Home » Obama: oh yeah, about that “no new taxes” pledge


Obama: oh yeah, about that “no new taxes” pledge — 27 Comments

  1. I know it’s been brought up before…has to have been. I can’t believe he is incapable of understanding what he says is captured in its full context – so that leads me to believe he just doesn’t care about consistency…just has the concern for the expediency of the moment. Pathological is a word that seems to fit many aspects of his character.

  2. I understand his polls numbers have risen a little lately. How can anyone continue to be enamored with Obama? How can they not see his mendacity and other pathologies? This is the most incredible demonstration of dumbness that I’ve ever seen on the part of so many toward a politician. It’s depressing.

    I don’t chew tubs, but maybe I should start because he gets me in the stomach every time and it’s painful.

  3. Nota bene: the Left has dubbed this the “Value ADDED Tax.”

    You gotta hand it to them: they’re consistent.

    Said Ace: “Obama’s “pledge” was always a lie, and the media repeated his promise incessantly, and uncritically, to sell Obama as a different kind of Democrat. They never inquired how it was he could spend so much more without bankrupting the country if he also did not raise taxes on the middle class — a bit of easy math would have shown this as an impossibility, but, alas, the media was apparently told there would be no math in this election.

    “Obama originally planned — and stated as much — to tax the middle class by levying huge carbon taxes which would of course hit the middle class (and poor, for that matter).

    “He confessed — or rather proudly declared — that his planned carbon taxes would “necessarily” cause electricity rates to “skyrocket” — and again, the media simply ignored this, and again, simply insisted to the public that Obama’s word was bond about not raising taxes. Even though he just announced that taxes would be raised in the form of “skyrocketing” electricity costs.

    “That was Obama’s Plan A for raising taxes on the middle class — taxing the living hell out of the motive force of our economy, energy, which every single human being and business uses in varying quantities.

    His Plan B was the VAT.”

  4. Re “how can the citizenry not see” what a liar he is, it’s pretty simple. The Pravda Media covers for him almost completely. You have to seek out contrarian sources of information, such as Fox, WSJ, the IBD, the internet conservative blogs, and talk radio to hear ANY critiques of this jackass.

    And most of our fellow citizens either avoid such sources like the bubonic plague (Dems.) or are too uninterested to make the effort (most Indies). If you watch ABC News and read the Times, you’d have no frackin’ idea that there was any trouble in Paradise.

  5. Obama lies about everything. There is almost NO correlation of what he says (usually to win votes from an uninformed electorate) and what he does. If we don’t take back our government from these thugs in 2010 and 2012, our country is in VERY deep trouble. The dictatorship is slowly taking over…for example, the Dems in the Senate now are saying they want to end the filibuster.

    If they can, they will. Period

  6. You and Ace have it exactly right Beverly, as to the media cover-up being why so many independents and fiscally moderate Democrats, fail to appreciate the full mendacity of this man.

    That said, the truth is rising to the surface despite all the MSM, democrat party and Obama can say and do.

    Lies don’t create jobs, higher taxes show up on people’s paychecks, rising health costs, and quite possibly ‘skyrocketing’ electric bills get people’s attention.

    Even the intellectually lazy whom Ace describes, in time, notice.

    Iran getting the bomb isn’t going to add to Obama’s popularity. He’s a gift that keeps on giving and he’s not going to stop. It’s an unparalleled opportunity for the Republicans, if they’ll just seize it.

    Ace is right about the need for the GOP to bring it to the attention of the public but wrong when he suggests that an in-your-face, confrontational pose is needed.

    As SteddieH pointed out, Obama is fully on record (and video) making his promises. All the Republicans need do is remind the public of the things he’s already said and then contrast it to what he’s saying now.

    Since the MSM won’t tell the American people the truth, lets use their key vulnerability against them. Bypass the nightly news and run targeted, paid political ads in a campaign of information. We don’t need them to tell the truth, we can use their networks to get the truth out.

    Republicans need to immediately start political ad campaigns, not to promote candidates but targeted political legislative ad campaigns. And run them as soon as Obama and the dems start pushing any radical legislation.

