Home » Birthers of a different kind


Birthers of a different kind — 43 Comments

  1. A good demonstration how women can hate and deride other women much worse than any normal man is ever capable.

  2. Translation:
    That BITCH! How dare she get what I wanted, while being femine? I gave up EVERYTHING, turned myself into a smaller version of a man, to get ahead– and she DARES to be openly, traditionally female? (bunch of female-directed insults)

    I’d imagine it does feel very much like having one’s husband stolen.

  3. Wow – that’s just weird. She seems to have confused Palin with one of the ‘Sex in the City’ girls (references to designer clothes, stealing husbands, using her sexuality, etc.). How exactly is taking on and beating some establishment Alaska Republicans, including the former governor, “sneering and winking at the Republican, patriarchal and sexist machine”?

    As for the “outing” of her pregnant daughter, it seems that the commenter is angered that Palin didn’t show sufficient shame about it – was she supposed to hide Bristol until Trip was born, deny it when asked about it by the media?

  4. 1. But now there appear to be other contenders.

    The CEO of that Website is Henry Blodget, who is barred for life from the securities industry.

    I confess to a certain appreciation of such scapegrace rogues–but there are limits.

    2. My suspicion is that political professionals want to see rampant voter irrationality because it is easier to manipulate passions than to make reasoned arguments. Think of how the tort bar and advertising industry operate.

  5. “Republican, patriarchal and sexist machine ”

    Funny – I see the Dem machine as much more like that than the Rs. Well, except even the men are matriarchal in telling people how to live their lives and being ever-constant scolds.

  6. I think part is jealousy of her looks, but there are other successful Conservative women out there who don’t spark that visceral hate.

    A darker, deeper part is jealousy of a different kind. I think they resent her for not having had an abortion, for not encouraging Bristol to have an abortion, and yet still living a happy successful life. Her very existence throws their own wrong “choices” back in their faces.

  7. People need to hate. Some of the benefits are:
    1) increased self esteem (I’m better than him-her).
    2) Provides a venue to vent one’s frustrations, ergo is physically healthy, no psychosomatic illness as a result of pent-up emotions.
    3) A chance to make new friends, one can get together with other people who have adopted the same hate-target as oneself.
    4) It’s easy, all of one’s deficiencies become unimportant in light of the evil the hate target is doing. One is a good person for fighting the hate target. Ergo, it is an easy means of self-improvement.

    It takes a very contented, self-confident personality not to hate.

  8. Not to paint with broad swathes, but generally liberal women are unhappy, humorless, self-important trolls.

  9. I think LisaM is right. Sarah Palin’s existance is an affront to the feminists self image and they hate her for existing.

  10. Fortunately, the commenter is dealing well with her issues…

    “woman who steals your husband all the while pretending to be your best friend?” Am I the only one getting a whiff of autobiography here?

    Seriously, she needs help.

    Lots of it.


    Yesterday would be good.

  11. Since Donald Trump has recently raised again the questions surrounding Obama’s birth certificate, the Dems are attempting to make a distraction by raising again the absurd “controversy” about Palin’s pregnancy.

  12. “That bitch, her carrot cake isn’t nearly as light and fluffy as mine! And I bet she colors her hair, too!”

    Might as well go for the whole burrito. /g

  13. This wretched woman is confused. It is the vagina that is valued, not the uterus. Brings to mind the old saying, “If (liberal) women didn’t have vaginas, we’d have bounties on their heads and hunt them down like dogs.”
    Apologies to the ladies here present.

  14. OB: Ya think? It was a bipolar pathologist who first told me, just before bailing out of job and marriage, but didn’t give a source. Schopenhauer will do!

  15. Tom, still looking to check, but in the meantime found this Schopenhauer quote, apposite to this post:

    “Men are by nature merely indifferent to one another; but women are by nature enemies. ”


  16. Hey! I thought Sarah Palin didn’t have a uterus. Or was it a vagina? Or was it that even though she had a vagina she didn’t have a uterus? Or was it that even though she had both she wasn’t really a woman?

    Maybe we had better start with basics.

    There is a cell. It has a membrane, a nucleus, mitochondria, golgi bodies, maybe a vacuole or two. It divides through mitosis.

    Next, …

    All I can say is Thank God Sarah Palin isn’t a marsupial! There’s no telling what these maniacs would conjure up to be in her pouch!

  17. “I was furious as a woman and a mother when she outed her pregnant daughter to the world…”

    Because as a woman and mother she knows what’s right for other women, mothers and daughters (and grandchildren)?

    What a small-minded busybody. She sounds like she’s leaning across a picket fence gossiping to a like-minded neighbor, jumping to conclusions and spreading rumors about the confident, attractive, fun newcomer in town.

