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Send a postcard to Dupnick — 20 Comments

  1. Send one to Sarah with a check for her support to run for President.

    I’ll be sending my postcard today!

  2. I hope this backfires big time on the Dems.Can any fair minded person not be appalled by the attacks on Gov.Palin?
    My postacrd is in the mail.

  3. Assuming the post office actually delivers the cards. I’ve had political items sent that somehow *ahem* were ‘lost’ in delivery. I usually just email. I’ve sent one to CNN for their Jessica Yellin fiasco, Linda Lopez for accusing the Tea Partiers, and, of course Keith Olbermann.

  4. I sent one to Clarence “The Clown” Dupnik c/o Smear Merchants Society. If he doesn’t get it, I hope the postal workers enjoy it.

  5. Send one to Sarah if you really want to take this up stream.

    Yes, indeed, because all hateful rhetoric originates on the right.

    Right? and don’t forget to send one to Kos, since his website also marked the Congresswoman as a target. Too bluedog, you see…

  6. And send one to Kos. I saw that page as well. All those who advocate violence, in words or imagery, are assuming a great burden of responsibility. It’s the 600lb gorilla on the path of this topic.

  7. How can you not follow the logic?

    1) Normal kid with apolitical beliefs starts acting weird after break-up with girlfriend
    2) Now-strange kid begins demonstrating extreme liberal/leftist interests
    3) Strange kid is dissatisfied with Blue Dog Democrat’s response to an incoherent question (one year before most of the country has heard of Sarah Palin and two years before the first Tea Party group is formed)
    4) Now paranoid schizophrenic kid hears voices and studies mind control and builds creepy shrine in backyard (and evidences an obsession with Gabrielle Giffords)
    5) DailyKos publishes an entry saying “My CongressWOMAN [i.e. Gabrielle Giffords] voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” (i.e. she wasn’t leftist enough)
    6) A mere two days later paranoid kid with leftist tendencies and no connection to Tea Parties or any right leaning political group attempts to kill insufficiently leftist Democrat and gun down everyone standing anywhere near her.

    Conclusion: Aha! Right wing radio and the Tea Party is responsible for this. And Sarah Palin is the most responsible. She once used imagery that everyone across the political spectrum has used since the beginning of time.

    DailyKos? My congressWOMAN is dead to me? What’s that? I’ve never heard of that.

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    It’s just mind-boggling that anyone with an ounce of sanity or integrity is trying to sell this narrative in public. They ought to be embarrassed and ashamed. It’s truly the most despicable political behavior I’ve seen in my lifetime. I wish I was their mother because I’d wash their mouths out with soap and send them to their room until they were ready to apologize. Because that’s the level of behavior they’re displaying.

  8. Ain’t no one on our side advocating violence. That is the sole territory of the Che-worshipping, race-baiting, lying, Assassinate Bush Left.
    So assume your own responsibility.

  9. When I saw the Sheriff first air his political diatribe, I was watching Fox, and Megyn Kelly was anchoring.
    She was as taken aback ((as I was, and tried (as delicately as a good interviewer could be) to challenge him. He confirmed he was a Democrat and then proceded again to cite the vitriolic atmosphere in politics — which (of course) is directly attributable to the Republicans, Right, the Tea Parties, Palin, etc. He specified the “obstructionist Republicans, the immigration issue (surprise! his viewpoint NOT in sync with the 70% of his fellow Arizons) amongst other sins of the Republicans that are responsible for the state this country is in.
    It was impossible to miss the irony as he was engaging in the very behavior he was criticizing!

    My first thought was: Huh?!
    Next: What a jerk — is he for real?
    Then: Do I hope he just cooked his own goose and just pontificated himself out of his job on national TV! Can he be fired? Do they elect their Sheriff in Tucson?

    But then again, one can be sure that those Democrats/Progressives/Lefties will try to blame all this on Fox: Fox MUST have edited his remarks to make him look like the jerk he is.
    (Never mind that Megan Kelly diplomatically tried to ask him if such remarks were appropriate from a man in his position, and so forth (never mind that this was hours after the incident and very little was known about the shooter, his background, his motivations.

  10. Thanks, rickl.
    CNSNEWS.com has a good piece on Dubnik and his pontifications over the decades he’s been sheriff.
    I feel compelled to say that Sheriffs in the USA hold elective office. Unlike chiefs of police. Odd how some do not know that.
    I know Tucson well. It has more than its share of fruits-and-nuts voters, being home to the U of A, and loaded with artistes. There’s a prosperous private school committed to multiculti & pacifism. His tenure in office reflects the majority’s will.

  11. Nyom without perspective wrote, “All those who advocate violence

    Who was advocating violence?

    Not Sarah.

    Only someone like Nyom who libeled/slandered Sarah can continue with that reasoning.

    Sarah’s son serves for your right to vomit over her.

  12. ‘I feel compelled to say that Sheriffs in the USA hold elective office. Unlike chiefs of police. Odd how some do not know that..” — Tom

    FYI — MOST sheriffs are elected in US which is why comments in above post.

    However, in at least 3 states, they are not, as sheriffs are county-based offices, and some states do not have county-based local govt. or county elected officials..

    I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek when I asked if they can be fired. (I think they can, and also face impeachment, but again this varies from state to state).

    When I wrote “Do I hope he just cooked his own goose and just pontificated himself out of his job when he made his incendiary partisan comments on national TV!” my very specific intent was to say that by making such remarks on national TV (my question format was intended to be rhetorical as opposed to an inquiry) (during his “15 minutes of fame”)

  13. ‘I feel compelled to say that Sheriffs in the USA hold elective office. Unlike chiefs of police. Odd how some do not know that..” — Tom

    FYI — MOST sheriffs are elected in US which is why comments in above post.

    However, in at least 3 states, they are not, as sheriffs are county-based offices, and some states do not have county-based local govt. or county elected officials..

    I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek when I asked if they can be fired. (I think they can, and also face impeachment, but again this varies from state to state, and I am not well-versed in AZ local political laws.

    When I wrote “Do I hope he just cooked his own goose and just pontificated himself out of his job when he made his incendiary partisan comments on national TV!” it should be noted that my specific intent was to say that by making such remarks on national TV (my question format was intended to be rhetorical as opposed to an inquiry requiring an answer), and in the Sheriff’s ‘fifteen minutes of fame” statement, he was making remarks that were not only incendiary (politically) but also politically partisan within hours of the shooting, when little definitive information was available. Certainly there was NO indication that the shooter’s was a political motivation toward either the right or the left.
    We now know, in fact, that shooter had been to one of Rep. Gifford’s Congress on the Corner events, was familiar with the way in which it was held, and thus knowledgeable about access and so forth.

    Finally, when I mentioned potential firing — this was partly rhetorical. Anyone who has been paying attention has to be aware that even on one of the political issues he cited — immigration — he opposes the beliefs of most constituents (70% of the electorate is for the new laws and stronger control of immigration) However, his election to office myat reflect regional differences ind the state.

    My use of the word “fired” was meant to mean “Think he’ll win his next election?” OR is there mechanism for formal firing or impeachment for use of his office to promote a specific point of view, and denigrate political opponents at time of such tragedy. That is, will Arizonans listen to his words and feel that such a vitriolic politician is appropriate for the job.

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