Home » The obligatory Keith Olbermann buh-bye post


The obligatory Keith Olbermann buh-bye post — 40 Comments

  1. Being an anti-establishment hero, or even more specifically, the modern re-incarnation of Edward R. Murrow, was obviously Keith Olbermann’s guiding self-image. And he did his best to sell it to everyone else, especially in the later years of the Bush administration. He got more and more strident and quite consciously tried to pin the reputation to himself of being the ultimate speaker of truth to power. The trouble for him was no one else believed it (he came across as more of a self-important blowhard) and also that it’s not a reputation you can give yourself. It has to be bestowed from others, by winning their respect. He seemed to think it was obvious that he was due that respect, even when the rest of the world showed no sign that that was the case.

  2. I read that Olbermann had signed a four year contract two years ago, which would mean two years of salary if it was a 100% buyout. Pretty nice establishment Keith, where you get paid two years for not working, especially at your salary.

  3. Keith Olbermann was MTM’s Ted Knight “Ted Baxter” filled with vitriol with no Ed Asner “Lou Grant” to contol him. A total joke, proving again that real life can imitate theater.

  4. It’s a big story because he is an utter ass on the show. A left-wing shock jock that, for some reason, the rest of the left treated like a normal reporter.

    The utterly blind irony was as unfunny and painful as the Colbert Report, with added shrieking.

    Supposedly, in real life he’s not such an utter jerk, but eh.

  5. I’m guessing that CNN–bottom of the ratings barrel–will have him blathering there in very little elapsed time.

    His little farewell, after the final commercial break, was–for Keith–astonishingly level, non-shrill and(can’t believe I’m saying this..)classy.

  6. What I read: this awful talking head was/is paid $7mill a year.
    Before his msnbc gig, he was an espn talking head. I never understood how that qualified him for msnbc; he could and did crap on players and teams for espn. But maybe some of these heads are like empty pitchers, which dispense when tipped what they’ve been filled with.

  7. It’ll be interesting to hear what Mark Levin has to say Monday night, he always calls it Keith Overbites countdown to low ratings show.

  8. there once was an a**hole named keith
    whose departure did laughter bequeath
    on those who like sanity
    better than vanity
    in spite of its comic relief

  9. And, the hideous-lithium deprived Ed Schultz is being pushed to 10:00pm from 6:00. Buu-Byeeee, Eddie.

  10. It’s news because he is such an arrogant, mean-spirited, foaming at the mouth liberal. I doubt his politics are that different from his (former) MSNBC colleagues, but his approach to the “news” was particularly revolting (he called Michelle Malkin a mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick).
    I hope there’s more MSNBC housecleaning in the works.

  11. He wasn’t a bad commentator on ESPN and with respect to baseball, the only sport I can say I know well, he wasn’t a complete idiot. But I couldn’t see at the time what qualified him to be a political commentator, and I haven’t seen anything since that would show me otherwise.

  12. Ogremann was profiled in The New Yorker a couple of years back. Like most articles in The New Yorker, it is rather long but interesting.

    In it, the writer portrays Ogremann as a guy who has had problems with almost every employer he’s ever had, as well as the co-workers at those employers. I remember one sentence where the writer mentioned Ogremann’s parents sent him to see a professional because of his psychological problems. I remember wishing he’d developed that idea further, but unfortunately it was just one or two brief sentences.

    I decided to see if I could find the article before hitting “submit” and here it is. I forgot the title is “One Angry Man” which is perfect:


  13. Get this though: at the NYT, the comments on the announcement all said something to the effect of “But Keith was the only reason I watched MSNBC! Keith WAS MSNBC!!”

    Very telling, and excellent schadenfreude as well.

    Oh and I hear that Keith’s ex-girlfriend was only with him because she wanted a job at MSNBC.

  14. It only takes a few minutes of viewing one of Olbermann’s foaming, incoherent rants to realize he is walking around with a big punch my lights out sign on his forehead. I would guess that most people have known a person like Olbermann at some time or another.

    People like Olbermann are in a constant state of rage. They respect no one but themselves. They think everyone else is an idiot. They know they are the smartest person to have ever walked the earth. They think they are the meanest, toughest SOB on the planet when nothing else could be further from the truth. They talk they talk but they can’t walk the walk. When the real made of lead bullets start flying all the big talk stops and they s*%t their pants and become whining, cringing sissy boys crying for their mommy.

    I’ve seen it happen and it ain’t pretty.

  15. I *never* liked Olbermann, even before I knew anything about his politics. When he was a sportscaster it was overwhelmingly obvious he was an insufferable, egomaniacal pompous jackass – and he wasn’t nearly as knowledgable about sports as he pretended to be.

    Nitpick on the Crystals’ vid – it may have been from 1965, in fact likely because of the go-go dancers, but they are lip-syncing to the original record from 1962. Still great, though.

  16. His hysterical, overheated rants were political porn to the left. I’m loving the angry, infuriated reactions of the Kos kiddies. It restores some faith in the capitalist system that even in the age of Obamanomics and bailouts, reality can still exert it’s pull and force out bullying twerps like Olby.

  17. Gringo,

    With all due respects to the hillarious Gateway Pundit, I think he has put Olberman over his pay grade. It is, however, a move in the right direction.

  18. Baklava Says:

    Who would want the job at MSNBC that bad?

    For a cool 7 mill per year, I’d go on in my underwear and be a stark raving lefty progressive lunatic degrees worse then Keefums.

    Them there’s acting dollars, as far as I’m concerned. I’d give it a shot, even though I can’t act worth a crap. But then, neither can Keefums act (sane).

  19. “”For a cool 7 mill per year, I’d go on in my underwear and be a stark raving lefty progressive lunatic degrees worse then Keefums.””

    Nahhhh. A better example of selling your soul to the devil could not be found! I feel guilty just pondering a figure of what i’d take just to display an Obama bumper sticker on my vehicle.

  20. He he, from the comments of the Gateway Pundit picture:

    “Some of my good friends are janitors and Keith Olbermann ain’t no janitor”

  21. Best line from the New Yorker story (my brevity edit): He once bumped his head, which permanently upset his equilibrium.

  22. The only thing more ridiculous than making a political commentator out of a sportscaster would be making one out of, say, a drama critic.

  23. If Olbie was “anti-establishment”, he’d be a tea-partier. Dems are the established establishment.

  24. Rickz,

    Who would want a job at MSNBC that bad comment was a reply to Helvetica’s post that his ex-girlfriend only dated him to work at MSNBC.


  25. You put up some good stuff Neo, but this one really got me going. Must have been the video : )

  26. If Olbie was “anti-establishment”, he’d be a tea-partier.

    Nothing says “anti-establishment” and “anti-corporatist” quite like working for GE.

  27. The spoiled children at Daily Kos are trying to “draft” him to run for Joe Lieberman’s senate seat. Watching that disaster unfold will be more entertaining than anything he ever did while at MSNBC.

  28. Scott:
    The spoiled children at Daily Kos are trying to “draft” him to run for Joe Lieberman’s senate seat. Watching that disaster unfold will be more entertaining than anything he ever did while at MSNBC.

    Please, please, oh PLEASE make Olbermann the Democratic Party nominee for Lieberman’s seat!

  29. Occam’s Beard
    Nothing says “anti-establishment” and “anti-corporatist” quite like working for GE.

    Nails it.

    Not to mention the reported $7 million dollar salary. Very anti-establishment, that. Practically minimum wage.
    He would be glad to live on the old Chicom ration of a pound of rice a day. ‘Twould be luxury, by comparison to what he had been suffering with under MSNBC.

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