Home » The once proud WaPo goes fishing—


The once proud <i>WaPo</i> goes fishing— — 21 Comments

  1. During the time that the Perry family leased this land, Rick Perry was a Democrat. Awkward…

  2. I’m in the middle of reading Ann Coulter’s “Demonic.” This is an amazing book. The Washington Post’s treatment of Perry could be taken straight of her book.

    She talks about the differences between the American Revolution (thoughtful) and the French Revolution (unbelievable barbarism). She also talks about how Democrats depend on demonizing their opponents.

    Since I am a former liberal and former Democrat, I really appreciated her examples of the political landscape I grew up in, thanks to demonization.

    If I knew then what I know now, I would never have voted for most of the Democratic candidates.

    I’m trying to get my son to read this book, but he’s already turned off by Coulter’s polemical style. Unfortunately, most liberals will not be able to understand this book.

    But try to get people to read it. It’s very timely.

  3. I would fully expected an article like this to appear in the NYT. But, I am a little surprised to read it in WaPo.

    At least to me, WaPo seems to engage in less of this “activism pretending to be hard news” style of journalism than the NYT does.

    Promethea: The first Ann Coulter book I read was Slander, back in 2002. The thesis is that the MSM unfairly criticizes, smears, and sometimes outright lies about conservatives.

    Exactly what WaPo is doing to Perry with this article.

  4. Scott – The WaPo hides it better. I just dashed off an email to their ombudsman a few minutes ago. Told him that “journalism” like the Rick/Rock Perry article reminded me of their witchcraft journalism against Va governor Bob McDonnell during the 2009 election. And their bias was why our family cancelled our 25+ yrs subscription during the 2008 election. A funny joke headline at the time was – despite college thesis McDonnell ekes out 22 point win.

  5. They’re obviously hoping to repeat the “macaca” imbroglio. What swine. But, as the Bard wryly noted, “filths savour but themselves.” It’s disgusting that they dragged this big NADA out for five freaking pages.

    Let’s hope Herman Cain’s health holds up. And his stamina.

  6. I was in law school during the 2000 election and was stunned (ok, not really) by the number of things that were bandied around as “fact” about Bush and Gore that just were not true.
    Things both of them said were ignored if they didn’t fit the preconceived notions of the Leftists.
    I quickly decided “You can’t reason someone out of an position they never reasoned themselves in to.”

  7. The problem at its core is the arrogant cocksuredness of a liberal who insists on the premise of judging individuals and their flaws in history by current contemporary standards imagined to be etched in unmovable stone.

  8. I’m surprised they were able to find room for this story, what with all of the stories they’ve run about Solyndra and Gunwalker……..

  9. With all the above known to those who wish to see it, I don’t know what concerns me more at this time; Fox beginning a tilt left these days, or the blind usefuls protesting on Wall Street at this time.

  10. Soooo — it simply isn’t newsworthy to reveal that the president of the US was mentored by unrepentant revolutionaries who used terror bombings in their quest to overthrow the government or that one of those terrorists actually wrote the president’s fictional autobiography. But it IS newsworthy that a GOP candidate used to hunt at a place where someone else once wrote a bad word on a rock.

  11. Of course, it also wasn’t newsworthy that a Dem candidate for president was part of a conspiracy to assassinate 5 US senators in the Capitol, but it was newsworthy that the Republican once allegedly missed a doctor’s appt.

  12. “Once proud WaPo.”

    You know, I suspect that the WaPo was always like this, but we just had no independent reference point from which to assess that.

    On reading Whitaker Chambers’s Witness, I was struck by who led the charge to defend Alger Hiss and smear Chambers. Yup, the NYT and WaPo. Maybe Duranty’s scandalous bias was not an anomaly, except perhaps in its egregiousness.

  13. Would this be the same paper that mentioned the word “macaca” along with VA senatorial candidate George Allen’s name in 107 articles prior to Election Day 2006? [note: Chris Cillizza referred to the macaca moment again as recently as 5/2011 – this story just never gets old!]

    Or is this the same paper that ran a Sunday front page story on the thesis that 2009 VA gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell wrote in 1989 at Regent University where he described feminists as “detrimental” and “said government policy should favor married couples over ‘cohabitors, homosexuals or fornicators.”?

    Geez, I would never have expected such treatment of a Republican candidate from that rag, er, newspaper!

  14. You guys are absolutely right. I retract my comment above that WaPo is not quite as bad as the NYT at this type of thing.

    The McConnel hit job, blowing “macaca” way out of proportion, and now this smear job on Perry is just as egregious as what the NYT does.

  15. We all ain’t seen nothing yet. The MSM is going to pull out every possible trick and artifice and propaganda talking points, which will be pounded over and over again until it is perceived by a significant percentage of the populace as the truth — in order to try to get this failed President re-elected. “Didja hear that Palin said “she can see Russia from her porch, as her answer to how qualified she is in foreign affairs!!” ….”Yeah, I did – I mean, WTF, Dude? Is she, like, a moron or something?”

    “What do you think of that Perry guy?” “Hmm, not sure….wasn’t there something a few month ago about him and the N-word they had on some rock on a ranch of his is or something….I heard that he is kind of a racist.” “Oh….wow”.

    Don’t think they can’t do it, either. Don’t let yourself assume that the general public is in any way on top of things, based on exchanges in little echo chambers such as this one.

    Whoever gets the GOP nomination will be in for the worst sliming, and repeated talking point attacks, any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes.

    President Zero cannot run on his record or on any more Hopey Changey Bulls–t. And he knows it and the MSM knows it. He is already doing nothing but running for re-election – and it appears to be based on two themes: 1) pretending to still be a Washingon outsider – even tho his party controlled the entire govt for his first 2 years, and he has been president for almost three; and 2) class warfare combined with demonization of Repubs.

    It would be an absolute landslide loss – worse than what McGovern suffered in 72……but for the fact that the GOP candidate is going to be pilliored from every major media outlet, non-stop.

    The depressing thing, is that too many independent and conservative – minded people still fall for the tricks. One of which will be a deliberate attempt to divide/conquer and split the GOP vote. We see it already……media attempts so sour conservatives on Christie is the latest. The objective will then be for useful idiots on OUR OWN side of the aisle who will nod their little useful heads after being fed what the MSM is going to feed them (e.g., I can’t tell you how many conservatives I know who are CONVINCED that Palin is both a former slut and a moron) and claim that they will sit home and not vote for Mitt or for any othe RINO, or vote for the third party Loon — THUS ASSURING VICTORY for President Zero, who can then win with the less than 50% of the popular vote is probably going to get.

    Gonna be a bumpy ride….

  16. Maybe they shouldn’t have included the photo of the welcome sign, since it contained the name Throckmorton.

    Vaguely recalling something I read in the popular Texas history, “Lone Star” many years ago, I was able to confirm that the county was named in order to honor the father of one of only seven or eight unionist delegates to the Texas secession convention to vote against the act.

    On the other hand there is probably plenty to judge James W Throckmorton guilty of since he did eventually join the Confederacy after his state’s secession.

    So maybe the WaPo has the bases covered all the same.

    By the way, we should probably also dig up Samuel Eliot Morrison’s bones and burn them, since the same geologically directed term is used in quotation marks, in “Admiral of the Ocean Sea”, his history of Columbus’ voyages, to describe anchor cable shearing coral formations.

  17. Let’s not forget Fast and Furious, a scandal that makes Watergate look like small potatoes. Where are the self-important twits Woodward and Bernstein?

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