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Occupy Wall Street: New Yorkers say… — 63 Comments

  1. A blue on blue (or Red on Red) friendly fire incident in NY. These guys voted for the Messiah, and this scum and this kind of behavior comes with the franchise (as evidenced by support for OWS by, e.g., Pelosi and Obama). Sorry, don’t care. Enjoy that hope and change, but watch your step coming out of your front door, New Yorkers!

  2. Tea Partiers would have picked up the trash (including trash present before they arrived), and probably swept the streets and mowed the grass before leaving.

  3. Yes, Tea Party members would have been more welcome.

    As Charles Krauthammer described the Tea Party rally in Washington, It was the “First revolution in recorded history that picked up its own trash”

  4. Jenny, thanks for the link to your site.

    I’m a TEA Party member. My experience of TEA Party events has been that almost all the people there have jobs and lives beyond demonstrations and politics. They take time out of their busy lives to exercise their rights as citizens to peaceably assemble and petition the government for righting what they see as improper, and even unconstitional activities. They want to work within the political system for smaller, more fiscally responsible and liberty oriented government. They get permits to hold demonstrations, never infringe on the rights of others, do not knowingly break any laws, welcome all like-minded people, show respect for those who disagree, clean up when they leave., and never stay longer than their permit allows.

    OWS wants to dismantle the capitalistic system and turn it into a communist system. They knowingly infringe on others rights, break numerous laws, create health problems, and refuse to leave when the authorities ask them to. These misguided and naive people believe they can force the authorities to do their bidding through mass law breaking and chaos. The two movements have only one thing in common. They don’t agree with the government and economic system in place. Other than that there is no resemblance whatsoever. That is not what the MSM and democrats would have you believe.

    Like Jenny I am opposed to communism, socialism, and statism in all its combinations and permutations. Therefore, I consider these people to be a blight on the political scene and oppose giving them the special rights that they are asking for. If I were Mayor Bloomberg (NYC) or Mayor McGinn (Seattle) I would have set an end date for the demonstration and enforced it with no quarter given. (Water cannons are a good tool for sending illegal demonstrators a message.) The mayors have failed to do that, so we now have problems of health hazards, law breaking, denial of rights of people impacted by the demonstrators, and chaos that will stretch out until (hopefully) cold weather drives them out……….or?

  5. Occam’s Beard, I love your “blue on blue (or Red on Red) friendly fire incident in NY.” It’s perfect no matter how you read it.

    Of course, my first thought after reading the comments of the locals was a reflective and heartfelt, ‘hahahahahahahaha….”

  6. In a showing of community spirit, I do want to report that Occupy Charleston (SC – not the other one) drummed up a huge crowd of maybe a dozen people outside the BofA branch downtown. Fortunately for them, the cooler weather here in the South has kept the mosquitoes from carrying them off into the swamps across the Ashley.

    On the other hand, it’s a great time for City dwellers and other Yankees to come on down for some southern hospitality. Peace drumming not included in any carriage ride.

  7. They keep voting for Jerrold Nadler. It’s his district and he’s essentially giving his constituents the finger on this incident. So I say it’s all good.

  8. Another view of the OWS:


    There are things I disagree with OWS..indeed, they don’t have very many things they all agree on yet. But one thing they are doing that the “Tea Party” has failed to do is ask WTF is up with the corruption with the big banks ?

    Anyway I hope they continue to grow and in the end piss off ALL the powers that be. Most of the PTB don’t deserve their power anyway.

  9. WTF is up with the corruption with the big banks?

    Question asked by the tea party who opposed TARP and crony capitalism and shakedowns/protests demanding loans be given to political victims’ groups and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Goldman Sachs as government.

    How can people be so idiotic as to come on this website and peddle such an asinine narrative? If there is a point of agreement between OWS and the tea party, it is the protest and mistrust of the large banks and their connections with government. We call it fascism and resist our government taking over the car industry, the financial industry, the health industry, the food industry . . . are we getting somewhere yet, say, the idea of limited government.

  10. In truth, the OWS isn’t about the corruption of the big banks, but about their cultural Marxism which states no banks should exist. The tea party wants reform and a return of meritocracy. The OWS? A free place to eat and shit.