  18. I too think LisaM highlights an important point. If one of the liberal woman’s core beliefs is that only abortion, feminism, victimology and leftist politics can give women happy, successful lives, then Sarah Palin and every other cheerful, non-bankrupt woman is an affront to them.

    And the more visible that woman is, the more liberal women will seek to gut her publicly. If your local Republican town council member, Susie Same-As-Everyone, suddenly got national recognition, the attacks from “the swarm” would follow promptly!

  19. “So yes, women have worked long and hard not to be silent when we see a woman like this promoted simply because of her uterus.”

    This is the telltale, fragment of a sentence. She thinks she has worked long and hard but has not been promoted to her worthy station; yet secretly a part of her knows Palin has achieved a status she envies because Palin has the charisma she lacks. So she has to debase Palin simply because Palin is a conservative woman. Thus she defaults to claiming Palin’s success is due to Palin being born with ovaries and a uterus.

    She is a very twisted and kinky noodle, without a doubt. May crows feast upon her brain.

  20. “So yes, women have worked long and hard not to be silent when we see a woman like this promoted simply because of her uterus.”

    Hillary, you got anything to say here?

  21. Somewhat related to birtherism, I saw a great comment at American Thinker in a response to an article about the blogger Wonkette’s offensive comments about Trig Palin:

    So, let’s see if have this right…in Leftyland, the innocent and non-office holding baby Trig Palin’s origins are an issue because they’re suspect and to be resurrected at every opportunity to imply shenanigans by Palin, but the origins of the man who currently hold the office of the presidency, perhaps unconstitutionally, are off limits and we are to take him at his word. In addition, the baby is to be mocked because of his mental limitations, while Obama is to be lauded for his. Got it.

  22. Sarah is woman conservative. And she is conservative on all the issues (social, financial, life, American exceptionalism etc). So she is hated as a traitor. Just as black conservatives are. Woman conservatives and black conservatives, the two most hated groups.

    And indeed, with it comes the abortion issue, which is and will remain a highly sensitive issue. Not only is Sarah Prolife in words, but also and very dramatically so for everyone to see, in practice. Both in the case of Trig and in the case of Bristol.
    After 40 years there is a sea of unspoken pain from voluntary and not so voluntary abortions in the land (and in the world). The figures of the number of more or less coerced (by boyfriends, parents, employers, professors etc) abortions on young women are horrifying. As are the many stories of women who suffer of the aftermath. You have, however, to go to the Prolife websites on this, the MSM are mendaciously silent.

    The situation in the US as regards to the abortionproblem is aggravated when compared to Europe for the following reasons:
    1. Abortion legislation in the US was not democratically produced as it was in Europe. It was basicly a tyrannical judicial decision. The people were never allowed to vote on this fundamental thing.
    2. Part of the disastrous way the law was produced, was that there were no time-limits set as in Europe. A baby can be slit into pieces just before he/she is born. In Europe the limit is mostly 24 weeks, and many find this still to high. When you tell them that in the US babies can be and are ripped to pieces at birth, they can not believe it.
    3. In contrast to Europe most of the US population is still Christian. This aggravates the matter even more. For many Christians abortion is a return to a cruel prechristian paganism.

    These three factors have produced the rise of the religious right in the US. They also have produced the US Prolife-movement, which is the strongest and most articulate in the world- and quite understandably so.
    And they have caused the enormous sensitivity the abortion issue has on all sides in the US- far more than in Europe.
    Apart from the fact that she is a woman conservative, very probably this sensitivity and the sea of unspoken pain related to abortion trigger a lot of the hatred against Sarah Palin.

    This might also explain the incredible weirdness of the (false) rationalisations that are given for this hatred.

  23. “In addition, the baby is to be mocked because of his mental limitations, while Obama is to be lauded for his.”

    I hope & change crows eat their brains.

  24. Check this out, via the wayback machine:


    According to this Associated Press headline, “Kenyan-born Obama is set to become a US Senator.”

    The Associated Press, people. So matter of fact, it takes your breath away. The story wasn’t even about his origin: they take it as fact. So tell me again — why is it verboten for us to even Inquire about this guy’s origins?

  25. “”The site you link to is not safe.””

    No problem here with the site. Really incredible if this story is legit.

  26. I’ve actually spoken to conservative-leaning people who are fans of Gov. Palin, but are disturbed by some of the details surrounding Trig — and now they’ve got me wondering!

    In particular, there were significant delays before getting her to the delivery room. (If I remember correctly, her water broke as she was about to give a speech in Dallas. She gave the speech anyway, then took TWO flights to get home, rather than go to the nearest emergency room. That she didn’t cancel the speech is weird; that she insisted on going all the way home, during what easily could have become a medical emergency, suggests that she had something to hide.)

    Am I missing something in all this?

