads.

    Communism could not provide even the material things. Liberalism does better in material terms but cannot provide meaning to life and human identity. Sooner or later, the increasingly open repression of european peoples will lead to its fall. Liberal actions are constantly justified by the claim to be preventing inequality, but end up as a system of attacks on the majority which fail to produce results satisfying minority complaints. Sooner or later, the majority will use up the last of its goodwill and the national genie will leave the bottle. As under communism, even the leaders will no longer be able to believe their own lies.

    People will eventually stop listening, no longer believe in the regime’s ability to deal with their problems, its moral legitimacy or its basic assumptions, and Lenin’s precondition for change will appear.

    actually its not that clear. you have more than one camp in more than one area. and there is a whole multigenerational group that would lose the largess of 60 years of welfare…

    Communism and liberalism: two faces of totalitarianism
    Michael Newland

    The Materialist Faith of Communism, Socialism, and Liberalism
    [edited for length by n-n]

  12. I’ve only ever had the extreme displease of meeting bona fide Nazis twice in my life.

    One fellow was ex Freikorps from Estonia, IIRC.

    He had one hobby horse he had to ride: Peter O’Toole’s character ‘General Tanz’ [ incorrect title and name; but correct gist ] was too favorably/ charitably portrayed in ‘Night of the Generals.’

    In graphic detail he recounted how this particular sadist gunned down over 2,500 Jewish men — at point blank range with a pistol — taking hours to do so.

    The scene in Shindler’s List is but a faint echo of this episode — tales of which went everywhere within the SD/SS and Freikorps.

    As for bloody, his uniform had to be burned.

    As for himself, he volunteered on the assumption that the purpose of the Freikorps was anti-Communism. Too late he found out different.

    Somehow, at war’s end, the UK government managed to gift him Canadian citizenship. (!)


    Aarons and Loftus were on target:

    Start your Nazi hunts in Australia and Canada!


    For those bold: read ‘Bloodlands’

    ISBN 978-0-465-00239-9


  13. neo, the cure for depression is to celebrate the good people you are connected to and keep a watch on the others.

    Happy almost Mother’s Day. That ought to add a little to the cure.

  14. JJ – that is a fantastic video.

    Today, I think we can only imagine how folks must have felt when the war was finally over back then.

  15. My MA Thesis(’69) was on the SS-Einsatzgruppen in the western Soviet Union. Horrific. Massive butchery.

    Then, for many years after my ‘Nazi years’, I immersed myself in the Stalin era in the Soviet Union and found that the SS were slaughtering hundreds of thousands with their mobile killing operations right over the graves of millions butcherd by the communists in the late ’20s & ’30s for the greater glory of equality & fairness. Mind numbing. All of the works on the subject by the 20th Century Giant, Robert Conquest, are must-reads…But, just give a peek at his,”Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps”, for a delicate little example of what the left hath wrought.

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