Home » Hollywood may no longer love Obama…


Hollywood may no longer love Obama… — 13 Comments

  1. Hollywood executive: “[if Perry or Bachmann is competitive with Obama] I’ll max out so fast it will make your head spin.”

    That statement IS spin. The Hollywood executive is going to max out for Obama, no matter what.

    The statement is a cousin to lefty bloggers who praise Repubs who are out of office (Reagan, GWB) as a method of discrediting Repubs who are currently running for office. When Reagan and GWB still WERE in office, those same lefty bloggers threw manure at them with every waking breath; characterized Reagan and GWB criminals who were extreme dangers to all humanity.

    Spin Spin Spin Tactics Tactics Tactics

  2. Another example: McCain in 2008.

    Spring 2008: lefty bloggers heap effusive praise upon McCain.

    Summer 2008, McCain wins Repub nomination: same lefty bloggers immediately characterize McCain as everything extremist and horrifying. According to them: McCain threw away his soul and lurched to the right.

    Tactics tactics tactics. Also, those lefty bloggers were taking their cues from a major media which was taking its cues from David Axelrod. The Obama Campaign was able to disseminate its preferred messages at will, and with rapidity.

    I’m not alleging organized conspiracy. Rather, media and bloggers took their cues b/c they wanted to do so and desired to do so.

  3. One thing that surprised me about actors is that they can portray people smarter than they are. The statements by some of these Hollywood types seems to indicate not only that they are not paying attention but that they never found any reason to, ever. Mila Kunis is a case in point. Obviously a nice kid she is still an ardent Obmaski. She seems to have been detached somehow from news of the world and the role of her pet bull is playing in its crumbling.

  4. Is it terrible of me to be thinking more frequently of just splitting the coasts off into their own country? They want full blown social reform, let’s give it to ’em…and contain them in the coastal areas. Then enforce the borders.

    …except, we can’t do that *now*, so never mind.

  5. Tesh – I think you raise an interesting hypothetical.

    Let’s just suppose for the sake of argument that we don’t have to worry about anything practical – like civil war or procedural obstacles – and that there was a feasible way to break the coasts into their own country…

    Do you think leftists would want it? I mean, would they want their country to be, basically, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Boston, Philly, and Newark? (For we are supposing that all the conservative people in “Coastal America” exodus to the interior to be in “Real America” (or whatever we call it). They’d be left with tech guys, financiers and other rich rent-seekers, Hollywood, college kids, musicians, serious ideological unionists, communists of all shape and size and flavor… and that’s about it.

    Then we stipulate that all the practicalities we bracketed to get to that point kick in once the country is broken up.

    Would the Democrats take it? Set aside what conservatives would prefer – it often seems, when I listen to and talk to lefties (which is often), like that is what they want. In other words, it’s their ideal. A pure “left-leaning” state.

    I think one possible result of this thought-experiment is that many people who self-identify as Democrats would opt to stay in Real America (even if it was stipulated that Real America would not have the centralized and unionized characteristics that would transfer to Coastal America). How many would choose to stay? Who knows, but I suppose the answer is “a lot.”

    This would lead to a more leftist cast developing in Coastal America, which is presumably what the leftists desire anyway.

    I’d never thought about it like this before, but it does appear that ultimately, when a decisive choice has to be made between leftism and conservatism, most Americans would choose conservatism.

    That’s encouraging, but only a little bit, because I’m not sure what it will take to get people to realize they are facing an analogous choice already. We have never really tried conservative government post-1900, with the closest contenders probably being the Coolidge and Reagan years. The greatest trick the liberals have pulled is convincing people that we HAVE tried conservative governance, and that it has failed. (Of course, leftists think we haven’t really tried leftist governance either; cf. Paul Krugman. All I can say to that is that the administrative state shows that we have had far more leftist governance than conservative governance. How many times would the Department of Education have been abolished if we had actually had conservative governance? Yet it’s still here).

    Let’s hope the choice becomes clearer to enough people in the coming months.

  6. kolnai says:
    “The greatest trick the liberals have pulled is convincing people that we HAVE tried conservative governance, and that it has failed.”

    I am with you. That meme has become a sore spot with me. When it is asserted, I do not remain calm and composed. Rather, I feel, within, the stirrings of anger; the instinct to cry havoc.

  7. Meanwhile, down here in Texas we have not had any organized gay hunts. Our Jews have not been herded into churches at gunpoint and forced to handle snakes. Hell, the worst our Xtian Theocrats ™ have managed in all the years of Bush-Perry is to send some rayers and covered dishes if they hear that you’re sick.

    I really don’t mind folks who disagree with me. I’ve been to the top of several mountains but haven’t ever spoken to a burning bush. What gets me is the alleged panic over something that they can , with their own eyes isn”t true. And then to have the nerve to tell me I’m stupid.

  8. Hollywood is mad at Obama because he hasn’t been liberal enough.

    I expected that there would be a bunch of political movies leading up to the 2012, such as HBO’s Game Change, in attempt to gin up support for Obama. What I didn’t expect was the rash of red state/tea party-hating films like Straw Dogs, Red State, Hick, Butter, etc. These people are actively painting half of this country as stupid, bigoted, flat-earthers. It’s a bit jarring to realize that they really believe we are no better than Nazis.

  9. I’m not alleging organized conspiracy.

    I am. I consider JournoList as frank evidence of such, namely, collusion between Reds to decide and control the media narrative they will present to the proletariat. This done all the while hiding that they were acting in concert, to make it appear that they’d all independently reached the same conclusion.

    So not to go all tin-foil hat here, but secret cooperation to decide on the line to advance the Party’s interests … yeah, I’d call that a conspiracy.

  10. One thing that surprised me about actors is that they can portray people smarter than they are.

    Yeah, but Bob, they’d pretty much have to have this ability, or they’d never be suitable for a role, would they?

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