Home » Unemployment figures “unexpectedly” lower


Unemployment figures “unexpectedly” lower — 16 Comments

  1. There is a lot of seasonality built into their model — like what is the political season?

    So they just use their birth/death model to throw in fantom jobs.

    Back in the real world the labor participation rate continues to drop.

    BTW, the massive numbers of laid off illegals does not count in the Federal calculus at all.

    So you have a massive labor bloc that comes and goes without ever hitting the BLS stat sheets.

  2. leftists are evil.. lets call them names its all we have room for anyway…

    short and devoid of facts, history, and even the white papers they write, policy stuff, and all that

    so this is what will stand anything else of substance not appearance takes too much space and will be edited out otherwise….

    imagine trying to build a case in court, but your only allowed 3 facts contrary to the juries education out of a 100..

    concede and settle is what i am doing.

    cant even offer a notice as to what always claiming unexpected means.. (you would have to add up all of them to build a case, and we have not he space, so we just just accept what it implies)

    just forget those messy things like facts, history, or knowlege! lets just find something to blame and see if it sticks…

    “Ignorance is strength”says the ministry of truth, and i have had enough of my life and time erased to concede to it the win!!!

    lets just not bother…

    didn’t phil ochs write a song about that having to do with a prior subject of kitty genovese?

    the only ones who care
    small circle of friends…
    i get it…

    But we’re busy reading Playboy and the Sunday New York Times
    And I’m sure it wouldn’t interest anybody
    Outside of a small circle of friends
    We cut off all their money so they robbed the storehouse blind
    Now maybe we should ask some questions, maybe shed a tear
    But I bet you a copper penny, it cannot happen here
    And I’m sure it wouldn’t interest anybody
    Outside of a small circle of friends

    Obama is the tax cutting president.
    he said so!!!!!!

    and that’s shorter than the march of facts to say otherwise. so i will just keep picking the short course, as that will not be trifled with

    (and time in my life will not be erased and flushed down the toilet of eternity for trying! unlike others i do have better things to do with my time than keep trying with that outcome… )

    and he said “We need to keep that growth going,”

    and i believe him..
    cause to make a case otherwise
    to show the facts and such will have them erased and waste my time

    i am now a convert to the ministry of truth

  3. Dont worry, i left out Carroll D. Wright.. (who first tried to track unemployment)…

    i wont bring up the 4 methods the ILO uses…
    its a fact, takes too long.. so it may be erased if i put work into it… look it up yourself, i certainly dont need those facts… i have them

    the differences between classical unemployment and keynes also takes too long – and i am not missing it either (nor am i missing marxist theories of unemployment)

    and your all saved from me pointing out how this figure games us thanks to the legal changes from the state years ago…

    oh… and how the BLS calculates… that is something to behold… 6 different U numbers… which one are you reporting on?

    wait.. thats a fact… cant hsve those..
    old habit… sorry…

    and i may be courting erasure again for this, but it is at the wiki:
    High levels of unemployment can be causes of civil unrest, in some cases leading to revolution, and particularly totalitarianism.

    45% dont work..
    so the rate is actually somewhere around 50%, not 5 or 10

    Germany changed itself over 20% inflation
    and they didnt have cornel west making noise either… though you have to look up what he said on your own… takes too much space

    check out the BLS birth death model!
    (all i have room for is that sentence)

    i am courting disaster by adding this

  4. Marginal cost of labor.. familiar?

    if you inflate the currency, what happens to marginal cost of labor and marginal product of labor?

    oh… sorry..

    Evil bankers… its all their fault…
    or is it the evil Moriarty? let me in on it.

    the people are unemployed because their labor is too expensive.. only those whose labor is valued get paid, and if theirs is more affirmative than real, then they are much more expensive (Regardless of ideology missives)

    for instance… disenfranchising half the population to push forward the other half without actual productive merit being earned does what to the marginal cost of labor?
    (hint. drives it up).

    ie… you can add this together as the affirmative action tax… where their higher salary, and lower productivity combine to make a higher cost of labor. and if you cant make more, then for every X of them you have, you have to throw away a Y, to obtain that extra to lose.

    now, what does undereducation and lack of educational fluidity caused by dumbing down the oppressor class so that the affirmative action class can appear to rise?

    kind of makes adaptability go down, the ability to learn, and all that too.

    i can go on… but its fact based..
    and its going to take me a while to abandon these facts in favor of more fluid empty surface commentary…

    but its sink or swim… and i see which gets to say their peace… and who gets edited..

    and it does have an effect on people

    wonder why we like american idol, and are so stupid in general? we reward brevity, sadism, emtpy headedness and such.

    we dont reward hard work, research ,facts, self sacrifice to share it, and so on.

    so its easier to say a dumb stupid thing and be popular…

    so i am going to work hard on dumb stupid things to be more popular… better to be heard saying something stupid than to not exist at all, eh?

