Home » Vivian Schiller is very very sorry…


Vivian Schiller is very very sorry… — 34 Comments

  1. Vivian Schiller is sorry alright. She’s a sorry liar. I sense that this woman is deeply troubled. Perhaps Juan williams can recognize a psychiatrist .

  2. no matter how you say it…

    свободы (svoboda)

    Those that know it, really know it
    also know when they lose it

  3. This incident highlights a crucial thing about liberals: They simply cannot bear any difference of opinion or deviation from the party line.

    This is as true for the elite as it is for the “average joe or jane” liberal.

    I used to be shocked and surprised. The liberal always sold itself as being open, tolerant, free-wheeling, etc. They are really the exact opposite. All liberals are tyrants at heart. Big ones or small ones is the only distinction. They make puritans look libertine.

  4. Like a sociopath with blood on her hands, she regrets the action that didn’t come out the way she wanted, not that she took action to get what she wanted.

    “…It is not to be expected that a legislature will be found in any country that will not have some of its members, who will pursue their private ends, and for which they will sacrifice the public good.

    Men of this character are, generally, artful and designing, and frequently possess brilliant talents and abilities; they commonly act in concert, and agree to share the spoils of their country among them; they will keep their object ever in view, and follow it with constancy.

    To effect their purpose, they will assume any shape, and, Proteus like, mold themselves into any form – where they find members proof against direct bribery or gifts of offices, they will endeavor to mislead their minds by specious and false reasoning, to impose upon their unsuspecting honesty by an affectation of zeal for the public good; they will form juntos, and hold out-door meetings; they will operate upon the good nature of their opponents, by a thousand little attentions, and teize them into compliance by the earnestness of solicitation.

    Those who are acquainted with the manner of conducting business in public assemblies, know how prevalent art and address are in carrying a measure, even over men of the best intentions, and of good understanding. …

    It is probable, … the powerful influence that great and designing men have over the honest and unsuspecting, by their art and address, their soothing manners and civilities, and their cringing flattery, joined with their affected patriotism; when these different species of influence are combined, it is scarcely to be hoped that a legislature, composed of so small a number, as the one proposed by the new constitution, will long resist their force.”

    This psychopathy means, of course, that the Leftist really has no standards at all. Like any psychopath, he/she will say anything and everything as a means to getting what he/she wants (i.e. personal pre-eminence of some kind). U.S. Democrat Presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004 was a good example of that. He was renowned for his flip-flops — saying different things to different audiences so that he came down on both sides of almost every issue.

    they believe in nothing…
    and so, there is a kind of flaw in their behavior

    i spoke about it long ago.

    that they dont know what normal is. which is why they try to change normal to mean anything… that way they are not abnormal becaause nothign is.

    in essence, your seeing the worst of society link up..
    and the reason is that the smarter sub clinincal can see that they can work it to some end… no guilt if they ruin the country. there was no guilt in the NPR women doing this…

    its sociopathic…

    which is why it doesn’t bode well over the next couple of years.

    a person with no empathy might just think that 100k lives to save his job is perfectly fine…

    in the old days, this kind of behavior was called


    and their tolerance for brutality is why she would to care if her words were untruthful, amoral, and would result in great harm to this man…

    “One of the most striking features in the anti-Vietnam-War movement and standpoint .. was the astonishing tolerance shown towards the Communist countries, and their deeds, that is, what they did or had done to their own people, and to others, and to their attitudes towards basic notions like freedom, human autonomy, and even the possibility of democracy… Elitism without Guilt.. the Sixties’ young grabbed it, and have lived off the fantasy ever since. These Believers think that everything worth saying has been said – and is known – by them. Past knowledge and history are bunk. The forever young make the new history, and make sure that no-one with different values is listened to. The similarity of these political fairytales told to our impressionable, upwardly mobile radical young, and those told to young Germans, and Italians and Russians – rather earlier – is striking”. M Teichmann
    HISTORY: The continuing legacy of the 1960s

    same kind of people, same methods, same willingness to act.

    what is diffrent is that the public has the power to say something still. that there is consequences, even if they are small and temporary…

    compared to freedom they are only a nuisance, as she still has her job… or a job if she leaves..