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  12. Actually, Denninger’s site has had numerous posts about OWS. It is hands down the best place I’ve seen for discussion of this movement anywhere on the net. All points of view are well-represented, and there has been spirited discussion in the comment threads.

    In contrast, most of the conservative blogs and talk radio hosts I follow have mainly engaged in mockery, ridicule, and name-calling. It’s not all that different from the way the liberal media and blogs denigrated the Tea Party as ignorant, racist rednecks.

    OWS was started by the radical left, but I don’t believe that the majority of participants are true believers. Many of them are young people who know their future is being stolen from them. They were born and raised in the middle class, but realize that they are falling out of it, perhaps permanently. They are angry and justifiably so.

    However, many of these young people have been badly miseducated by the public school system, and then went to college where they were further propagandized by leftist professors. The media and entertainment industry have reinforced the propaganda. So it should hardly be surprising that many of them hold naive, foolish, or downright dangerous ideas and beliefs. I’m inclined to cut them some slack. That’s what they’ve been taught. I was young and foolish once myself.

    Some of the commenters at TF say that this could be a teachable moment. Tea Party people should get involved and engage the OWS people, and try to educate them and channel their anger in a constructive direction. Ignoring and insulting them will only push them into the waiting arms of the hard-core Communists, who of course have all the answers they’re looking for.

  13. Jenny…
    the sad thing is to hear their answer to this question…

    if you succeed, and you do get the socialist communist state, and you disagree with something it does, will you protest like this?

  14. There are things I disagree with OWS..indeed, they don’t have very many things they all agree on yet. But one thing they are doing that the “Tea Party” has failed to do is ask WTF is up with the corruption with the big banks ?

    Nice try at a pivot, a diversion, and a backhanded expression of support, in a melange seasoned to taste with some moral equivalence. But they – and you – have singularly failed to do is ask any number of pertinent questions, viz.,

    1. WTF is up with the gross corruption of the Democrat Party? The President directs senior military officers to change their Congressional testimony to favor a company that donates heavily to the Democrats, a company in which the President personally has $50 K invested, and no one bats an eyelash. WTF?

    2. WTF is up with the Red infiltration of the Democrat Party? Why is the Party happy to indulge straight-up, full-on communists (e.g., Van Jones), as well as closet Red front organizations (SEIU, AFSCME)?

    3. WTF is funding all of this, and all of the Red initiatives that infest the land? (George, anything you’d like to tell us?)

    4. Why have the media dropped any pretense of being anything other than blatantly leftist? A Tea Partier breaks wind off-key and they scream about the “atmosphere of violence” (who knew burritos contribute to the atmosphere of violence?), but Democrats talking about beheading bankers, murdering the rich (literally) and expropriating their wealth … crickets. Why? That’s the question I want asked.

    5. How deeply penetrated are the media? Have they revived JournoList, or found another mechanism for colluding to manipulate their coverage of the news, and thereby public opinion?

    Now there’s some questions that ought to be asked. Never mind the views of the lower primates comprising OWS.

  15. rickl, gotta disagree. I doubt that the OWSers know much of anything. They’re protesting aginst Wall Street, when Wall Street is one of the Dems’ major source of campaign contributions? Why aren’t they protesting in front of the White House, where they should be by all rights?

    Answer: because they’ve been manipulated by the Reds, and are too stupid to figure out any of this.

  16. Yes, Occam, I addressed that. Of course they don’t know anything. It’s not their fault they’ve been subjected to leftist propaganda practically from the cradle. What do you expect them to believe?

    Denninger ran a photo essay of an Occupy demonstration in Pensacola, FL. The people and signs were barely distinguishable from a Tea Party protest. He said he was actively looking for Communist signs, since everybody was talking about them, but he didn’t see much that could be construed that way.

    I figure that demonstrations in big liberal cities are much more likely to have an explicitly Communist element, for obvious reasons. Demonstrations in smaller towns and rural areas, much less so. Let’s face it, NYC has been Communism Central in the U.S. for decades. And the New York protest naturally gets the most media attention.

    Another thing I forgot to mention: While I don’t have any objective data to back it up, my impression is that Tea Party people tend to be older and Occupy people tend to be younger. So there may be a generational dynamic in play. Isn’t it the job of the older generation to mentor, educate, and guide the younger generation?

