Home » Burglar/intruder calls 9/11 on homeowner


Burglar/intruder calls 9/11 on homeowner — 10 Comments

  1. Maybe he just thinks the country has been taken more thoroughly by moonbattery than it really is:

    Thieves Deserve Privacy, Too! (from October 24, 2009)

    There’s nowhere safe from this insanity. A few years ago, Shai Dromi, a Jewish farmer in the Negev, was hauled into court for shooting two Bedouins who had broken into his farm at night to steal his livestock. Interestingly, one of the pleas for his defense was that his action was legal according to Jewish Law (see Exodus 22:1).

    Possibly the greatest betrayal of trust in modern times is the nation-states’ dereliction of their duty of providing safety and security for their citizens. A system of law that gives criminals more rights than the law-abiding deserves to be trod underfoot with the most intense contempt.

  2. VERY fortunate for the pale-scrawny ‘yoot that he wasn’t in our home shower. Baa-Daa-Bing. Like dat.

  3. you would be very surprised as to what crooks do.

    that is, you think he is unsusal… thats because you use imagination.. not reality..

    look it up..
    you will find that they eat from your frige.
    play nintendo.. hang out in the home..
    fall asleep, use your marital aids. etc

    MANY times, they leave and come back more than once..

    but you would have to realize that this is not uncommon… and that if they are not too bold, they can keep tapping change drawers, wallets, and such, and people will just wonder but negate it.

  4. Dude(ette), it’s PORTLAND.

    My brother’s team did a terrorism drill there a few years back– not highly publicized, but not secret– and I wish I could find the local write-up again here’s the local story.

    The best quote was something like:
    “When I looked out the window and saw the black helicopters, I knew we’d invaded Iran!”


    Because deploying Helos to YuppyCity USA is the #1 priority when invading Iran.

  5. Portland is where all the weirdos that cant make the final trip to “go missing” in Alaska end up stuck

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