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Power up! — 9 Comments

  1. My town in central MA loses power more often than its neighbors. It’s a tradeoff I usually accept in exchange for tree-lined roads. So far, knock on wood, we’ve been fine.

    If anything, the winds this afternoon were gustier than overnight. It’s still partly cloudy, but the sun just peeped through for the first time.

    I was more on edge than I would have been five years ago: this was the first threatening weather event since the major ice storm of 2008 knocked my power out for 12 days, and threatened but spared my home.

  2. I can have power off for 5 days and still flip the light switch every time i walk into the bathroom like some trained pidgeon or somethin. 🙂

  3. And why the hell i can’t spell pigeon without a D in it for going on 50 years now is beyond me.

  4. Down here in balmy Central Florida it will freeze tonight. Did so last night. Couple last week and more this week. Copenhagen..Cancun…ORLANDO..??

    The ice caps on Mars have shrunk dramatically and it’s obvious proof of the power of Man Made Global Warming on Earth. Except, of course, here on earth where we are FREEZING.

  5. They sent us home from work today at 2pm – that never happens, it was probably the first time in 25 years that the company did that. Walking to my car was… interesting.

    It is not terribly cold (20s) but the wind is blowing so bad that I can find all the drafts in my house.

    I took some apocalyptic pictures of downtown.

    But I have not lost power yet, probably because if my part of town loses power, we are in big trouble.

  6. Down here in the Philly area, I didn’t get it nearly as bad as you did in Massachusetts. I didn’t lose power.

    But I was 45 minutes late for work this morning. I set my alarm early to give me time to clean off my driveway, but when the alarm went off and I heard the wind blowing, I just pulled the covers over my head.

  7. Here in NYC we have 20″ to two feet, with drifts several feet deep, and the cars are buried. You can’t even see them. A Bostonian friend said, “Ah, this is just Wintah!”

    But the subways in the outer boroughs are verklempt; the Long Island Railroad has shut down, Metro North is running 1/3 of its usual trains, and they shut Penn Station for a while. The people on side streets and the outer boroughs are griping that their streets haven’t been plowed, and thousands of cars across the metro area have been abandoned, stalled out, in roads, blocking the snowplows further.

    But on my block, also buried over knee-deep in snow, it’s terribly quiet; the cars aren’t rolling, and the few people out and about are mostly walking in the middle of the street. Stretches of the sidewalks are impassable — it looks like Medicine Hat in midwinter. Mayor Bloomerpants is taking a bit of stick for not getting all the roads plowed instantly. Apparently the high winds kept blowing snow back into the roads, and the crews were told to concentrate on the main arteries.

    I have my food, heat, and cocoa supplies, and a solid amount of good literature to face out the situation. I love it.

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