  17. Isn’t it the job of the older generation to mentor, educate, and guide the younger generation?

    You left out “kick the ass of,” but yes, of course.

    A small percentage of first year grad students think they’re hot stuff, and that getting their Ph.D. is just a formality. Whether or not any of that is true, to learn anything (not to mention being teachable)they need to be disabused of that impression, for which purpose the Socratic method is apposite.

    It’s the ivory tower equivalent of the Marines’ boot camp: tear down to rebuild, better.

  18. I have to disagree with Occam’s cavalier dismissal of New Yorkers legitimate concerns about OWS’s excesses. They do not deserve this monumental nuisance simply because (many) of them voted for Obama. Most Obama voters did so in good faith, desperate for “change” of any kind, swept up in the impressive personality cult, and uninformed (or misinformed) by a complicit, sycophantic media.

    That being said, given that Obama is tacitly endorsing OWS for obvious personal gain (or the hope therein…I think it will backfire big time) I hope that at least a few these frustrated NIMBY New Yorkers will think twice about voting for him again.

  19. While I know that the Occupy movement was started, organized, and backed by the radical left; if it gets infiltrated by normal, mainstream Americans who are not susceptible to being seduced by Communism, it could conceivably get out of hand.

    The Law of Unintended Consequences could come into play. The left is not immune from that law. If the Occupy movement goes mainstream, it could end up becoming the left’s worst nightmare.

  20. They do not deserve this monumental nuisance simply because (many) of them voted for Obama. Most Obama voters did so in good faith, desperate for “change” of any kind, swept up in the impressive personality cult, and uninformed (or misinformed) by a complicit, sycophantic media.

    Memo to New Yorkers: Elections have consequences.

    As do stupid decisions. Plumping for change of any kind leaps to mind in this connection, since those with opposable thumbs appreciate that change, like luck, comes in two flavors.

    New Yorkers are just getting a crash course in reality therapy, and fully deserve the monumental nuisances they’re experiencing. The cognitively challenged only learn from pain. With enough pain, perhaps even New Yorkers will learn too.

  21. BurkeanBadger Says:

    “They do not deserve this monumental nuisance simply because (many) of them voted for Obama. Most Obama voters did so in good faith, desperate for “change” of any kind, swept up in the impressive personality cult, and uninformed (or misinformed) by a complicit, sycophantic media.”

    They deserve much worse for what they did to this country electing Obama and all the liberals they always elect. Much worse for what they have inflicted on this nation.

    To have “good faith” there must be prudent decision and judgment based on factual information and so on. Therefore, the very last thing any vote for Obama was, was a “good faith” effort. That is ridiculous. It was an absolute leap in the dark. It was absolute gullibility and self-preening and congratulation. It was, without doubt, the single most irresponsible vote ever cast in American history. Period.

    Aristotle said that someone who did something wrong (vicious and not virtuous) could be excused if they admitted their ignorance and felt bad about what they had done.

    The biggest problem America has right now is not Barack Obama. He will be gone in a year, and will be remembered as the most damaging President America has ever had. But the fact that so few Obama voters would be “excused” by Aristotle because they refuse to admit their most horrid error….that may be the end of America.

    We will always get the government we deserve. With people like that, we deserve a lot of bad things. Number one on our agenda should be reversing a generation of liberal indoctrination in our schools. And is that even possible at this point?

  22. Rickl:
    Thank you for the respectful and informative posts.

    Occam: I am not a Democrat, so your stupid questions about the Democrats are almost an insult. Understand this, as I’ve said before: both parties are corrupt to the very core and both parties deserve to die and I want them dead, dead, dead!

  23. Brad,

    You are wrong. Moral Equivalence is not what is going on here. One side is right, and one side is wrong. When you equate the two you are effectively doing the work of the dark side.

    There is literally no practical difference between you and Nancy Pelosi. The more people like you there are, the more she would like it.

    On the other hand, the opposite is true from the other side, the good side. The more people like you out there – talking utter nonsense from a position of fake moral superiority – the worse of the entire nation is.

    As I said above, our problem is not Obama. If there are people like you out there, we have far worse problems than an inexperienced and demented president. We have moral cretins who don’t know up from down and good from bad. We have people who don’t know what it takes to build and are cavalier about destruction.