    the book Stalin’s British Victims (reviewed here and here), shows that members of Britain’s Communist Party knew very well of Stalin’s Terror. Even the murder by Stalin of their closest family members and fellow Communist fanatics could not shake them. They still kept on defending the Soviet system and Stalin himself. It shows how their inhuman vision for the world was all that mattered to them and also shows of course their utter lack of normal human feeling. bussorah.tripod.com/stalbrit.html

    Another absolutely characteristic feature of psychopaths is their readiness to lie and lie shamelessly. And to this day I have never quite managed to get used to the way many Leftists seem to be completely uninterested in the truth. And this is another way in which the Leftists of today differ not at all from the Leftists of the Cold War era.

    Stalin’s old Soviet production statistics are of course the classic example of Leftist lies but chronic misrepresentation was also confirmed by the revelations made possible in Russia by former President Gorbachev’s policy of “Glasnost”. From what has been revealed, there can surely now be no doubt that for most of last century the Soviet system literally floated on a sea of lies. This was so extreme that even the maps produced by official Soviet cartographers were fraudulent. Even an accurate Moscow street map was unavailable! And note that the great cartographical capacity that U.S. spy satellites have had for many years renders any explanation of this in terms of defence considerations quite laughable. And note that this attachment to lies is not confined to the Soviet bloc and China. I myself remember well the pre-Khrushchev times when most Western Leftists dismissed accounts of Stalin’s mass murders as “inventions of the capitalist press”. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    most of what i talk about is about trying to catch professsional liars at lying..


    that once caught, there can be no exceptions… that is, they dont cure themselves, and you cant listen to them again.

    this is not something we are taught. heck we are taught the liar is not really a liar but social circumstances force them to be.

    so the NPR person had to do what she did, she was socialized to, a victim of a system that was not perfectly socialist.

    The greatest triumph of the Leftist “big lie” technique in recent times would have to be the way they have persuaded almost everyone that Hitler was a Rightist when he was in fact one of them — an extreme socialist. He was to the Right of Stalin but that is about all.

    and if we can believe that hitler is on the right, stalin is on the left and there is only a choice between a totalitarianism we have learned to hate, and another one we have learned to love in ignorance.

    in the USA, the most successful big lie would appear to be the constant claim from Democratic party propaganda that they are the anti-racists and Republicans are the racists. I guess Abraham Lincoln must have been a Democrat? And the “Jim Crow” laws of the old South must have been put in place by Republicans? No need to guess, is there?

    and so, with such a normality of lies.

    it drives us who know the game that most of the time, we cant get people to live as if they live in a world of liars and manipulators who are incompetent by state design, and so have to resort to a life of lies, manipulators, and a fear that if they dont do that, the system will get them.

    and so;
    She gets him before they can get her (for not getting him)!!!!

    her problem is that she didnt read the cathecism of the revolutionary by Sergey Nechayev…

    she imagines that she has a way out. but if you read it, she doesnt.

    she was damned if she did
    and she was damned if she didnt.

    if she did, we have whats happening now and her trying to escape.

    if she didnt, they would have destroyed her for not acting, and she would try to escape, but not understand why they turned on her.

    read the catechism…
    8. The revolutionary can have no friendship or attachment, except for those who have proved by their actions that they, like him, are dedicated to revolution. The degree of friendship, devotion and obligation toward such a comrade is determined solely by the degree of his usefulness to the cause of total revolutionary destruction.

    she is no longer useful…

    and she may have violated this
    10. All revolutionaries should have under them second- or third-degree revolutionaries — i.e., comrades who are not completely initiated. these should be regarded as part of the common revolutionary capital placed at his disposal. This capital should, of course, be spent as economically as possible in order to derive from it the greatest possible profit. The real revolutionary should regard himself as capital consecrated to the triumph of the revolution; however, he may not personally and alone dispose of that capital without the unanimous consent of the fully initiated comrades.

    and this
    11. When a comrade is in danger and the question arises whether he should be saved or not saved, the decision must not be arrived at on the basis of sentiment, but solely in the interests of the revolutionary cause. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh carefully the usefulness of the comrade against the expenditure of revolutionary forces necessary to save him, and the decision must be made accordingly.

  5. Concerning point 11 in Artfldgr’s post above: So long, Che, it was nice knowing you. Better a dead martyr than a live ‘hero’. More useful to the cause that way.

