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Boomer roomers — 25 Comments

  1. One would hope that before we all are impoverished, we would have the intestinal fortitude to revolt against the growth of government servitude as our ancestors did. If we are educated and intelligent, but do not act to defend individual freedom and the prospects of maintaining it for our progeny, we deserve to live in the basement.

  2. Boomers will be the last adequately educated generation: we will be able to compete very well against the young yobs.

  3. At the rate I am wearing out my body it “ain’t” gonna be a problem for me. Unless, of course, God really wants to teach me a lesson.

  4. As a boomer, (circa 1949), I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. My parents generation gave me a country that was safe, secure, prosperous, and most of all FREE. And I am leaving this mess to my kids.

    I honestly believed I’d done a good job as a parent. My daughters are both well adjusted. Both are active in their church and community. And both have achieved a degree of success financially. But they, and their sons, have this horrible mess, (and I fear much, much worse), to contend with.

  5. Nothing could be better. Maybe now the boomers will shed their narcicism and finally (genuinely) engage their responsibility to mentor the next generations. Unfortunately, our youth will be learning what not to do from the boomers example. I hope the lesson is learned.

  6. As a 39 year old. he he

    with 2 homes now.

    I’d say I’m doing my part to purchase up the homes that the baby boomers are leaving behind when they shack up with their kids…

    or whoever they are shacking up with.

    THANKS !!

  7. Boomers will be competing with their children and grandchildren for jobs that in many cases do not pay living wages.

    the way things are going, and no one is paying attention, there may not be any boomers or jobs to compete with.

    after reseting relations with a stunt that was a very poor copy of a commercial ad… being economically incompetent. ideologically a throwback. (fascist policies, including the start of an internal army which is now wending its way through a majority which will probably just stamp it) and a whole bigger list.

    has anyone yet figured out how destabilizing that is to the rest of the world that is used to a much higher level of american competence?

    hows this for their reaction, and lets see if we can start to figure out better what happens next.

    Medvedev orders large-scale Russian rearmament
    MOSCOW (AFP) — President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday announced a “large-scale” rearmament and renewal of Russia’s nuclear arsenal, accusing NATO of pushing ahead with expansion near Russian borders.

    given that this is the most incompetent president who is so ego full, ignorant, and has such a set with them. i guess its time to reset the button, and kick off the new age…

    this on the day or within days of him pushing to do what to our military? (including making our soldiers pay for their own car from injuries during service)…

    obama is not ready to tell the national guard to shoot at mexicans flooding over… (and many that will, and along with over 100,000 here (gov report), will make things interesting)

    we or he is being maneuvered into an everyhthing at once, i dont know what to do situation.

    [even worse, when he does decide, it will be out of an old playbook they invented, and so they will know every move he will make]

    madagascar fell… a country in south america fell

    for a dead ideology it certainly has some funky legs

  8. between spain and this, the straight is now under control of those that will let shipments pass…

    Madagascar’s President Quits, Hands Power to Military

    el Salvador is now communist.

    My victory is your dream come true.
    — Salvadoran President-Elect Mauricio Funes, victory speech addressed to former FMLN guerrillas, March 15, 2009

    Mexico may fall… their army is not large enough, and 1000 national guard on the border is not near enough if things change fast.

    We’re going to examine whether and if National Guard deployments would make sense and under what circumstances they would make sense. I don’t have a particular tipping point in mind. I think it’s unacceptable if you’ve got drug gangs crossing our borders and killing U.S. citizens.

    so the boomers are basically reminding me of the band that played requests on the titanic..

    below, reports the two largest cartels can field a force larger than mexicos army (and they have lots of people in the US too).

    EXCLUSIVE: 100,000 foot soldiers in Mexican cartels / Numbers rival country’s army

    The two cartels appear to be negotiating a truce or merger to defeat rivals and better withstand government pressure. U.S. officials say the consequences of such a pact would be grave.

    “I think if they merge or decide to cooperate in a greater way, Mexico could potentially have a national security crisis,” the defense official said. He said the two have amassed so many people and weapons that Mexican President Felipe Calderon is “fighting for his life” and “for the life of Mexico right now.”

    I guess this will make the boomers and left cheer!!

    California frees 1970s radical turned housewife
    Fugitive radical turned Minnesota soccer mom Sara Jane Olson was released on Tuesday from a California prison

    [anyone want to take bets on how many days before she is on the view, oprah, and that wonderful nickolodeon show?]

