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With friends like these… — 4 Comments

  1. You’d think that’d be a clue about Obama, just as during the campaign to see Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Rev. Wright, Farrakhan, Code Pink etc. lining up for Obama ought to have set off red flags, but sadly no…

  2. I hate to criticise such an eminent figure as “president for life,” Moamar Gaddafi, but does anyone else think he looks like a drug abuser? The puffy, nearly closed eyes, the puffiness of his face, the incoherent rambling. Methinks the man has done too many lines of coke or meth followed by too much scotch.

    I have read a couple of accounts by recent visitors to Libya. The place is a hellhole. Desperately poor, frightened people and an infrastructure returning to the desert. The man is a true monster. If there was any justice, he would be arrested for crimes against humanity the minute he stepped outside of Libya. But that would be “raacist!” I guess. And the beat goes on.

  3. I’ve heard it said that you can judge a person by their associates. I suppose the same holds true for the types of people who admire them…

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