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I’m curious to know… — 40 Comments

  1. Neo, let us know if you find one such. I’d immediately suspect dissociative identity disorder as a consequence of being raised in an abusive and manipulative mixed-politics household. Poor thing.

  2. Nah – I know several folks who have a game – when asked for poll responses they lie as much as they think they can get away with.

  3. Perhaps the Colin Powell wing of the party who just couldn’t help going bonkers for America’s second black president?

  4. Perhaps the Colin Powell wing of the party who just couldn’t help going bonkers for America’s second black president?

    Might explain their 2008 vote, but their continued support?

  5. I think Fiona is onto something, or it could be they don’t want to appear racist by not supporting the president.
    Or….total RINOs like Lindsay Graham.

  6. I dunno…Could it be that they approve of him because his incompetence has improved the chances of their own party at the elections?

  7. Peggy Noonan, Bill Frist, John McCain and every Rino there is.

    The ruling class Republicans.

  8. Maybe it could be from the “Support our President” wing.

    In support of Fiona: I have participated in only one phone survey in my life. Someone from LonG Island had questions about household bugs. I lied through my teeth, as I considered his questions to be an invasion of privacy.

    In the last year my message machine has picked up a lot of survey attempts from 1) my local Congressman [Pub, not bad] and 2) Mike Huckabee. I never pick up the phone to take part in the survey.

  9. The whole notion for democrats was one of running a marxist under the veil of an oppressed black man for stealth purposes. I’d guess at least half of the 42% support for Obama still can’t see this administrations devious ideology because of this tactic.

  10. I think some of these guesses as to who they are are correct, and would add in people who just have always called themselves Republicans for reasons they haven’t thought about much (all parties have those knee-jerk responders) plus people who have a particular incident or issue they hang everything on.

    Still, 12% is a bit high.

  11. Nyom is one.

    All others are Democrats posing as Republicans.

    Why exclude Nyom from this group?

    My guess: they’re the Sorosbots who preface their comments on pro-American blogs with such transparent drivel as “I’ve been a lifelong __________ (fill in the blank with something pro-American), who now has decided to support __________ (fill in the blank with something pro-Communist) because of ________ (fill in the blank with the issue under discussion).

    Seriously, they don’t give us much credit.

  12. Yea, the sad part about that form is the they usually are changing their support because of something that defined their “past” support being wrong:

    “I’ve always been a life long Conservative but after this year of supporting tax cuts, smaller government, and strong second amendment rights I just have to think that Obama knows they way ahead”

    Umm, yea – so are you a tool or an idiot? If you truly believe those things are wrong (or whatever reason that is typified by conservatives) then you are an idiot. If you are lying then you are a tool. You can’t be well informed political junkie and that that – further if one wants to argue that latter is true then you progress past an idiot.

    It’s like saying “I’ve been a life long Christian but after this church I went to started talking about God, Jesus, and the Bible I just had to leave and become a Satan Worshiper”. Uh huh – tool or idiot?

    The amusing thing is how many argue not just along the idiot line but how many argue for the statement being true and them being well informed. I’ve never understood that. Sadly I think more than a few people truly do believe that too.

    Of course in the end the ones that continue on about it are idiots one way or the other – if they believe it then there is no hope, if they are liars they should realize that everyone making fun of them means their ultra-clever little trick didn’t work. But alas the ones that are obviously liars seem to think that we somehow bought the idea and keep on keeping on with it.

  13. –OR–
    9%-prevaricating Liberals.
    2%-verbally dyslexic.
    1%-hearing-aid battery dead, misunderstood question.

  14. Squishy New England girly-men, academics, RINO’s and those who are oh, so discerning, i.e. the ones the communists shoot first after taking power.

  15. “Might explain their 2008 vote, but their continued support?”

    “But love is blind, and lovers cannot see
    The pretty follies that themselves commit.

    William Shakespeare, “The Merchant of Venice”

    I happened to be at a lecture tonite given by Salman Rushdie at the Denver University campus. I knew he had a reputation for being left-wing, but I was both surprised and disappointed as he spent a good part of the hour going off on Bush, Palin, Fox, etc., while extolling the virtues of the Huffington Post, Obama, Obama, did I say Obama, even Bill Maher, etc…. I’m not sure, with these people, where some aspect of pathological cognitive dissonance (otherwise known as stupidity) ends, and just plain smug hypocrisy (dishonesty) begins…

  16. Perfected democrat,

    Perhaps it isn’t not “smug hypocrisy” so much as it’s the possibility that these self-identified *learned elites* just ain’t as bright as they think they are…..

  17. Perfected democrat:
    The “Love is blind” quote from Merchant of Venice is even more appropriate for Salmon Rushdie, when you consider that Iran issued a death threat against him for his Satanic Verses. The ∅bama administration’s response to Iran has been ineffectual.
    The ∅bama administration “engages” DinnerJacket. DinnerJacket thumbs his nose.

  18. I see Obama’s continuing support among any non marxist to be largely shame based. The MSM has spent years portraying blacks as victims of a competitive and capitalistic America. That some people bought into this and find themselves unable to view Obama in any sort of negative light should be no surprise to anyone.