    Go Obama! you have a wide open field with little opposition that has enough knowledge to do or even say something!! Go Obama!

    i once again take a big risk:

    10. As inflation increases, money’s value decreases. With 10% inflation each year, the value of a dollar decreases $0.30, $0.10 a year. A $10 good whose price remains the same over the three years seems like it remained at the same price, but if the good’s price increases by less than the CPI increase (caused by inflation), the real price decreases.

    Right. (The 10% decrease in real price each year is only approximately a 30% decrease overall.)

    take a look at the monetary base chart since 1917…

    Dec. 31, 2001 635.57B
    July 31, 2003 705.29B
    Nov. 30, 2005 784.20B
    Oct. 31, 2007 826.24B
    Sept. 30, 2008 905.22B
    Oct. 31, 2008 1.13T
    Nov. 30, 2009 2.02T
    Nov. 30, 2011 2.60T

    pay no attention to facts
    and dont forget to erase who is accountable over the past 100 years… (even so far as having quotes about changing the US from a manufacturing economy to a service one as far back as 1930s.. but thats rockerfellers)

  5. The civilian labor force dropped by 315,000, which caused the participation rate to drop to 64.0%, down from 64.2% in October. James Pethokoukis ran the numbers, and declared that if the participation rate were the same as last month, the unemployment rate would be 8.9%. Worse, if it were the same as when President Obama took office, it would be 11%.

    If we’d just kill all the sick people we’d be the healthiest country in the world! – derek hunter

    Anthony Fisher: “In United States, unemployment drops you!”

    the average duration of unemployment rose to a new record of 40.9 weeks from the prior 39.4 weeks. thanks zero hedge…

    U-6 is down… (figure out what that means yourself) It is 15.6%, down significantly from the 16.2% it was in October

    according to the site i am looking at.
    They say: However, that requires a longer explanation. There are three elements that U-6 tracks that the official U-3 does not — …

    i say no no no… no explanations that take longer… we dont have the time or room (here or in our heads – and is such a bummer anyway)…

    The number of “discouraged” workers rose from October’s 967,000 to 1,096,000 in November

    its very hard to get a real view
    the people acting dont want you to figure it out
    and the people who claim to want to figure it out, dont want it to be too large an take up too much room…

    so its easy to take over and destroy everything
    just do things that take longer than a paragraph to explain… if you do it over decades and such, then you can manage to not ever be accountable, as no one has the time to read the list of crimes and things to hold you acountable.

    che is not accountable, his history is gone
    rockerfeller is not accountable, his history is gone

    see how it works?
    just do it big enough that no one can tell you in a paragraph what you did…

    and voila… everyone will help, even those who in another world would stand against you…

    you have to love how this works

    the Washington post starts with:
    The unemployment rate plummeted to its lowest level in more than two years in November, as employers hired at a steady clip, according to new report that offers hope for the job market entering the holiday season.

    and thats the fact that stands as it would take room to explain why that is a outright lie…

    so they win..

    and funniest is that they ahve a graph that shows what plummet looks like on the page of the article.

    Plummet looks like a straight horizontal line that barely moves for many years…

    i was going to put up a list of headlines
    then reveal that they were from 1930 or so
    thats how parallel this is, you cant tell headlines apart and which is from which period!

    “This morning, we learned that our economy added another 140,000 private-sector jobs in November,” said Obama. “The unemployment rate went down. And, despite some strong headwinds this year, the American economy has now created in the private sector, jobs for the past 21 months in a row. . . .So we need to keep that growth going.”

    Go Obama!!!

    “We cannot let the payroll tax cut expire at the end of this year — in fact we must do more by increasing it. We must give families additional relief and every single small business a tax cut next year by passing legislation that gets our economy moving again and gets people back to work,” said Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), chairman of Congress’s Joint Economic Committee.

    thats it… RAISE PAYROLL TAXES!!!
    that will help!

    too much space would be required to refute it

    and if you cant beat em, then you might as well join em…

    Go Obama!!!

  6. By using gubmint methods, if we go off the cliff with the Kenyan in charge and no one has a job, all benefits have run out and no one is even looking for a job or filing a claim for the defunct benefits, then the unemployment rate will be ZERO! We just have to give Barry O’Bama “more time” as he requested a day or two ago. Things are lookin’ good all over! Biden/Obama in 2016!

