Home » Krauthammer sums it up


Krauthammer sums it up — 14 Comments

  1. Um…”just so very succinct” is not really very succinct. Maybe “just succinct”, or just “succinct”.

    Just sayin’.

    Oh. Krauthammer’s great, but that goes without saying, which is why people always say what should go without saying.

  2. You’ve exceeded your snark quota for today.

    Jeez, Neocon wasn’t claiming she was succinct… just pointing out that Krauthammer was.

    And she was just pointing to something that was worth noting.

  3. Time and time again, the POTUS makes it clear that he considers his domestic opponents more of an enemy than our foreign enemies. Nothing new here, unfortunately.

  4. Did Bush ever say anything like this about his opponents? He barely even defended himself let alone talked about domestic enemies.

    Yet, Bush is the evil one and Obama is compassionate, likable and cares about the little guy. Riiiighht.

    Why don’t the 40% of people who still like our president see this and get turned off?

  5. Yes! Krauthammer was right on the mark, especially his comment about Obama’s use, or lack thereof, of the word “enemies.” Spoke volumes about who Obama is.

  6. Pingback:Skalduggery » Who are YOUR Enemies?

  7. Don’t forget that when Obama went to Westpoint for a speech Chris Matthews referred to it as visiting “enemy territory.” This during a war while American troops a fighting a two front campaign against our real enemies.

  8. Obama is rapidly dropping his “racial bargainer” persona in favor of the confrontational “challenger” role, to use Shelby Steele’s terms. He must feel shocked and betrayed by the public’s rejection of him.

  9. My favorite part: “the convention that all things partisan or ideological are to be frowned upon as ‘divisive.’ This is pious nonsense. What is the point of a two-party democracy if not to present clear, alternative views of the role of government and, more fundamentally, the balance between liberty and equality – the central issue for any democracy?”

    Sheesh, yes! When the debate is on policy and ideas, the more polarized the views, the more clear a picture emerges of both what each side believes but also what each side has been willing to overlook in history. That is to say, what has worked? What has had unintended consequences, and what were they? Are we willing to face those or similar consequences again?

    On the other hand, the President’s exhorting potential voters of a particular ethnicity to see the political party that opposes him as “the enemy” IS both divisive (i.e., not predicated on policy, no matter how much he’d like to insist that Republican policies are, across the board, harmful to Americans of Latino heritage) and illustrative of one of those things his side believes: that ethnicity should and does define voting blocs, now and forevermore.

    (I am never succinct.)

  10. Republican speaking about Democratic politician who annoys him intensely: “I hope she loses, I hope she goes home and relaxes and plays with her grandchildren.”
    Democrat speaking about Republican politician who annoys her intensely: “I hope he dies, I hope he dies slowly and painfully, I hope his grandchildren all die.” You know who these guys are, fill in the blanks.
    Favorite subject of humor now, how jolly it would be if some force wiped out all of middle America. On the Democratic Left, any sign of decency and restraint is seen as treason. They don’t even see how a normal person can find them repulsive, they haven’t a clue.

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