  24. The whining about Obama is counterproductive.
    The whining about the left is counterproductive, esp. by people who constantly brag about their wisdom or intelligence.

    Denniger, Buchanan, among many others have pointed out the real problems this country faces. But all some here can do is cling to the politics of the past and ignore the countries needs in favor of partisanship. I hold such people in contempt.

    From the left, I hold people such as “Big Tent Democrat” at talkleft in contempt because though he has spent the past 2 years detailing in exquisite detail the very many backstabs, missteps, corruption, and the total lack of courage shown by the Obama administration from a “progressive” point of view, he backs the Democrats in the coming election (assuming we have one) because the Republicans would “be worse”.

    Same as THIS guy : http://www.amptoons.com/blog/2011/10/19/2012-power-rankings-the-herb-cain-edition/

    There’s a few insights into various GOP candidates in there sprinkled with a heavy dose of race and other victim baiting, but in the end he’s just a partisan twit who imagines that because Democrats are Democrats their sh** doesn’t stink.

    But then you get the Republican goofs who occasionally comment on here (though most of the Republicans here are intelligent) when their form of mindless rah-rahing of the GOP would fit more in tune with a place such as Townhall.

    If I’m grumpy, I have a good right to be. The level of debates at the Republican “primaries” has been almost elementary school level and hasn’t really challanged any of these goofs, meanwhile “The One” for the Democrats is ensconsed securely with the Black Racial Voting Block and the “Once a Dem, always a Dem ” voters mindlessly backing him.

    It would be great if the Tea Party and OWS were to join together. I am aware that while the original rant that started the Tea Party was about how horrid it would be to help the “losers” in your neighborhood with their housing plight, the movement initially attracted many libertarians and people who hated the big bailouts. However , the Tea Party has been coopted and will not work for major reforms of the capitalist system it strives so vainly to defend. Anyone who wants to defend the Tea Party on reform of Wall Street grounds, will have to deal with the fact that most of their candidates could give a sh** less, and the one who really would cause WS to fear (Ron Paul) is practically unelectable because he doesn’t agree with the “correct” foreign policy.

  25. I find this all hysterical.

    Personally, I hope that the members of the commie/criminal/homeless/de-institututionalized/grifter “useful idiot” occupy mob shit all over every door step in the area, and that they drum so loud that nobody in the area can sleep.

    Why, because leftist “cosmopolitan” New Yorkers basically made behavior like this more likely to occur when they voted for Obama, and then topped this off by voting for wimpy Bloomberg for good measure; such tsuris couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.

  26. Mike MC:
    Nancy Pelosi is a leftwing feminist.
    I don’t even think I agree with her as much as I agree take with Rush Limbaugh. And I agree with him maybe 30 percent of the time. Ohhhhhhhhh I might agree with her on some economic stuff. Maybe. Scary! BOOGA BOOGA!

    Moral equivalence my ass. Corruption is corruption, being blind in one eye doesn’t make you right, it only makes you crippled.

  27. Wolla Dalbo:

    Thanks for the laugh. The irony is rich, wouldn’t you say? It’s sad what they did to the Nobel Piece Prize. The only worse award than to this goof of a President was when they gave it to Arafat. I may not be as neoconnish as most on this blog (I initially supported Iraq, I supported Afghanistan, I support some, but not all of our military interventions since) but a murderer is a murderer. Thanks to that, and giving it to this goof that prize is now worthless.

  28. Ack!
    That’s PEACE prize. I can’t believe I didn’t catch that right away. Oh edit function, how I miss thee!

  29. I am not a Democrat, so your stupid questions about the Democrats are almost an insult.

    Characteristically, you’ve missed the point. The point was that as we’re asking fundamental questions regarding our unhappily shared polity, let’s ask some of the more apposite ones.

    The role and comportment of the banks in our economy is assuredly an important question. But much more so is the role and comportment of the political parties, and in fact, that is rather a more important and pressing question, as is the role and comportment of the media, which report on the banks and the political parties.

    Put another way, if the political parties and media were performing adequately, then corruption in the banks would not be an issue, because it would be exposed by the media and dealt with by the Admnistration. The fact that the banks and the media are all in bed with the present Administration therefore assumes central importance, doesn’t it?