  6. Given Schiller’s prior stints at the NYT and CNN her concept of a “news organization” is highly suspect.

  7. Most executives, when firing someone in a situation where unpleasant publicity and litigation are possible, would carefully consider any public remarks and would seek legal advice before making them….it’s not a good idea to say anything about the former employee that might be construed as libelous or slanderous.

    I wonder if Schiller consulted either her own lawyer or NPR’s general counsel before slamming Williams? Somehow I doubt it.

  8. david foster,

    you are right. But the intent here was the show. The liberal revels in humiliating the opponent. It is also demanded by the liberal mob.

    Only later did she and they realize that this one is going to cost them public funding completely. That’s what she is sorry about. She blew the gig.

    That too is typical. The tyrant ALWAYS overdoes it; ALWAYS overplays; ALWAYS succumbs to the darkness within them. That’s one of our few hopes. They only last so long.

    The damage done is like Tornado damage – brutal and devastating everywhere it touches. But it is (relatively) short-lived.

  9. Tammy Bruce has a piece up at the Guardian, in which virtually every commenter illustrates her point. (Her point, of course, is that actual tolerance has been easier for her to find on the Right than on the Left – that being a gay conservative on the Right is more comfortable than being a gay conservative on the Left. And the commenters are all, “Oh sure, they keep you around as a curiosity,” and “Funny how the Left is so ‘intolerant’… of racism, sexism, etc., etc.” and “OK, maybe it was a little sexist to call Palin an ‘incoherent shrew,’ but acknowledging the sexism doesn’t make her a better person, after all.” Lovely folks.)

  10. But come to think of it, I just came here from another predominantly Right-side blog (I can’t remember which one, sorry – not one I visit often) where the post was about the Juan Williams firing, and although I agree with the points of view of many of the commenters there, I take exception to their tone when they talk about those on the other side. There’s a lot of pretty rude ad-hominem. It’s… I guess the word I’m looking for is “understandable,” because they believe, correctly, that they’re among like-minded people who share their view of the Left. But you could say the same for the Guardian’s readership – those commenters were probably pretty certain, under the circs, that they were among friends in trashing Ms. Bruce and the Right side of the aisle.

    Which means to me that perhaps we who call ourselves “Republican” or “conservative” or “neocon” or “classically liberal,” and who oppose ourselves to “progressives”/Leftists/whatevers, might just be more used to not advertising our leanings. I’ve heard it said plenty that since the cultural voice of the Left is so dang LOUD, we’re used to hearing it, used to picking it apart, used to finding civil ways to debate it, and that’s why we’re less vicious in debate against our opponents. In contrast, I mean, to actually being nicer even when no one on the other team is present, since in some places in the Rightosphere, the commenters are decidedly NOT nice.

    I dunno. I just hesitate to ascribe all virtue to ourselves, even though I believe we have the weight of evidence on our side in terms of what actually both works and advances the cause of individual liberty.

  11. Just words?

    This is great! expressing strong personal opinions in public? You mean, like, I hope his grandchildren get A.I.D.S.?

    Normally I don’t like the Gotcha Game but the Williams – Totenburg parallel is so exquisitely apt that they have really ripped their own clothes off this time.

  12. What’s Schiller’s background? She graduated from Cornell in (was it) ’83 with degrees in Russian and Soviet Studies (or some such thing). She didn’t go to work for the government. Statistically, she is likely to be a Red. (Where is Occam’s Beard?) Was she a Red Diaper Baby?

  13. nolanimrod, not to mention Schiller’s own strong personal opinion that, with views like his, Williams needs psychiatric care. Oh, but that’s right, I forgot, she’s not a “news analyst,” just the CEO of the whole organization — so why would her conduct implicate any ethical standards?

  14. I think that Ms Schiller’s mistake was in thinking that only NPR would cover her comments and that only NPR listeners would hear her comments.