    They don’t have to be fancy and expensive. Contrasting video’s of Obama, exposing his lies and with rhetorical questions and simple facts delivered in text and voice over s all that’s needed.

    So, we should be seeing short, to the point ads, describing the revolving $50 billion dollar bail-out provisions in the new ‘financial reform’ bill being advanced.

    They should be running on the MSM networks, not FOX and again, they should be rhetorical in nature.

    Thus, “On (date) Pres. Obama said this, NOW he’s saying this…that doesn’t appear to make any sense, does it to you? and if it doesn’t, perhaps it would be a good idea to suggest that he have a talk with the President…call him, it’s your right…”

    Just get people wondering, puzzlement introduces doubt and with the truth behind it, doubt turns to distrust and distrust leads to a lame-duck Presidency.

  7. How can they not see?

    A programmed mind does not change unless through catastrophe or intervention. I’m afraid we’re left with over boiled noodles which aren’t going to be much good for anything.

  8. Oops. It should read, “perhaps it would be a good idea to suggest to your Congressman that he/she have a talk with the President, call them, it’s your right…”

  9. “”How can anyone continue to be enamored with Obama?””

    I think this regime is so over the top corrupt that people defensively tune it all out for their own psychological protection. The ole head up the ass routine.

    I sometimes wish the f*** i could just non chalantly go about my life and not pay attention to this nightmare of a politician. But i have a 3 year old grandaughter i’m damned determined wont live under this crap.

  10. JohnC wrote “How can anyone continue to be enamored with Obama? ”
    His faults were glaringly obvious during the election but he was young and sexy and a great speaker, all of which spared enough of the electorate from actually having to think. Geoffrey Britain, I am sorry but you are wrong if you think a rational expose of Obamas lies and incompetence will effect his popularity. His popularity was never based on rational analysis.

    The same still holds. He is a magnetic speaker, and being cool in a society with no major problems. The US does not have any real problems in spite of 10+% unemployment; mass casualty war and famine are problems that demand adult leaders. Until that unhappy day a sizable number of the electorate will gladly accept the excuses the MSM makes up for him.

    To paraphrase Curtis, some of the people who believe in Obama (“believe” is much more apropos than “support”) will only confront reality as a result of real personal pain. A mere threat to their freedom, which they have already surrendered by becoming a follower, is not that important to someone who thinks he is free (sound familiar Neo). Nor a slight increase in taxes mean much if it is for a good cause.

    He remains a cult leader of an immature people. Forget trying to wake the public up Geoffrey Britain, if Rev. Wright, the sleazy Chicago crowd, Honduras, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Cairo speech, the silliness with Israel, the non-victory effort in Afghanistan, not realizing the importance of victory in Iraq, not supporting liberal reformers in the Islamic world, an out of control deficient, a lunatic health care bill, circumventing the will of the people in its passage, and unethical means of passing it,
    have not woken up the electorate it is because they happy in their cocoons.

  11. I’m glad there’s SteveH’s in this world. I hope there’s alot of them. I hope, come November we begin to show our resolve and strength. But even if not, I’m still fightin.

  12. SteveH:
    That’s the Left’s strength and our weakness. Most normal people don’t want to have to eat, sleep, and breathe politics 24/7. We just want to live our lives and be left the hell alone.

    But to the Left, politics literally is everything. They seek a society where they control the government and the government controls the people. Remember the phrase, “The personal is political”? They really do believe it, and they live and breathe it.

  13. I keep hearing pepole referring to our new messiah as a great speaker but for the life of me I can’t see what they mean by that. His pace is stupefying; the pauses as his gaze shifts from one teleprompter to the other; the constant ummms and ahhhs as he tries to pick the lie of the moment, etc… Maybe people are referring to him medium baritone tone but my replie to that is Whoop-de-frickin-dahhh! Can anyone else help me out here and fill me in on what people think is so great about his speeches?

  14. 1. I hope this works out even worse for Obama than it did for Old Read My Lips.