  30. First, kudos to Mike Mc. Well said.

    It would be great if the Tea Party and OWS were to join together.

    Kind of an interspecies thing?

    Personally, I hope that the members of the commie/criminal/homeless/de-institututionalized/grifter “useful idiot” occupy mob shit all over every door step in the area, and that they drum so loud that nobody in the area can sleep.

    Hear, hear. Elections, consequences, and all that.

  31. Is it just a coincidence that this “occupy” movement coincides with the investigation of corruption in the Obama administration?

    We have dead people, including American citizens; billions, if not trillions, of “misallocated” taxpayer capital; and fraudulent testimony by administration officials, including Obama. I believe Nixon was impeached and removed for less.

    I believe that this “occupy” movement is as legitimate as was the surprise run on money market funds in 2008., which ensured Obama’s election. This does not mean that there aren’t legitimate participants; but, it is a statement on the legitimacy of the movement.

    Unless the “occupiers” intend to establish their own society, then corruption in the exception should be dealt with through the rule of law. Unfortunately, the rule of law is dictated and enforced by corrupt individuals. If we hope to effect a sustainable correction, then it must start with the civil servants, both elected and otherwise.

    There is still the question of distinguishing between cause and effect. At this time, we do not possess that knowledge. We can speculate; but, without an investigation, it cannot be confirmed. We do not know if the causal factors were initiated in the public sector, or if they were a product of a conspiracy between actors in the private and public sectors. We do know that corruption is both dictated and enforced through authoritarian interests.

    The “occupiers” are both right and wrong. Their priorities are wrong. The authoritarian interests must be held accountable first and foremost. If we cannot regain control of our government, then any correction in the private sector will be short-lived, and we will continue to be subjects of a corrupt authoritarian regime.

  32. New York liberals need to have their porches s*** on. Maybe they’ll figure out there really is a difference between the latest fashionable ideas of morality and one grounded through the ages in the golden rule.

  33. Just watched 30 minutes of public access TV where my local OWS personnel got to address the body of gov’t who owns the land they’re squatting on.

    rickl: There’s no threat that these people will be infiltrated by ordinary folks, TEA people or anybody with a well-reasoned goal. It was thirty minutes of vacuous leftoid appeals to emotion. “Commissioners, you have to look into your hearts. That’s what this occupation is about.”

    If the normals start showing up, it will not be OWS anymore. This current crop of dreamers will find some other margin of society to squat on.

  34. Maybe NY liberals do, but this is a city of 8 million people, not all of them liberals… (and some are not even on the political map at all)

    the idea to do this stuff and how to organize it is in the papers of the people i have mentioned endlessly. in discussion threads modern day simulacrum of theirs know the way forward, but dont know what its to, or what to do with the car once the barking dog catches it.

    in fact, as far as it goes, the mob is defined not by themselves by by the opposition to themselves, and since there is no opposition there is no definition.

    since they abhor hierarchical structure, and see themselves as all equal, they can no longer self organize into functional groups and are not defined till something or someone does that for them.

    right now they are loath to do that as they want the numbers larger and they know that the majority are not real communists or socialists and barely know what it is, and that such rhetorical verbiage would chase people away…

    if you watch carefully, you will see shock troops appear inside the crowd ready to go. you saw them in the videos of when they may be moved to clean the park. now they are not there. the guys with the hoodies and bandannas on their face. from appearance and all that time, there was never a frame or image that would have their face.

    read the playbook. it will make more sense.

    in no place, not even Germany, despite the mythical angle all documentaries take, do the majority of people actually want or fight for such things. they are swept along.

    as they are accommodated, and more inflation hits and austerity whether we like it or not, they will grow.

    at some point things will switch over as the state cant back down, hand over the keys and go home and retire. the crowds wont kick out the masked among them, and suddenly they will find themselves in the middle of a pen of people defined by the actions and reactions of the few and the forces.

    i said this years ago and there are whole threads where they said that was impossible here in the US… i said its possible since no one cares to actually learn what is needed to not do it and not have it happen.

    ie. the declaration of impossible does not in and of itself do anything, one must actively work against the impossible so make it actually impossible.

    the impossible becomes possible as no one does anything to stop it, why should they, its impossible right?