  19. Perfected.
    Rushdie and other ingrates are, very likely, trying to stay in with the Kool Kids, no matter the facts of the matter.
    As a matter of fact, to them the facts don’t matter, on account of these clowns have always been insulated from the facts of the matter.
    By better men than themselves, which is an additional hit in the vulnerable ego and which has to be discredited, mostly by discrediting those better than themselves.
    What has Rushdie done? Written some books that would have gone nowhere except for the fame of being publicly fatwa-ed.
    A resident of a group home who bags groceries under supervision is a more valuable member of society.
    Which, I think, preys at the unconscious of these perfumed princes.
    Makes them even crazier.

  20. I’m kind of curious now as to where most of this “12%” are located.

    Are they spread out evenly across the nation, or are they predominately clustered into an identifiable region?

    If they can be identified mostly as a regional specimen, is it possible that any outliers in other geographic regions are simply transplants from that region – or possibly someone who was heavily educated/indoctrinated within that region before moving either back to their home region or transplanting themselves to yet another area?

    Inquiring minds wanna know….

  21. I think that Perfected’s ‘pathological cognitive dissonance = stupidity’ is the most likely diagnosis; and if P doesn’t mind I’m going to borrow it.

  22. > …who are these 12% of Republicans who still support Obama?

    …”Margin of error, +/- 12%”… LOL.

    In reality — I believe we can categorically state that at least 12% of self-named Republicans are RINOs. That the figure would be that low is unlikely, given the effectiveness of the current GOP in getting people to vote for the wide range of GOP candidates in the last 10 years despite their being about as “Republican” as Nancy and Harry.

  23. > Are they spread out evenly across the nation, or are they predominately clustered into an identifiable region?

    Regardless of whatever region they actually are located in, I think it’s an essentially obvious given that they all belong in the region referred to by the colloquial “loony bin”.

  24. Oh, and, as an aside, this IS the L.A. Times we’re talking about — THE nation’s most liberal major rag.

    As Patterico has noted numerous times, they are far from above “making shit up out of whole cloth”.

  25. Could it not just be that these are moderate republicans who think the party has gone too far to the right? Not everyone believes Obama is a Marxist. Coming from England he seems pretty right wing to me. The most radical left wing thing he has done since coming into office was merely suggesting a public option during the healthcare debate, and he quickly caved when he saw he was never going to get it through. My dad is a life-long conservative, but if the conservative party said they would abolish the national health service he would not vote for them. I’d like to think that not all conservatives are such trenchant ideologs

  26. Simon
    Your idea of conservative is not ours.
    We hate the intrusive nature of a NHS, for example, not to mention its NICE (aka death panels). And lousy outcomes. Other than that….
    Your dad would make a liberal/lefty here.

  27. Simon Weaver

    the most radical left wing thing he has done since coming into office was merely suggesting a public option during the healthcare debate.

    So his de facto nationalization of GM and Chrysler is the act of a libertarian?

  28. Simon,
    He didn’t “merely suggest it”. He tried to get it passed. He lost, fortunately.
    See how that works? You say something false and others call you on it.
    Apologizing around the world for the US isn’t exactly a conservative program, either.

  29. > Not everyone believes Obama is a Marxist.

    Not everyone believes the world is round, either.

    About the same level of rational sense involved.

  30. > I’d like to think that not all conservatives are such trenchant ideologues

    LOL. … but it’s perfectly ok when libtards are

    P.S., note that I fixed that for ya…

  31. Thanks for fixing it, I am away and only have my iPhone. I accidentally hit submit before I could do it myself. Very embarrassing. I thought someone might call me on it.

    Oh and that whole saving GM thing. I think a republican president would have done the same. I could be wrong, but it certainly wouldn’t surprise me.

  32. “Your dad would make a liberal/lefty here”

    Are you sure? Just because of that one issue? He’s with you on Iran, immigration, religion, traditional values, pretty much everything I can think of.

  33. Simon.
    Because nationalized health care–nationalized anything–makes citizens into subjects. Even their lives are lived at the whim of an unelected, faceless bureaucrat. With that going on, anything else the subjects think is immaterial. You recall how Joe the Plumber had his records plumbed when he asked zero an inconvenient question? Suppose the ‘crats had had his medical records, too?
    If there’s something between you and your doctor and the government knows it, it will be leaked if you speak out against the ruling class. Count on it. Some people might choose to be silent instead. Only has to happen a couple of times for the rest of the folks to get the message.
    So it really doesn’t matter how he is on the other stuff. If he doesn’t want some unfortunate result of pub-crawling in Singapore to surface, he’ll keep his thoughts to himself.
    How is he on the Second Amendment?

  34. Simon Weaver: I never know whether your naivete and ignorance is genuine or just a pose.

    I cited the Chrysler bailout (not GM), and I described a specific policy of Obama’s, not the bailout itself: putting the unions above the supposed first creditors, in violation of contract law. No Republican president would have done so.

    In fact, I’m not even sure that most mainstream Democratic presidents would have done so. Obama’s audacious, unashamed leftism and need to pay off the unions that supported him, plus his disinterest in preserving the foundations of trust in contract law on which our capitalist society is built, allowed him to do it.

  35. neo
    I have the same question about some of the folks I meet.
    Are they really that dumb, or are they pretending? Do they really believe what they’re telling us? Or not?
    That might mean they think we’re dumb enough to believe….

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