    2. However, Obama will blame Bush for the necessity to raise taxes. Such blame should properly be bipartisan, but the fact remains that the GOP spent like drunken sailors while they controlled the government. (Before Obama reset the bar for drunken sailors everywhere.)

    3. If the economy continues to gradually improve, the Obamacrats’ poll numbers will rise. The November results may not be the Republican deluge about which some on the Right are prematurely boasting. Especially if the GOP has nothing to offer but attacks on the Democrats and a return to the Bush era.l

  15. I know i’ll never look at any 60’s university protesters the same way again. Every time i see footage of it now, i think; Those little sob control freaks are worse than a Richard Nixon or Lyndon Johnson could have ever even thought about being. Corrupt to their frickin bones and in the tiniest of synapses in their brains. And now destroying our country.

  16. BoV,

    I’ll admit that I am swayed more by reasoned debate than the average apathetic voter. Fortunately, I’m not suggesting reasoned debate. I’m suggesting non-confrontational, perhaps I’m too stupid to get it, so please explain it to me ads…

    As in, he said this, now he says this, huh? He couldn’t (sarc) have been lying, so how do we square this circle?

    One ad surely won’t change a thing. A campaign however, a bombardment of rhetorical questions is quite another. The goal is NOT to convince the brain dead, the goal is to raise distrust by pointing out, through implication, that he’s not trustworthy. Then, they’ll attach the label of liar to Obama because while most people are intellectually lazy, they’re not stupid.

    Will that convince a majority of liberals? Of course not, but then for many, nothing would, including if Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Karl Marx all suddenly appeared, decrying the liberal agenda.

    Fortunately we don’t need a majority of liberal Democrats, we need a majority of independents in Nov.

    We already have that, we just need to maintain the momentum. Which given the influx of stimulus dollars waiting to be injected into the economy this summer is critical for us to maintain.

    I’m not suggesting this as a panacea, I’m suggesting it should be employed as one of many tools.

  17. Geoffrey Britain, I’m game, as one far sighted philosophy stated, let’s go through the motions, maybe we’ll get lucky.

  18. Geoffrey Britain, I agree a focused campaign is needed & the sooner, the better, but rather than rhetorical questions, an “educating the public” re specifics in Dem legislation, passed and proposed, would accomplish more. The tide began turning against Obama & Dems as the public learned more about what was actually IN the healthcare bill and much of their other planned legislation (i.e. Cap and Trade, Card Check, Immigration Reform, more Stimulus) as opposed to just knowing, for example, that Healthcare was 2000+ pages which is about all the info the MSM reported. When the Democrats’ corruption and the arrogant manipulation of procedure (for which our President admitted on air that he cared little) to achieve their intended ends, people stopped and thought a good bit more. Now, we face some 1500+ pages of the proposed Dodd Finance Reform bill which has some jarringly scary provisions, there’s a lot more distrust. Folks want to know about the Big Union ties and the Administration’s continued giveaways of taxpayers’ $. They are alert as we face almost certain tax increases to finance the Obama Spenderama. Fact is, the larger part of the public doesn’t seek out info on their own and, unfortunately, more voters than not are pretty much ignorant re: issues and policy. As Ricki said they want to go about their lives and be left alone. As Bob from Virginia pointed out, unless people feel personal pain, they are not motivated to take an iinterest, seek out more info. and become active. But we’re feeling pain, and realizing that there is a lot more to come if we don’t take action soon — very soon.

    In many ways, I actually think this is a very exciting time in our history. For the first time, at least in my lifetime, we’re seeing Americans not only realize that something is very wrong, that our very identity, our values, and our freedoms are seriously threatened, but they are becoming proactive and realizing that they “are not alone” (am I really quoting Glenn Beck?!). We’re realizing the “power of the people” is a reality, and was very much intended to be so by the founding forefathers.