    so eventually we will be back to the argument of whether the troops will fire. and a while back someone said they wouldn’t. i said if not, then the state loses, and if so, the state changes and wins. either way, leads to pretty much the same thing.

    we do not have the laws we HAD that would have prevented a lot of this or made actionable in some way. we do not have the homogeneous acting society that would pitch in. we dont have the morals we had. and the people are generally dysfunctional but dont realize it (and would argue against it, but i see how most cant work on or fix anything, or know how things work, etc)

    they cant self organize, and fall into line to a leader, they are all captains.

    but once we accepted and normalized USING taxes for social control and no one peeped about it. the game was over, as we cant even say “hey! we already have the power to stop all of that – its unconstitutional”.

    After all the purpose of taxes is not to mediate business, act as whip or carrot, nor to establish programs which violate equality before the law which is also the state.. and much more… including where did the power to socially engineer outcomes and society come from? i mean if power is derived from the people,when did the idiots give them that power? they didn’t, it was assumed and the people didn’t say NO! they said, how can i pull on the reigns to help my clan.

    new math, and all that is experimenting on children under the CLAIM that what your doing is improving…

    Every hungry wolf sees an opportunity here and is helping…

    so you can guarantee that in and out and around this are all kinds of vultures, not just the homeless cons who have been ripping the poor off of $5,500 apple computers…

    Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) walking with Bea Lumpkin of the CPUSA…

    how about John Bachtell? CPUSA board member addressing the drummers in Chicago? Jordan Farrar was there (Young Communist League & Organizing for America).

    but we are told not to include those people in our assessments and not others we dont know about and so on.

    they do what they do and so we dont incorporate it into our idea of the world.

    We paint them out and forget them or ignore them, or dont include them in our assessments (And call someone who does see them a tin hatter)

    but there they are and many many more.

    we are told the dog doesn’t bite, and when it bites us we are surprised…

  35. The OWS protesters aren’t protesting the bailouts/banks – they’re protesting that they didn’t get a piece of the action ($) from Obama. The OWS and TP are opposites in theory.

    I think n.n is right, OWS is being orchestrated from the top in part as a distraction from Solyndra and “fast & furious”. But OWS is conveniently serving so many other purposes for Obama. All we can do is watch the shadowy movements of Leftists and guess what they’re up to.

    Also, in an effort to keep Wall St. bankers in NYC Bloomberg is walking a tightrope of appeasement and hoping this whole thing fizzles out. He may have been threatened with rioting early on(by Obama?); could be why we saw a backing off of police and the owners of the park. With modern technology there is no reason for “Wall St” to stay in NYC, but without it NYC dies and will look like Detroit in less than a decade.

  36. Surely the picture of the guy in the hoodie trying to crap on a police car is iconic.

    Could we actually be witnessing the birth of a new form of protest, the “shitin” or as someone else has said, is this this generation’s “poopstock”?

  37. That the corporate owned media refused and refuses to report most of the shenanigans of the big banks and big government during the time of the previous administration and this one is a surprise only to people who imagine that free market rules apply where the major media propagation organs are corporately owned.

    All I can say is thank God for the internet.

  38. George Soros stole the equity in the American Home Owners property by shorting the mortgage bond and going long the Credit Default Swap using Goldman Sachs Abacus Fund which was set up by him and John Paulson who handpicked the CDO’s that would be in the Fund. Between them they made around 23 Billion dollars. It has never been disclosed who the investors in the Paulson and Quantum Hedge Funds were but I would bet that if the records were provided that they would show SEIU, ACORN et al, would be in the mix. These people made billions by stabbing the people they purport to care so much about in the back and crashing the economy. These yahoos out in the street who don’t own squat and didn’t lose a dime are being supported with those same billions in Home Equity that Soros stole from the American People. Also, if these people were so concerned with how Wall Street and the Banks were bailed out, where were they after Rick Santellis’ Rant of 2/19/2009 which started the Tea Party? Why has it taken these little morons almost 3 years to wake up?