  15. Besides Tammy Bruce’s piece in the Guardian, we also have one Maureen Tucker commenting on liberal intolerance:

    “I’m stunned that so many people who call themselves liberal yet are completely intolerant. I thought liberals loved everyone: the poor, the immigrant, the gays, the handicapped, the minorities, dogs, cats, all eye colors, all hair colors! Peace, love, bull! Curious they have no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who doesn’t think exactly as they do. You disagree and you’re immediately called a fool, a Nazi, a racist. That’s pretty f’d up!! I would never judge someone based on their political views. Their honesty, integrity, kindness to others, generosity? Yes. Politics? No!”

  16. ELC:
    Somebody else linked to the Moe Tucker interview a few days ago and I said it was a must-read. She definitely gets it!

    I have pretty eclectic musical tastes, so I have some Velvet Underground in my collection.

  17. There’s angry talk about defunding NPR. One possible ploy for diverting the outrage is to fire Schiller and replace her with a “centrist”.

    I suspect that a lot of people are perceiving that option.

    I suspect that one of them is Vivian Schiller.

  18. Neo, this is out of context in this article, but I just have to say, “Thank God for the New york times!”

    I was in a debate with a liberal about the stimulus. He had trotted out a Yahoo article that half defended the stimulus and gave the total cost and the estimated number of jobs saved. I did the calculations with those figures provided and pointed out how by the articles own numbers, those jobs cost between $2.4 million and $5.8 million apiece. He continued to defend it saying it would be worse if we had followed Japan’s example and not done stimulus! LOL alarm bells were going off in my head that that was a falsehood, after google search I found a 2009 article from the liberal New york times that directly contridicted his state position on Japan…

    “Nor is this remote port in western Japan unusual. Japan’s rural areas have been paved over and filled in with roads, dams and other big infrastructure projects, the legacy of trillions of dollars spent to lift the economy from a severe downturn caused by the bursting of a real estate bubble in the late 1980s. During those nearly two decades, Japan accumulated the largest public debt in the developed world – totaling 180 percent of its $5.5 trillion economy – while failing to generate a convincing recovery.
    Now, as the Obama administration embarks on a similar path, proposing to spend more than $820 billion to stimulate the sagging American economy, many economists are taking a fresh look at Japan’s troubled experience.”


  19. Sheesh, why cant liberals just argue point and counterpoint? A good old fashioned debate? Why do they get so upset and start accusing you and your entire state of not thinking for themselves? Its like they try to avoid the actual argument! Im not perfect, maybe I do the same thing at times? If they ask for sarcasm I might give them that, but there seems to be a pattern with these guys. Is it getting worse? Are we approaching a point of where we can no longer speak?

  20. “Vivian Schiller is very very sorry…

    …that she didn’t think to spin the Williams firing better.

    Just like Obama and the dems are very very sorry that they didn’t explain the healcare plan better.

  21. “”our commitment to serving as a national forum for the respectful discussion of diverse ideas will continue to earn the support of a growing audience””
    Vivian Schiller

    What she actually meant to say….”our commitment to serving as a national forum for the respectful and therefore limited discussion of diversity and multicultualism ideas will continue to earn the support of a liberal audience. “

  22. Vivian Schiller

    ”..our commitment to serving as a national forum for the respectful discussion of diverse ideas will continue to earn the support of a growing audience..”

    But if your ideas do not fit OUR idea of diversity, you will be fired.

  23. My respect for Juan has grown.

    I’ve watched him over the years on Fox News Sunday and fill in for O’Rielly and such…

    While I can’t understand why he seems dense (like Chris Wallace and Greta Van Sustern) on economics 101 – I get that they just don’t seem to have that gene and they play an important role in the national discussion day in and day out.

    If you lose Greta or Juan, you deserve to lose.

    While Obama hasn’t lost Juan per se – Juan is for school choice and on a number of other topics he appeals to conservatives.


    I believe this incident will change Juan’s outlook on conservatives viewpoints a little. Maybe.

    As for Vivian – she’s gone in a viscious world.

  24. “As for Vivian – she’s gone in a viscious world.”

    I suspect that even as we speak the wheels of justice (I hesitate to use that term in this case) are turning as NPR is looking to cut its loses.

    I think Vivian is doomed to suffer the same fate as Juan but without Fox to save her.

    Said wheels may be slow but grind exceedingly fine.

  25. Oblio: What’s Schiller’s background? …. Statistically, she is likely to be a Red. (Where is Occam’s Beard?) Was she a Red Diaper Baby?

    should i wait for him to answer you? or should i?

