Home » Obama to McDonald’s: never mind


Obama to McDonald’s: never mind — 9 Comments

  1. Let me explain this one more time..

    they are marxists, progressives, fabians, social democrats, communists, anarchists, and any other label for the same thing you want to put on them.

    their goal, which has been stated endlessly is the destruction of the bourgegie (middle class), and the creation of a two class social darwinian system where the elite are special and over the common which are not special.

    All the while pretending that natural selection is social Darwinism if you don’t meddle, and social Darwinism is not meddling in natural selection.

    now if they got up on the podium and campaigned honestly about their goals, they would present what they want.

    we want to make laws which will be applied unequally so that we can destroy the middle class and capitalism, and shift that work to large companes who are beholding to us for existence and centralizes the economy making it easier for the committees (soviets) to plan and make adjustments.

    so in essence we propose to tie up the companies hands and throw them in the river to drown, and let the big companies with unions and such centralize the means of production for us under our chrony capitalism (fascism)

    but would we accept that?

    no… so how do they do the same thing?

    and here is how.

    they work it thusly, they have the same crisis, they have the same impetus, but they are not honest.

    so rather than say we have constructed the poison pill to destroy capitalism ability to function, they say we have a solution to the problem (its their problem it solves, not yours, but the public assumes).

    we will be VERY fair and we will implement the poison pill fairly. every one will have to put in their fare share, and every one gets a pill.

    and we all crow how this equality works! we celebraet how socialisms have the answers, and we give them the power to make us take the poison pill.

    and so, they work to get it all ready. they are now going to tie up every companies hands and drown them all inthe river.

    but wait!

    before actual implementation, they grant waivers for the biggest companies, and they use the idea that its compassionate to do so since there is such a big lump of people who are to suffer. and they hand out wiavers…

    and voila.. the end is the same.

    exciet the first way you run them out of town on a rail

    and the second way you dont
    [and may even argue to me that this is all different, and its not the same… they spoke german or russian and we speak english… and its not the same even if the words translated are]

    next lesson..

    how record gold prices, trade war with china, monetizing the debt, and choosing inflation (currency devaluation) as the way out of debt, leads to weimar style hyper inflation.

    but this will be a different hyperinflation… right?

    want to know what this appears to me now that we are three year in and havent prepared?

    its like watching blind men in a dark room full of bats and watching them swat at them trying to get one even though they are not 100% sure that they are there at all.

    by the way, they play all these freaked up math things on people and we go for it.

    feminists and racialists use the same disparate advantage argument on their scape goats (oppresers) that they did in germany. i linked to articles of the time that showed that argumetn.

    how about how giving affirmative action to everyone but one group, is not discrimination against that one group?

    that is, changing one operation to accomplish something to two operations to do it, doesn’t change the outcome.

    taking 80% immediately, and granting 20% the remains is not any different than

    taking 100% and giving the remains to 20%, is it?

    but shhhhhh.. dont tell the people!
    they think they are smart and that they can think.

    if they can, they how did a name change from negro project to planned parenthood make it less eugenic?

    how did promising to take all, and waiving a percentage become better than promising to take some and not waiving any?

    how did a rose by another name become a porcupine with red petals

  2. The waivers are as bad as Obamacare.

    A political party is now doling out goods for political reasons in yet another area.

    Look to see who does not get waivers.

    Obama and the Dems are simply the worst and most corrupting and abusive thing that has ever happened to America.

    If we do not defeat them soon, it is the end of America.


  3. Like Obama said, if you like your present plan, you can keep it. I guess you have to ask nicely and have a huge company behind you.

  4. There is a solution for employers who aren’t blessed by a Secretary Sebelius waiver and are being forced to drop employee coverage. Simply switching them to LyfeBank accounts will allow family members or part time workers to pool employer funds from each job into employee-owned accounts to buy health insurance and pay for medical expenses, all with pretax dollars. Visit LyfeBank.com to see how this works.

  5. Comrade Hussein and his cadre don’t get it. A key function of the law is predictability. By randomly making ad hoc and/or ad hominem exceptions to the law, they’re just adding to the uncertainty that currently paralyzes the economy.

    You’d think he’d have learned something from the GM fiasco, but then you’d be wrong.

  6. He did learn something from GM. He learned that Chicago style corruption works at the national level.

    Barack Obama has spent the last 18 months treating the American private business sector as his personal plaything. It’s as if when he sees something shiny, like the banks, or GM, or the health insurance industry, he feels that he has the right to seize control of it and play with it. Then he tires of it, declares it fixed, keeps the wreckage propped up with Federal subsidies, and moves on to find a new plaything to “improve.”

    In this case, he saw GM in trouble and wanted to bail out the autoworkers union. This required getting the bondholders to voluntarily forfeit their bonds, when under the law they had absolute first rights to GM’s assets. Obama’s administration had already (forcably) taken over the banks that held the bulk of GM’s bonds, so it was just a simple matter of the right hand telling the left hand what to do. The main people who lost were the other bondholders, who watched helplessly as the government put on a bondholder puppet show to steal their money.

    The vast majority of Americans watched the GM shakedown from the sidelines. They may have been appalled in principle, or uninterested, or thought it seemed ok, but they were not personally directly affected. This is going to be different. People — Republicans and Democrats alike — are going to be furious when they personally lose or are priced out of their own health insurance.

    What Obama did was bad politics. He bailed out 30 companies, and spit in the face of every single American who is going to lose or be priced out of their health insurance from this moment forward. And that is going to be a lot of Americans.

    He seems to have the arrogance to think that he’ll get away with all of this. Or that the economy will just magically “improve”, with his wrecking crew of an administration shuffling through the private sector, clubbing anything that moves.

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