  39. and here is a great example of waht makes the kind of broken mind necessary to not be able to think


    its a ‘wedge’ issue and contradictory.
    you cant tell girls they are sexually liberated then not have a place for the sexually liberate to show themselves off.

    ie… you liberate the girls, you liberate the media, you cause the thing they are complaining about.

    women traded one imaginary master for a real master who plays madonna whore games with them for their own personal gain.

    in this case, slut the girls up, then blame the media which you control, in exchange for state control of media.

    care to note how many at OWS is a product of such feminism? care to note how russia just restricted abortion as its the country with the highest rate and a 1.4 repalcement rate? which is what the caucasians have here given that feminism is a deadly idea that we love.

    and no one is saying that without feminism women end up being breeders, only feminists say that. but the difference is is when joe biden says it ,we see how stupid the arguments are, when they say it, women have a duty to take them seriously which makes the ideas seem serious, not inane

    we still do not know how the genome is organized but we have redesigned our society around the ideas of a prophet who is usually very wrong, or rather an Anti-Prophet compared to the ones that brought us to modernity and the idea of a government of the people for the people and BY the people.

    which technically is what the protesters are actually saying when they want communism…

    an anti prophet gives bad advice that his followers foment using social control. there is a reason that from moses harmon to Saul alinsky, they idolize the archetype of Lucifer…

    they would rather rule over a hell of their own creation than a heaven made by the common man they have to serve in…

    its THAT simple…

    next time you see the images of that freaky austrian guy in a balcony image looking over the crowd on the hitler channel… take a look at the FACES of the leaders with him…

    grinning ear to ear, in practical orgasm, licking their lips constantly as if it was a steak before them and they were starving…

    Some people see power as a tool… like money or a screwdriver…

    some people see power as an end to itself, and these people are sadistic.

    a tool user does not feel some form of odd paraphilism towards the tools and feels fulfilled by using them. they may like em, how they feel, and such, but they like what they allow them to do more in a positive way.

    but the perosn who loves the screwdriver they used to stab someone with, is a different tool user. as i said, these are sadistic people because they want to FEEL power, feel the tool. and the only way to feel the tool is to use it in ways that hurt or harm…

    that is, when your done with a peice of furniture, few are curiosu as to what tools were used to make it.

    but when someone puts a gouge in it, then we want to know what tool and person did that…

    you see… you feel the power of the tool…

    sexual sadists have this taste and its why there are so many freakier on that side in the pwoer game… power as a thing itself, not a tool… and to feel it, one must subject something to it. and if that something can respond, walk away, top from the bottom, they are not really feeling it. the difference between play sadists and real ones…

    and so this is why the solutions and ideas always end up so bloody, as this crowd wants sadistic revenge.

    not the elimination of the other, but the helplessness of the other as they are eliminated.

    [and i wont point out the history of saints and why their refusal to turn denies such people their ultimate pleasure at the point of reaping]

  40. Just watched 30 minutes of public access TV where my local OWS personnel got to address the body of gov’t who owns the land they’re squatting on.

    Unfortunate (or advised?) choice of words, foxie!

  41. They are defecating on our doorsteps

    Are they sure these people aren’t just undergoing mitosis?

  42. OB, you’re right, “mentoring” does indeed include “ass-kicking” when necessary.

    And I also don’t feel much sympathy for é¼ber-liberal New Yorkers being inconvenienced by the protests. You get what you pay for.

  43. I agree with Occam that elections have consequences and OWS is an expected (if not quite inevitable) consequence of electing Obama. And yes, any intelligent voter who isn’t engaging in intense self-delusion should realize in hindsight that their vote for Obama was a stupid decision. But, hindsight is always 20/20.

    Don’t misunderstand me. I agree that a minority of Obama voters (and a larger percentage in New York City) DID vote for him out of self-preening and self-congratulation; out of a desire to see American exceptionalism buried and socialism of some form imposed from above. Those fashionable leftists, those “radical chic” yuppies who crave revolution as long as it doesn’t interfere with their wine tastings, DO deserve the nuisance of OWS and a whole lot more. These types remind me of a anecdote about Michel Foucault: Who, during the protests of ’68, threw stones at the police while careful not to dirty his finely tailored suit. They’re absurd and laughable. I have no sympathy for them.