    Vivian Schiller was named senior vice president and general manager of NYTimes.com in May 2006

    Ms. Schiller had previously served as senior vice president, Television and Video for The New York Times and also executive vice president and general manager for the Discovery Times Channel, a joint venture with Discovery Communications. She has been with the Times Company since May 2002.

    Before joining the Times Company, Ms. Schiller worked for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. as executive vice president for CNN Productions. In this position, she led the CNN Newsgroup’s long-form programming efforts

    Ms. Schiller served as vice president and general manager of Turner Original Productions where she managed the documentary division of the Turner Entertainment Networks.

    She began her career at Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. in 1988 as a Russian interpreter and production coordinator on projects in the former Soviet Union.

    her father was editor at readers digest.

    Basically, if you pay attention, you will note that MANY of the current involved have certain credentials and ties. MANY of them family multi-generational positions, or connected to such.

    If you KNOW how things work during that time, ANYONE who was not co-opted, friendly, etc. was not allowed to stay once that point was made.

    if you read the PERSONAL histories (like that of utley who i stopped linking to since no one cared to learn, and like in the book “stalins children”), you would understand that if they did not favor communism, and that as a world solution, they would have been removed and a new one would be found…

    so if they went there and are successful, its pretty much a done deal as to what they think. those that KNOW the system and how it operates or operated know this, those that dont deny any one can be sure of it.

    its a interesting list…
    Bill Clinton was a soviet student
    Condoleeza rice was as well
    as was Vivian Schiller

    Let’s say a Soviet exchange student back in the ’70s would go back and tell the KGB about people and places and things that he’d seen and done and been involved with. This is not really espionage; there’s no betrayal of trust.
    Aldrich Ames

    note who said it…

    Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev:
    was a Soviet politician and historian who was a Soviet governmental official in the 1980s and a member of the Politburo and Secretariat of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The chief of party ideology, the same position as that previously held by Mikhail Suslov, he was called the “godfather of glasnost” as he is considered to be the intellectual force behind Mikhail Gorbachev’s reform program of glasnost and perestroika.

    Yakovlev was the first Soviet politician to acknowledge the existence of the secret protocols of the 1939 Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact with Nazi Germany in 1989.

    Yakovlev was born to a peasant family in a tiny village (Красные Ткачи) on the Volga near Yaroslavl. He served in the Red Army during World War II, being badly wounded in the Nazi siege of Leningrad, and became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1944. Beginning in 1958, he was an exchange student at Columbia University for one year

    Columbia.. home of the teachers college, the new home of the Frankfurt school, and soviet spy central. more spies and people came from Columbia than any other ivy league level school

    this goes back to 58… but if you konw history and pay attention, its still going on today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Accused Russian spy Cynthia Murphy tried to recruit Columbia profs, students
    According to the complaint, Russia’s SVR spy agency last year sent electronic messages that were intercepted by US law enforcement. One of these messages directed Murphy “to strengthen . . . ties w/ classmates on daily basis incl. professors who can help in job search and who will have (or already have) access to secret info,” the complaint says.


    In response to those orders, the Murphys “on many occasions” gave Moscow Center the names of professors and students affiliated with Columbia, which were then checked against the spy agency’s database “to determine is a particular potential ‘target’ was or was not ‘clean,’ ” the complaint alleges.

    “Thus, for example, when an SVR database check revealed that a particular contact of Cynthia Murphy’s had been suspected by a then-Soviet bloc intelligence service of belonging to ‘a foreign spy net[work],’ Murphy was told to ‘avoid deepening contact with them for sec[urity] reasons,’ ” according to the criminal complaint.

    that was this past july…

    as far as vivian, her pedigree is EASY to see… under the Turners… who are very communist… their documentary section, and controlling waht public sees.

    she either is one of them or they would endeavor to remove her to put one favorable in her stead.

    given her long history, the attendance of a school known to cater to such connections and facilitations…

    that she is definitely cooperative

    is she a red diaper baby? no… not that i can tell at all from any linkages… she became red when her parents paid for her schooling and she took her feminist courses, and so on…


    Keynote 2: Cynthia Lopez, Vice President of PBS American Documentary | P.O.V.

