Home » Today is Nancy Pelosi’s 70th birthday


Today is Nancy Pelosi’s 70th birthday — 25 Comments

  1. Can we send her kids, grandkids, great grandchildren and 5 more generations of her family a bill to help pay for her bringing 8 Trillion dollars worth of debt and the associated interest payments on that debt.

    What a legacy…. What a legacy…

    She’s proud of it.

  2. Miss Nancy is evidence of the excellence of the free market in plastic surgery. Without government subsidy or insurance the activity persists at a high level of quality.

  3. Excellent idea! Best suggestion in a longtime — at least since election of BO; maybe even since he started campaigning.

    As for that IOU, think whe could use it to fuel that private jet we all pay for? If fuel supplier didn’t like that idea, she’d probably hold a one-woman vote and ram it down the guy’s throat.

  4. My first two thoughts:

    1. A free one-way ticket to San Franscisco;

    2. a 1959 Edsel to match that other enormous lemon she has helped push through congress.


    3. A gift-certificate to a hair salon that knows how to fix that bowl-cut she presently has.

  5. Mr. Frank, wasn’t there supposed to be some huge tax in the HCR bill on cosmetic procedures and tanning salon services?

    Wait….I think that was removed and only remains on tanning salon services. (which, of course, would be a huge income source copared to taxing doctors’ fees for plastic surgery, right?


    The self-interested take care of their self-interests.

  6. csimon: 5% on cosmetic surgery and 1o% on tanning salon, that’s what I heard.
    they are moralists, you know- just like Bloomy – and they are concerned with our unhealthy habits.

  7. Let’s get her a footnote in the history books.

    If the Democrats hold the House in November, Pelosi will enter history as an important Speaker. If she has wrecked her party’s majority by passing Obamacare, her position in posterity is much iffier.

    (I don’t care that she is the first female Speaker, and neither will history IMO. A woman Speaker was inevitable, as is a woman President etc. Unless the country collapses.)

  8. A fish wrapped in a newspaper, a la Lucca Brazzi in The Godfather. Oh, wait! That would be a terrorist threat, wouldn’t it? Nevermind.

  9. My hope is that she will not be Speaker after Nov. But whether she is or not, her legacy will be dark. History will not view her well and that’s a shame because, as gs notes, she is the first female to hold the spot. She is a disgrace as her tactics with Obamacare clearly demonstrated – unequivocally. She SHOULD be ashamed of herself. She is despicable. She is delusional. How can she live with herself?

  10. Pelosi’s gift to us:

    “AT&T Inc. will take a $1 billion non-cash accounting charge in the first quarter because of the health care overhaul and may cut benefits it offers to current and retired workers.

    The charge is the largest disclosed so far. Earlier this week, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co. and Valero Energy announced similar accounting charges, saying the health care law that President Barack Obama signed Tuesday will raise their expenses. On Friday, 3M Co. said it will also take a charge of $85 million to $90 million.”

    via instapundit

  11. I missed sharing a birthday with her by one day. I think I would have had to change mine.

    I think we should get her a one-way trip to a socialist country where she can fully appreciate the wonderful, free medical care as she ages.

  12. I will go along with LisaW, as long as you don’t send her to any of the Scandinavian countries! Thank you – but NO THANK YOU!

  13. Michael says:

    History is written by the winners.

    She may do ok yet.


    You might be a little fond of cliches. History is written by historians. Try telling Victor Davis Hanson that Pelosi will ‘do ok’. He, for one, is not in the habit of trying to turn victory by any means, amoral bottom feeding twits into elegant stateswomen.

  14. Did Pelosi turn us all into dhimmis? I’m hearing areport that the religious exemption for the mandates mean Muslims will not have to buy the mandated insurance. Is this true? Obama did once say something about this being the largest muslim country in the world…….

  15. Personally – I’d wish her 70 boils – but that would be mean, reveal my inner bitterness and lack of Christian upbringing.

    So – yeah, I confirm it.

    LisaM – happy coming birthday for you!

  16. How about a bucket of tar, a basket of feathers, and a free ride on a rail… It occurs to me that the reason she has that strange Stepford Wives look to her, is that when she went in for her last face lift, they inserted a chip, which also maybe explains Obama’s (the real deal in manchurian candidates) cardboard smile. Anyway, enough of the negativity concerning the gift that keeps giving, it’s so wonderful that the Dems are focussing on HCR and getting nasty Israel in line, who could possibly think of more important immediate problems?

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  18. > What can we get her for the occasion? How about an IOU for her retirement as Speaker come next session.

    Frozen dogturds delivered at a high rate of speed? Ca. 1000 mph?

    As a scalp treatment…

    Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.

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