  7. Apparently, the newest Administration talking point (curtesy of both Obama out on the stump and Jay Carney giving marching orders to the obeisant press is that now that Obama single-handedly prevented our nation from going through a second “Great Depression” he needs the next four years to continue the economic healing.

    Ahem! (That was my “Ahem” vs what the press would likely say: Amen!)

  8. Soft socialism has destroyed the motivation of 50 percent of our people. The amazing strength of capitalism and freedom is that it can still work, albeit not as well, in such straights.

    Now the ignorant led by the evil, envious and pouting, demand hard socialism to destroy the motivation of the rest of us.

  9. “Now the ignorant led by the evil, envious and pouting, demand hard socialism to destroy the motivation of the rest of us.”

    What would happen if we (“the rest of us”) declared that for one month we will no longer participate in the economy? What if we don’t show up for work for 30 days, we take our money out of the big banks and the markets for 30 days, and we don’t purchase anything for 30 days? I think that would be a shot never fired that would be heard around the world.

    BTW, U6 is explained at http://tinyurl.com/yeg3hd6 and that’s not even the whole story.

  10. Don Janousek Says:

    By using gubmint methods, if we go off the cliff with the Kenyan in charge and no one has a job, all benefits have run out and no one is even looking for a job or filing a claim for the defunct benefits, then the unemployment rate will be ZERO!
    Bingo! We can expect Barry to tout the lower ‘unemployment’ figures in the campaign. Another lie, of course, but when has lying ever stopped our Barry?

  11. Perhaps I was very naé¯ve but, in my former incarnation doing research in a federal think tank, we based such research on what we had been taught was the best factual and statistical information that we could get, and that used to mean that the statistics put out by the Federal government were always the starting point for any research, because, unlike the heavily manipulated and almost entirely fictitious (and useless) statistics put out by Communist countries like the U.S.S.R. and China, and by all sorts of ramshackle, kleptocratic regimes, and tin horn dictators, U.S. Federal statistics were assumed to be honest and credible, and as close a picture of reality as we could get.

    Perhaps that was, as I say, naé¯ve, but if our statistics were manipulated back then, it was a much more subtle manipulation, and not the slight of hand, misdirections, and transparent lies that many of the basic statistical measures of our economy have become–things like the percentage of unemployed and the inflation rate–which, as in the U.S.S.R. of old– are now manipulated to produce the picture that the regime wants to present, rather than reflecting actual reality.

    The accomplices of the regime, the MSM in particular, are of immense help in this. They do not really question the figures that the Obama regime presents; they focus on those statistical series that support the regime’s line and ignore those that don’t.

    Thus, for instance, when reporting on the employment situation, the MSM almost exclusively focuses on the “unemployment rate” as presented by the single percentage figure in the summary on the first page of the 30 page or so Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly set of statistics, “The Employment Situation” (http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm) i.e. the 9.0% figure, and very rarely talks about the broader measures of unemployment discussed on the series charts in the back of the report, such as U-6, which pegs total unemployment as being around 16-17% and even then, may not measure all unemployment, which is likely even frighteningly higher than the already frightening 16-17% figure.

    Similarly, contrary to everyone’s actual experience at the grocery store and elsewhere, that there has been a significant rise in prices across the board i.e. “inflation,” government statistics say that such inflation is practically nonexistent or is very low, and no one in the MSM is exploring changes that have apparently taken place in how such inflation is measured i.e. in the things included (and not included) in the standard “basket of goods and services” whose prices are used to gauge inflation–apparently changes in the “basket” that have enabled the government to manipulate those statistics as well.

    A similar inattention, a similar “cloak of invisibility,” has been thrown by the MSM over the many fold and hugely alarming increase in the money supply, with all the catastrophic effects such inflation can bring.

    Thus, it seems to me that all of those formerly pretty trustworthy measures that told us what the actual state of our economy was can no longer be trusted;and if we trust the Obama administration and the MSM for our news and information we are largely “flying blind.”

  12. Artfldgr:
    Your use of irony is lovely; though I prefer your facts. Shame on those who are unable to tolerate useful though uncomfortable information: they make scroll bars for those who wish to ignore text.

    Artfldgr has done the research and digested the information; he has proved to be trustworthy; I for one have no problem reading his comments.

  13. Curtis wrote, “Soft socialism has destroyed the motivation of 50 percent of our people.”

    Oh no Curtis. People are motivated. They are motivated to keep their unsupportable benefits and bankrupt the states and this nation.

    Due to a lack of education and an accomplice in the MSM we have a clueless nation occupying, overturning Ohio’s law, tearing down anybody who cares about this country’s future.

    They are motivated.

  14. How many times do I have to tell you: never elect a Hawai’in President! And just where does clan Bama hail from, anyway?

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