    Cynthia Lopez gave some incredible statistics about women working in TV and Public Broadcasting:

    * In 2008, 37.6% of women worked in the newsroom 14% of them were women of color. How many men were deciding the news of the day? A whopping 62%.

    * Radio: 22.7% of women work in radio

    * Entertainment and Primetime: Women over 40 account for less than 10% of all program, and yet they are the largest demographic for money and income.

    * Our 5 major media organizations in public tv are run by women, including NPR (Vivian Schiller) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (Pat Harris).

    * Oh and by the way: PBS is the most trusted news source, followed by CNN and Fox News (!) respectively.

    When hearing these stats, I couldn’t help but think about my own sorors, friends and colleagues who work in the newsroom, most of whom are women of color. How many of them will be passed up for a man when it comes to who will write that next big story?

    I also couldn’t help but think about my mom, a fly woman over 40, who can barely find a woman besides Angela Bassett on ER who really speaks to her own experiences on primetime television.

    So hard core feminists control public television news.
    and hard core feminsts are admitted to working to make a communist state.

    no leap of logic here…

    in fact, to avoid the answer you have to do some contortions and leaping.

    when you control all the news in an area, you control waht people think…

  26. I’m thoroughly convinced that the reason why Leftist like Vivian Schiller refuse to see that Islam is the problem is because it maintaining their petty powerhouses, throwing a jab at Conservatives is more important to them than standing with Conservatives against a foe who wishes to destroy us all, [not moderate Islam but the extremist …. as we all understand this disclaimer is both “needed” and “not needed” … depending on the venue/anonymity from where it’s stated.]

    Juan is a hero for speaking the truth and in little ways so are those who defend him.

  27. Zimmerman, back in 1983, had a fascinating run-in with a Soviet operative named Aleksandr Mikheyev, who had come into contact with Zimmerman via Mikheyev’s past work as a Soviet tour guide tasked with the management and manipulation of gullible liberal visitors to the worker’s paradise. Mikheyev, via a mutual contact who had been one of his duped victims, contacted Zimmerman in Washington. They met at a bar on Capitol Hill. Zimmerman soon found himself in a real-life spy saga that quickly became an international incident.

    So naturally, Zimmerman has a suspicion of and aversion to Soviet tour guides. The Jeffrey Lord piece piqued his interest.

    As Zimmerman noted in his e-mail to me, the Lord article is unclear as to whom Schiller worked for as a tour guide, “but it almost does not matter. The end result is similar.”

    so its a bit clearer thanks to america thinker

    but it wont change anything, since feminism has made communism ok among the kids…

    until the ladies change their minds and reverse their hard collectivist wins, a 40 times the speed, aint nothing going to stop anything.. (since the kids will war)

    One of my favorite examples is Yuri Bezmenov, a Soviet defector who had worked for Novosti, the Soviet press agency. Among Bezmenov’s chief duties was to handle Western visitors through misinformation, which entailed some unique corollary skills. “One of my functions,” explained Bezmenov, “was to keep foreign guests permanently intoxicated from the moment they landed at Moscow airport.” He managed “groups of so-called ‘progressive intellectuals’ — writers, journalists, publishers, teachers, professors of colleges. … For us, they were just a bunch of political prostitutes to be taken advantage of.”

    bezmenov is the one who gives the interview in which he reveals the game plan of perverting the US morals, women, etc…

  28. The Road Less Traveled
    Vivian Schiller’s circuitous route to the top of NPR

    “I’ve never had a five-year plan for my own career,” she admits.

    In order to spend time in the Soviet Union, she first took a job as an au pair for a diplomatic family in Moscow, with some side work in a nursery school at the U.S. Embassy there. Schiller then found a position as a tour guide — another fortunate twist of fate, and one she credits with teaching her many of the fundamental skills she still uses today.

    Still, Schiller says she loved the work, and the longer she did it, the more doors opened for her. It was while working as a tour guide that Schiller came across a job opportunity with Turner Broad-casting Company.

    “At the time, Ted Turner went through this period of deep fascination with the Soviet Union..and they hired me to be a translator/production assistant/’fixer’ — which in production terms is some- body in a foreign country who ‘makes it happen,'” Schiller says.

    easy if someone in that country wants you to be successful for the future needs

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