    I was born in late 50’s and remember the 60’s as a blur of protests and rebellion and black and white clips of Viet Nam flashing behind Walter Cronkite. It was about revolution and violence and mayhem were not uncommon. Today’s protests are about preservation — of the country most of us grew up in where democracy and individual freedoms are paramount. To me, the Tea Parties and the record number of people becoming active evidence the realization that it is necessary to take personal responsibiity. If we don’t speak out and take action against the frighteningly real threats of socialism, the nanny state, and the redistribution of wealth, who will? If it takes four years of Barack Obama and far Left trying to wreak havoc on America to awaken the sleeping giant, it may be a relatively small price to pay (metaphorically, not literally) in the long run.

    These days, one thing I thank the Lord for regularly is Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes. I shudder to think where we’d all be without Fox and The Wall Street Journal to counter the manipulation and duplicity of the liberal MSM.

  19. I think Geoffrey Britain’s approach is good. You feed the egos of the all knowing by asking them to explain things to you. You raise doubts among those who have not been paying attention, and you put some pressure on the media to do their job, which is to provide information. We will still need the intelligent criticism provided by WSJ and NRO articles, but these don’t reach all the voters we need. Every congressional candidate should face questions this year in their rallies back home. If Jack the car dealer and Jill the restaurant owner stand up and say explain this to me, their employees and customers and suppliers will notice. And Since Jack and Jill are known to support local fire companies and libraries and food banks, no one will believe they are in the same league as greedy Wall Street bankers or misogynistic racists.

  20. I’m still reeling from the bit of absurdist theater I recently witnessed. It seems the Mahdi that recieved tens of millions from Wall Street has excoriated the same all while keeping a straight face.

    Is all this stuff real, or a new television show?

  21. Will doing one thing and then condemning it is typical Obama. Remember the SOTU in which he condemned the spendthrift ways of government, damning the drug companies while accepting their support in return for favorable legislation.

    So far the only thing he appears to have done right is channeling money to Afghanistan to specific projects rather than a general pool. Everything else from what I can see has been wrong or partially wrong.
    He deserves an award for his actions from Iran.

  22. To be honest, he’s has cut my income taxes tremendously. …by cutting my income. After spending 2009 watching the Oconomic Miracle from the sidelines, I was lucky to get a contract this winter. Same rate as my first contract in 1985. We’ve come a long way.

  23. Actually, a Value Added Tax suits Obama’s administration perfectly. It’s such an Orwellian phrase, an oxymoron really. I mean how can you have a value added tax? Isn’t value added supposed to be like putting 20 ounces of potato chips in a 16 ounce bag but still charging the same price?

    With VAT, as I understand it a product you buy is levied as it is being manufactured with a tax on the elements that go into its production. This of course is passed onto the consumer in a higher ticket price. And of course you are taxed on that ticket price and so therefore are paying tax on taxes.

    Obama should consider a VAT on Electricity. It would go perfect with Cap and Trade.

    He says he lowered taxes for millions of Americans. We should be thanking him.

  24. I think the Geoffrey plan is a good one. It is simple, straight foreward, and doesn’t lose the message getting bogged down in policy minutia. It isn’t “mean spirited” nor strikingly partisan done correctly.

    Seldom (ever?) has an administration been so reliant upon a fawning media and the uncritical love of the perveyers of pop culture. This is a critical vulnerability should the tables be turned. The Geoffrey campaign as a steady unrefutable drumbeat could lead to deep cracks in the armour around the Obama psyche. In the age of youtube Obama’s own words contrasted against themselves delivered in his typical manner could really do something.

    My view is that Obama is thin skinned and that weakness should be exploited. He may be tough in the sense he is ruthless and not constrained by morality or consistancy, the end justifies the means. But I don’t think he is tough in the sense of being able to roll with the punches, of being able to absorb punishment. I don’t see him having the fortitude to stand up to a barrage of ridicule and abuse anything at all similar to what Bush shrugged off as a matter of course.

    Would Obama have much defense against being portrayed as latter day Al Gore, internet inventer and all around laughing stock? Maybe laughter and ridicule can provoke his Waterloo.

    The Geoffrey plan well executed deprives Obama of his chief political tool, his silver tongue. If the concensus shifts the more he talks the weaker his position.

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