    But, I believe they are minority of Obama voters, even in New York City. Most people did indeed vote for Obama in good faith; they made what appeared to be a prudent decision based on the “facts” they could find. Yes, there were dissenting voices warning Americans about Obama’s past, his ideology and his actual intentions. But, these voices were mostly squelched by the megaphone Obama’s very impressive propaganda machine and supported by a slavish mainstream media. Mike Mc. referenced Aristotle, but I think Plato’s Cave is a good analogy here. Most ordinary American voters were chained in that Cave and only now are some of them slowly and awkwardly freeing themselves and being dragged into the light.

  44. wow what a discussion: brilliance, humor, revenge.
    Yes, it is “Poopstock”; yes it is a “Shit In”; yes, they have been taught selfish mindlessness and it’s not their fault they cannot think; yes, Tea Parties have jobs and clean up after themselves; yes, the Biden-Obama-Pelosi gang inanely thinks this might help them and they hope that the children will not see that they are the ones benefiting from what the young ones are vaguely protesting – yes to it all.

    HOWEVER, while we have the “right” to say “neener, neener, neener” to all the New York residents and other voters for the Hope ‘n Change guy, saying “neener, neener, neener” will not ultimately help solve the problem.

    You know that web site called ??? (I’ll get the name). It is a great site where you insert a name and a network “blossom” comes out showing you all the “connections” that person has. WHAT WE NEED IS some genius who can create a CRONY CAPITALISM BLOSSOM chart. You’d put in Solyndra and come up with the connections …. to the White House. You’d put in that FInnish car outfit and come up with connection …. to the White House. You’d put in Solyndra and come up with connections … to the White House. And you’d put in other ones and come up with connections … to Major Republicans, too. We need to ARTICULATE and ILLUSTRATE what Crony Capitalism is and show it in a fun way to the kids in OWS so that they can learn that Crony Capitalism IS socialism and leads to … fascism. Then there would be no need to say “neener, neener, neener” because none of us (except the Fascists with the grins on the balconies) want fascism.

  45. “The only way the Goldmans and Citis and Bank of Americas can survive is if they can suck up popular political support indirectly, either by latching onto such vague right-populist concepts as “limited government” and “free-market capitalism” (ironic, because none of them would survive ten minutes without the federal government’s bailouts and other protections) or, alternatively, by presenting themselves as society’s bulwark against communism, lefty extremism, Noam Chomsky, etc.

    All of which is a roundabout way of saying one thing: beware of provocateurs on both sides of the aisle. This movement is going to attract many Breitbarts, of both the left and right variety. They’re going to try to identify fake leaders, draw phony battle lines, and then herd everybody back into the same left-right cage matches of old. Whenever that happens, we just have to remember not to fall for the trap. When someone says this or that person speaks for OWS, don’t believe it. This thing is bigger than one or two or a few people, and it isn’t part of the same old story. ”


    My local one is Occupy Baltimore. I think I’ll check it out to see how it is evolving.

  46. when U go to Muckety, insert any name into the search box in upper R.H. corner … have fun.

  47. Money quote of the year:
    “The outsourcing of common sense into models is where the financial system ran aground.”
    This is applicable also to a lot of other modern fallacies, from AGW to so called “social sciencies”. Mathematics often creates an illusion of certainty and understanding where nothing is really known or can be known. Is WS guilty of such arrogance? Of course it is. But this sin is nearly universal now, so there is no point to single it out for this.

  48. Brad:
    If you’re going, you might consider using this for a sign.

    I found it on a blog recently, but I don’t remember where. I think it is simple, elegant, and mostly accurate. It could help to build bridges between Tea Partiers and Occupiers.

  49. ricki: link your sign
    Artfldgr: ? I want an easy site to do that for me, like Muckety
    Brad: good start, good site, albeit outdated, pre-BO

  50. Rickl:
    If I go -which is looking probable -I will use that exact sign, though I will not claim it as my own work.


  51. And in related news; There is diisent among the drummers because they know about the $500,000 fund accumulated from donors that is NOT going to fix their recently “VANDALIZED” drums. Being a New Yawka, I can well imagine meself doing said vandalizing if I was a forced audience member to said drumming.

    And I DO wonder where that $500,000 is going. It can’t be being sucked up by greedy OSW Community Organizers! Or could it? Resist we much!

  52. And I DO wonder where that $500,000 is going.

    I wonder where that $500,000 came from.

  53. Bottom line, New York has been sending giant piles of feces to DC to pollute our political processes for decades. It’s hard to feel much sympathy…

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