Home » I didn’t know I was pregnant: you be the judge


I didn’t know I was pregnant: you be the judge — 14 Comments

  1. I find it interesting to note, Neo that as many people believe in Obama, it is countered by a refusal to believe in facts. Because those facts run contrary to their world views, perceptions, or wishse, while Obama is perfectly in line with what they wish to be true.

    Ah, such are the pathways in which the ever static human nature is manipulated for the greed of those with the knowledge and will to do so.

  2. When i was a late teen, i was a volunteer EMT… you only have to see what really goes on with people biologically to know that this is valid and that its possible to be pregnant and not know it (especially when your in denial and looking for other reasons why you have some symptoms).

    i have seen people die from things that no one would think of, and survive things that no one thought they could. (there is a great shot of this kind of thing, i wont post it since its extreme. its a shot of a man who rear ended a truck with his face. split and completely destroyed everything under the nose. after a while looking at it you can figure out the hole that was to his nose, that he had a metal stud which is either his lip or tongue, etc. but the worst part? he was concuious, sitting up at the table being looked over. and you will never forget his eyes).

    all one has to do is read about medical oddities to know the weird stuff that happens. from a seed sprouting in an eye, to bullets comnig out of a nose when the person never knew they were shot years ago. a recent one a nail came out of someones nose… then rods through the head and brain, where the person was normal

    one of the most amazing ones early on was a man who had a hole in his stomach that didnt close. so a guy did experiments by dangling things into the stomach and seeing what happened.

    even weirder than pregnancies that are unknonwn, are the things tha happen when a persons mind is damaged. you cant imagine tabular rasa unless you spend all your time with healthy people.

    spend a day in ward 13 and you might lose your own mind and sanity (i know i am preaching to the choir here with you neo, but others may not know how broken minds can break other minds).

    read oliver sachs the man who thought his wife was a saw.. (i got to meet him and nearly did some work with him. odd gent, nice, gentle, but brilliantly odd).

    so can i know that some people can get pregnant and not know it?

    you bet!!!

  3. Some people voted for Obama and still think he is the change America was looking for.

    Compared to that, unexpected and unaware pregnancies are a dime a dozen.

  4. Funny enough, a friend is doing a TV story on a woman who just gave birth and it came as a complete shock! She has three kids and the kicker, is that her hubby has had a..vasectomy.How could this possibly have happened?? She didn’t know she was pregnant until she was rushed to the ER…..but apparently quit smoking 9mos ago.

    Neo, help me out…I’m so confused here 😉

  5. How could this possibly have happened??

    the tubes can reattach themselves sometimes.

    to quote:

    Perhaps one of the worst possible outcomes of a vasectomy is a spontaneous reversal, resulting in a surprise restoration of fertility even after you have been declared “all clear.” This is extraordinarily rare – figures quoted are usually 1 in 2000 to 1 in 4000 or higher. These are the incidence of recanalising – figures for pregnancy occurring after the “all clear” are rather lower risk, and confounded by the fact that those getting pregnant after vasectomy rarely prove patency with DNA sampling. If recanalisation is of concern to you, you may wish to discuss providing routine semen samples with your doctor.

  6. I’ve gotten a woman pregnant and didn’t know it. Do they have a tv show for that? Lol

  7. Artfldgr:
    The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
    Oliver Sacks is one of my heroes.
    The book is one of the most fascinating that I have ever read. It reads like fiction, but is purely case histories.

  8. Some of these women from the show were told at a young age that they could not conceive, due to whatever health probelm that existed, making them completely unaware of their condition. They just always knew they would never have children. One lady went to her chiropractor for an adjustment because her back hurt, probably from labor pains. She also took a laxative because she thought the back pain might be constipation. Needless to say later that night there was more in her commode than she bargained for! You must see to believe.

  9. thanks for correcting the title for me..

    He is a nice man… but not someone to look up to.
    his life is not a normal one. though his early work with maping color vision was incredible.. he was surprised that i had read those papers (i am not a researcher).

    its a great book… but as i said, if you didnt know the things that have happend and so on, you would never imagine (especially if your on the left) the real way things are or the extremes they can take.

  10. I once met a girl at one of my high school classes who had a very interesting story as to how she came into the world.

    Her mother had an ovarian fibroma that had to be removed. When the surgery was about to take place (this was 1974, approximately), the doctors had noticed another kind of “tumor” inside, and wondered if there was something malignant going on – perhaps they had to remove all of her reproductive organs to save her life. When they went in to check, she was placed on local anesthesia.

    Imagine the shock when she, on the operating table, was asked by the surgeons, “Seé±ora, ¿quiere usted una bebé? Porque aqué­ esté¡, completamente lista.” (“Ma’m, do you want a baby girl? We’re asking because she’s here, and she’s ready to come out!”) And there she was, out and on her shocked mother’s arms.

    We called her “Fibroma Girl” ever since the day she told us that story.

  11. soo this whole topic is really upsetting me. The women who are “surprised” with pregnancy never tell us if maybe perhaps they didn’t use a condom one time or didn’t take birth control or just missed a day without a pill. And then they say they missed a period and automatically think, “oh I’m pregnant.” Hellooo uh birth control pills mess up your cycle too. So am I supposed to go around, being paranoid, thinking that even though I take my birth control every day, and even use condoms each time, I’m still supposed to live in fear about giving life to something I’m not even thinking about having?

  12. How on earth is it possible that a woman does not know that she is pregnant? In pregnancy there are so many changes in the body that even a dumb will know what is going on in her body. This is really confusing!

  13. Hi this is our 3rd season and we are looking for mommies who gave birth and didn’t know they were pregnant. It would be great to hear your stories. If you could please pass on my contact information to people who are interested in the show that would be great!


  14. hi im tiphani, i need some help. i had sex with my ex on 11-2-10 and im really freaking out that i will be pregent bc he didnt use protection. i had my period the week before i saw him and im just really confused that that i may not get my period. BTW im on birth control shot.

    Any suggestions plz tell me.

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