Home » China joins Europe…


China joins Europe… — 15 Comments

  1. Wow! Even the NYT admits that the Chinese beat Obama’s ass like a gong.

    What an embarassment….

  2. I see from the photo that he really dressed up for his tour of the Forbidden City. He’s the only one wearing a brown bomber jacket. (Everyone else appears to be wearing dress overcoats).

    I guess the Mao jacket the he was photographed in earlier this week was at the cleaners…

  3. And yet it seems that 60% of Americans think Obama’s strong suit is international affairs.

    Most of the world still likes Obama. Foreign leaders now realize that Obama is weak and foolish, but they can work with that.

    Thank goodness we are past the bad old days when the world disliked America because of Bush.

    Towards the end of the Bush administration and before the global financial crisis, the dislike of America was about the only substantive criticism left against Bush.

    Americans confuse respect with being liked. We are now going to learn the difference.

  4. huxley: It would be more accurate to see that much of the world’s media still like Obama. The world’s people are influenced by tabloid headlines, 30-second blurbs on TV news, the feuilletons of “acceptable” newspapers, or the women’s mags that are only read in beauty shops. It might be nice to be liked, but it is disastrous to form policies on complex issues based on such ignorance. I’d go for respect any day.

  5. I’m just glad that we will not be treated to more articles about how Obama is playing 3-D chess and thinking 80 bajillion moves ahead of the rest of us when it comes to foreign policy.

  6. expat: I see your point, but however one slices it, most people still like Obama. He is, superficially at least, a likeable guy for a politician.

    One has to pay pretty close attention to notice how bizarre and weaselly Obama is.

  7. It’s no consolation, but he’s just the idiot I thought he was all along. I was not surprised at all that he got rolled by Putin, hasn’t had the Iranians return his calls, gave a big man-hug to Chavez, and managed to insult both the Queen and Prime Minister of Britain, while bowing low to other monarchs. I expected as much, and he hasn’t disappointed. Now the Chinese have his number. We’re almost a quarter of the way through his first, and hopefully, only, term. He still has 3 years to beclown himself further. He will, count on it.

  8. …he’s just the idiot I thought he was all along.

    However, for some months now the word on this blog has been that Obama was instead fiendishly clever and moving us stealthily towards a tyranny with Obama in charge.

    That was hard for me to see because Obama was executing so poorly as President that taking over the government struck me as far beyond Obama’s modest talents.

  9. your only calling him an idiot because you judge his owning everyting with the others in state as a stupid goal.

    is it if you win?

    no dumber than alexander the great
    no dumber than napoleon
    no dumber than hitler
    no dumber than stalin
    no dumber than mao
    no dumber than [insert name here]

    the point being is that your goals are not his goals, and to look at someones actions in light of your goals, and what end you want, is to avoid everything and understand nothing (especially when you cant get agreement).

    anyone want to check out results in light of the future for these people and or their family members?

    oh… yeah.. they have it made no matter how it turns out.

    al gore is a billionaire idiot…
    yeah, stupid move..
    how much do you make?

    obamas daughters will make more than you do with their first book. maybe more than you will ever make in your lifetime.

    pelosi’s 5 kids are probably doing better than most of ours, and will do better for the next few hundred years. (even if there is a war, if there is, they will do even better!)

    dummies the lot of them
    they are going to own all of america, including you the people, and yuor a genius and they are dumb.



    i get it.

    catch ya later.

  10. by the way, who taught us that thniking differetn than them is genius, and thinking the same as them is stupid? they did.

    who taught us to think that such things will never happen, and that its impossible. so its ok to have a little bit of socialism. cant turn a picke bak to a cucumber… they taught us.

    who decided to break the constitution left and right, do it under us really genus smart peoples noses, and the best we can say is “oh yeah, he is a dummy”

    no problem.

    real geniuses here.

    bout the only ones that knew it all from day one were the ones who had EXPERIENCE with it, but had that EXPERIENCE equivocated and made equal to personal opinions made from partial information with solutions clipped to the acceptable ones.

    thats genius…

    no wonder the geniuses dont liek when i write long and show history they are ignroant of, and other rare documents and points. the only way to preserve such genius is to halt progress… prevent movement… and keep sitting on a hill

    but dont worry..

    we are WAY past the time that a simple nudge can fix it. nothing will fix it now…

    the term is Fait Accompli

    cortez burned the boats.
    is in control
    has changed the state
    and he is but a dummy

    boy i am glad he cant tie his shoes. imagine what harm and change he could do if he could tie his shoes.

    boy, we are lucky

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