Home » The plan for the attack on Romney


The plan for the attack on Romney — 15 Comments

  1. “Obama officials have made “weirdness” an epithet for Romney the way they tagged John McCain “erratic” in the fall of 2008 after the Arizona senator suddenly left the campaign trail and nearly backed out of the first debate as part of an attempt to get a deal on the bailout…”

    Liberals they don’t have a problem with Obama being a Muslim but call Mitt Romney weird because he is a Mormon. Don’t forget lib dims are tolerant and open minded,,,,,unlike Republicans.

  2. Say, don’t Mormons believe that Jesus is Satan’s brother?

    Politics makes strange bedfellows.

  3. Who leaks this stuff? If I were in the CIA and did a dirty tricks campaign like this I certainly wouldn’t leak it. What possible good would it do the Obama campaign to let this be known?

    This must be all Axlerod has left to use and he must think this will buck up his troops.

  4. “It’s not just a matter of dodging the debate, not just a matter of flip-flopping and putting his finger to the wind – it is that he’s not comfortable in his own skin, and that gives people a sense of unease,” added a Democratic consultant expected to be involved in the reelection campaign.

    My irony meter just went critical.

    What next? Saying Romney’s mom was a flaky Red, or his father a ne’er-do-well drunken philanderer? Or that Romney doesn’t have the requisite executive experience?

  5. If Romney is the candidate I’ll hold my nose and vote against BHO, but I would prefer to not have to hold my nose in the voting booth.

  6. Parker: I always hold my nose in the voting booth. They should provide noseclips along with the ballots.

  7. I wouldn’t worry too much about Romney IF (note the big IF) Reps control congress. I doubt that he would fight hard against them. It would be nice to know about his cabinet picks, though, since these are the people who will propose and implement policy and they will offer some insight into his real priorities. It will be interesting to see whether he offers more concrete policy proposals when the Rep field narrows. His current wishywashyness doesn’t endear him to me, but I do like his attack ads.

  8. I can’t guarantee that I will vote for Romney if he is the nominee. I fervently hope he isn’t.

    But on the other hand, knowing in advance that Obama’s campaign strategy will consist entirely of trashing his Republican opponent, whoever it is, is an argument in favor of Palin, in my opinion. She has already been through the crucible. There’s not much else they can throw at her, and there’s a real chance that their demonization tactics could backfire if they get too heavy-handed.

  9. However, it’s actually going to be Rick Perry, and when it is, Obama will run against Bush again. He’ll beat Bush, but he won’t beat Rick Perry.

  10. At least qualifications won’t be an issue this time around; everyone knows the POTUS isn’t qualified by now.

  11. “I always hold my nose in the voting booth. They should provide noseclips along with the ballots.”

    1976, 2000, and 2004 I held my nose. But unless I see that the race is very close, 1-2 percentage points, I always vote libertarian. That way I don’t have to hold my nose.

  12. Let’s be fair to Axelrod. You can’t really expect him to run the campaign on Obama’s policies, or record.

  13. When does this tactic hit the wall of diminishing returns? We have this internet thing now. will it not eventually backfire on the person doing the slimeing?

  14. Neo, in re noseclips: well put!

    Glenn Reynolds has been saying that, in 2012, he’d vote for a wet paper towel against Obama. (Or was it a syphilitic camel?)

    For all Mitt Romney’s faults — and I have multiple reasons not to like him — he loves his country, he believes in American exceptionalism, and he knows how to run a large organization, all qualifications our incumbent has never demonstrated. And hey, he’s making all the right enemies, isn’t he?

    In all seriousness, I hope very much that hardly any Republicans stay home on election day 2012. If they don’t have anybody to vote for, they will certainly have someone to vote against.

    And, as the saying goes… if you can vote, but choose not to, then you don’t really have standing to complain about the results.

    Daniel in Brookline

  15. It’s funny that this piece of “news” set off Politico’s hype machine, but DeMint calling Obama “unAmerican” the same day barely registered a blip on the screen.

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