    Frankly, when I read about this in “Going Rogue”, I felt that she had had trepidations, right up until the birth, about delivering a Down Syndrome baby. As such, it seems reasonable to me to think that she might, in her secret heart of hearts, have been hoping for complications. And, once her son was born and she fell in love with her new baby boy, she’d then have been deeply ashamed of ever having felt that way — even though it influenced her actions — and would disavow anything of the sort.

    Please help me out here, folks. The TrigBirthers ™ are basing their fantasies on just two actual facts — the delays in getting back to Alaska, and the fact that nobody thought she looked pregnant. I find the second laughable; is there a reasonable explanation for the first?

    Daniel in Brookline

  27. And yes, I do think it patently ridiculous that it’s legitimate to question the circumstances of the birth of Trig Palin, but not those of B. H. Obama Jr. Contrariwise, if I’m willing to demand that the President release his full birth records — which I am — then I don’t want to give his political opponents a pass.

  28. That is a fundamental mistake, Daniel. There is no constitutional issue with respect to either Palin or Trig.
    Do try to see the big picture and avoid the MSM-created distractions.

  29. Daniel– her water didn’t “break,” she was leaking amniotic fluid.

    Not nearly the same, although you wouldn’t know from the news– the last two-three months of my (totally normal) pregnancy they were checking for that regularly, and it’s only a problem if there’s not enough fluid to cushion the child in normal movement, or if an infection set in. If the fluid gets too low and there’s no infection, you’re put on bed rest.

    The current news stories also don’t mention she wasn’t having active labor, nor that she talked with her doctor most of the day, nor that she stopped in Seattle to have doctors check her.

    This isn’t exactly her first baby!

  30. Daniel, that’s an ingenious conjecture for which I see no evidence. Ingenious, but I don’t believe it.

    While my opinion of Palin has dropped sharply since the Republican convention, IMO she wouldn’t do something, consciously or subconsciously, like trying to abort her very late-term pregnancy.

    Moreover, Palin was pursuing national ambitions well before McCain picked her. Imagine what the Left would be saying had she lost Trig during that trip. Many social conservatives would also have been alienated.

    Palin may have been characteristically overconfident, but nothing worse than that.

  31. The harpies are angry that Palin got promoted because of her uterus (vagina?) instead of merit.
    Sort of like a token woman.
    Thing that really grates is that, in their heart (extremely small version) of hearts (not much there, the total being the sum of the parts), they know she got ahead on merit.
    Which the harpies did not. Anybody is jealous of that kind of difference.
    You need a corrective rationalization to keep from feeling inferior.
    Sorry to be trespassing on your turf, neo.

  32. This is classic:

    Her entire continued act is insulting to all of our intelligence, and demeaning to every woman that has had to make it in educational settings and in the workplace on the strength of her abilities, not on her looks and not on her sexuality.

    I didn’t make my way on either my looks or sexuality and Palin doesn’t offend or insult me in the slightest.

  33. Oh, I’d better add– when my due date was a month off, I got “doctor’s permission” to travel.

    It consisted of him saying “You realize this means you might give birth someplace other than where you’ve planned?” and having the office staff copy of the vital information in case I went into labor. I had more details in my little notebook for relatives’ questions.

    What a lot of these attacks on Palin via her pregnancy miss is that about 75% of the “rules” for pregnancy assume that the mother is a raging idiot.
    Not really odd or indicating ill intent– it happened to me and I’m a nobody. I can’t count the number of “Oh, you can’t eat that!!” freakouts by well meaning people who don’t realize they’re twenty pass-it-ons down the telephone game, and most of those before them were doing the “play it safe” game. (Example: tonic water. There was one German study that found no ill health effects in the children of women who drank over a liter a day, but there were slight shakes observed in some of the infants for one to two days after birth. Became outrage that I’d have a small tonic lemon-aid.)

    Add in the bad reporting about contractions and leaked fluid, and ignore that she has done this before a few times, and the story disappears as anything but an attack.

  34. lol – that was a good one. Made me laugh out loud. Talk about seething with envy! And with all that hatred and digust – must be a feminist democrat; no one else could hate a (conservative) successful women so much.

  35. Daniel’s statements from Brookline are proof that a little medical knowledge can be a troublesome thing, leading to potentially false conclusions, stimulating incorrect inferences and innuendo, all culminating with equating Palin with our Liar-In-Chief.

    There’s a lot more to know about obstetrics.

  36. I ran across this article today, titled “Obama: As American As Apple Pie” (see http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/157389-obama-as-american-as-apple-pie), remarkable for the author’s strident assertions of what the author is trying to convince. intimidate his audience into believing–or at least mouthing–the biography and life story of Obama that he asserts is the “official truth” about Obama, assertions of “what any informed and sensible person knows to be true,” assertions based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever and, thus, merely unsupported assertions, intellectual cheer leading, and chanting to numb the mind.

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