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Again… — 9 Comments

  1. C’mon would you rather Obama be working or on vacation? The last thing any of us should be complaining about is this guy not working.

    We should be holding religious services and mass rallies thanking g-d this guy is on vacation.

    Anyway he is probably going to Martha’s Vineyard to try and get the ocean to stop rising.

  2. What Bob from Virginia says.

    His work ethic today makes me think he didn’t study very much in college and in law school.

    Part of the problem is that no one in his right mind would take a vacation to Chicago. Obama in that sense shows he still has some mental faculties remaining.

    By contrast, Dubya had his ranch out in the country he could go to. I wonder how much President work Dubya did at his ranch. I suspect he still put in 6 hours a day.

    Perhaps Obama should buy himself a ranch.
    Or a ranch house out in the boring suburbs. [an adjective the POTUS once used to describe the suburbs.] 🙂

    There is some happy medium. If a President lets himself work 100 hour weeks for months on end, he will burn out. Working such hours also could be a symptom of not knowing how to delegate. Reagan didn’t put in long days, because 1) he wanted to pace himself and 2) he knew how to delegate.

  3. The most startling thing about the back to back vacations is that no one in the Administration seems to have thought how bad it would look to the public at large. No one advised the O’s that ‘well, maybe you better dial it back a couple of degrees… in time of economic crisis.”
    It just looks worse and worse; the O’s increasingly look like an American version of the Mugabes.

  4. Thank you, Sgt. Mom: I made the Mugabe analogy here some months ago.

    The Blue Heron Farm, 28 ocean-front acres on the Vineyard, allegedly rents for only $50K per week. That’s $7K per day. But I betcha the Obamas ain’t paying. They will be surrounded by worhipful affluent Leftists. The island is a favorite Clinton hangout, too.

  5. Last night on Fox, Dick Morris said when the Clinton’s vacationed on the Vineyard their favorable ratings went down. The next year they vacationed in and around Yellowstone. Their ratings went up.

    As far as Ms. Obama going to Spain – I was thinking he would like it there as well. He would be in the company of socialist.

  6. I’d like to take a vacation, any vacation – unfortunately, we can’t afford to right now. Since roughly the time of the last presidential election, our income has dropped. Can’t imagine why that would be…

  7. > “One of the best ways that fellow Americans can help is to come on down here and spend some money,”

    Actually, this is a misquote.

    What she actually said was, “”One of the best ways that fellow politicans can help is to come on down here and spend someone else’s money,”

    There was apparently some garbling on the mike during the statment….

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