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From one Weiner… — 13 Comments

  1. Tony Weiner just wanted all of his Facebook followers to know that he had a very “tony wiener”.

  2. Yes, I can imagine the childhood trauma that comes with having such a punworthy name. Noty quite as bad a Joseph Wilfarht, another good German name, but still……..

  3. Well…… Nothing could be quite as bad as a last name of “Cockburn” (pronounced co-burn).

  4. Almost any name can be ruined, or have unpleasant or comical associations attached to it.

    I remember back years ago, as my successful, suburban, chisel featured, blond, hirsute and muscular mesomorph father stared uncomprehendingly at the television and asked “Why?”, as a parade of glabrous spindle-armed proto-geeks with piping voices relentlessly crossed the screen as characters named “Norman”.

    Maybe that’s why he preferred boating to watching TV .

  5. Reminds me of the two liberal arts college professors named Hole who gave their son the middle initial A. For real.

  6. A commenter’s link had an article about “what’s in a name” which was very interesting. I remember as a child someone told me of two children named Ima and Ura Hogg. I was stunned.

    Basic training was not kind to anyone with a name susceptible to punning and funning. That was before the days when Clinton debased our Army. We’ve gone all Nanny now even more than Nanny actually was.

    The one thing that struck me is the highbrow sarcasm of Juli Weiner. I thought it rather hypocritical for her to scold others of what she is doing.

  7. This is getting old. Not the puns, the entire subject.
    I recall, some years ago, talking to a woman about the Thomas/Hill thing going on at the time. She informed me that, as a rape survivor, she couldn’t be upset about “talking dirty at the office”, snort.
    Yet, the partisan lineup being as it was, you’d have thought it was all about murdering every last American woman, or at least putting them into comfort camps.
    Today…different lineup…different results.

  8. Well, the one way it could have been worse than Wiener was to have been named Richard Head…
    Oh, about Ima Hogg? That was true, but she didn’t have a sister named Ura, only brothers. She was the daughter of a turn-of-the-last century governor of Texas, and became quite the philanthropist and performer of good deeds.
    Generally, people called her “Miss Ima”.
    WRT military basic training, I had a good friend named Bruce Lovely – and he would have caught all sorts of hell in basic, but that he was six-foot odd, and built like a football halfback.

  9. With due respect, I love it. It’s not getting old for me, not until the truth comes out!

    What you are seeing is not just a love for the ribald, but a democracy where position and power does not mean automatic protection. And, in fact, where it becomes evident that one is using one’s power and position to achieve that effect, the more our democratic traditions oppose that end. We don’t take titles; we don’t dress differently as to class because we don’t admit a society of classes. The more power tries to achieve its purpose through just the naked expression of its will, the more people wake up and join the opposition.

    In fact, this, and the latest economic figures give me hope that enough Americans still care about the truth.

    We don’t let things just fade away, and no matter how much euphemistic explanation is provided, eventually enough of the public wises up.

    The summer of our discontent . . . with the lies of the media and those who want to “fundamentally transform” America.

  10. Thanks for the info, Sgt Mom. I am always amazed at history being more interesting than fiction. There’s a good example on Powerline today and a story about Alger Hiss and Whitaker Chambers.

  11. As pride is taking down Congressman Weiner via pride in his own weiner, so pride will take down Obama via his “weiner,” that is his pride on his economic and Middle East policy, especially on Israel. Obama, like Weiner, will not be able to endure questioning, the truth, and finally, mockery.

    Later generations might ask, “What was his weiner?”

    Some writer or politician (and I think I read this in one of Paul Johnson’s books) stated that the symbol for the Soviet block was a raised fist and the symbol for the West was a phallus. One, an expression of the will to power; the other an expression of the will to instinct. (For Muslim’s, the will to power is identical to a phallus. That’s why they rape their way to a polity.)

    From this system, I think it easy to see that Obama is more Soviet than he is Western. Yet the two are not that far apart. Both refuse tradition (including revelation) and reason.

  12. Well, it’s all over the news. He admitted it. Weeping apparently.

    Won’t resign though. No crime. No controlling legal authority, I guess.

    Just too dreary.

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