  9. ap is now running it with harsher language.

    MOSCOW (AP) – Russia’s defense minister on Tuesday accused the United States of beefing up its military presence near Russian borders and poaching for mineral wealth there, signaling that Moscow could take a tough position in upcoming talks with Barack Obama’s new administration.

    Windfall oil wealth over the last decade allowed the Kremlin to nearly quadruple defense spending, start upgrading aging arsenals and press efforts to revive the nation’s clout and prestige. Still, military modernization has gone slowly and glaring weaknesses, such as shortages of precision “smart” weapons and modern communications gear, were highlighted during Russia’s war with Georgia in August.

    (only if you think they wouldnt hold back what they have and use older stuff)

    “Let me mention the top priorities. The main one is a qualitative increase in the troops readiness, primarily of strategic nuclear forces. They must guarantee the fulfillment of all tasks of ensuring Russia’s security,” Medvedev

    “In the past year, we have transformed a whole range of combat units and formations by providing them with modern equipment, and in 2011 we will begin the large-scale rearmament of the army and navy,”

    The military has said more than 10 new intercontinental ballistic missiles will go into service by year’s end – a much faster pace of deployment than in previous years. It also intends to put the Bulava missile into service by January, despite several high-profile failures.

    Col. Gen. Nikolai Solovtsov, the chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, said the first three RS-24, multi-warhead ballistic missiles will be deployed after Dec. 5 when the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported Tuesday.

    The new missile, which Solovtsov said would carry “at least four” nuclear warheads, would violate the landmark treaty.

    imagine that, a treaty violating piece of weaponry appears…

    and this might not be good…


    North Korea Tuesday reopened its border to South Koreans bound for a showpiece industrial estate in the secretive nation, ending a sporadic blockade which threatened to shut down factories there.

    The North gave no explanation for its change of heart, which comes amid continuing high tensions between the two governments.

    all this stuff mostly today… (some in the past hour).

  10. i hope the boomers are paying attention… i am but a cork floating on their reality and decisions…

  11. this one hour ago..

    US, aid groups say NKorea rejected food aid

    By FOSTER KLUG — 1 hour ago

    WASHINGTON (AP) – North Korea has rejected American food shipments and asked aid groups to leave the country by the end of the month, the United States and a leading aid agency said Tuesday, another sign of mounting tension as Pyongyang plans a rocket launch that Washington sees as cover for a long-range missile test.

    State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the North gave no reason for refusing to accept U.S. food aid. North Korea faces chronic food shortages and has relied on outside aid to help feed its 23 million people since famine reportedly killed as many as 2 million in the 1990s, a result of natural disasters and mismanagement

    note that kim visited the chinese 11 hours ago…
    North Korean Premier Visits China / http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-03-17-voa8.cfm / and suddenly those actions just happened…

    and an few hours ago, russia changed its appearance and got real hard..

    then chinese games
    According to the Pentagon, last week five Chinese vessels undertook a coordinated campaign to impede the USNS Impeccable, an unarmed U.S. Navy surveillance ship that was conducting routine operations in international waters seventy-five miles (one hundred twenty kilometers) south of China’s Hainan Island. Navy surveillance ships map the ocean floor with sonar to facilitate detection of foreign objects, such as submarines.

    The Defense Department reports that the Chinese vessels maneuvered in front of the Impeccable, dropped wood in its path and tried to use poles to grab the ship’s towed sonar array. The department revealed that last Sunday’s incident was only the latest of a series of “increasingly aggressive” Chinese acts during the past week to disrupt routine U.S. Navy operations around China.

    they may be ramping up to use the precarious position the US is in financially and they have with our debt…

    obama making all the wrong moves, does not make them happy about their debt.

    both countries have personal up close experience with despots, and have been lucky that the more recent leadership has never been a charismatic populist.

    they know what happens when his world falls apart and there is little stopping him..

  12. Hey, slow down gang. The word boomer is becoming synonymous with hippie here. Not all baby boomers are ex-hippies and left wing liberal democrats. Well, I’m an ex hippie, but gasping at Jimmy Carter made me a republican, and Ronald Reagan made me a conservative. And that was over 30 years ago with Carter.

    I will admit I am beginning to understand why older people start to vote democrat in their old age. I raised three kids. Starting with pampers and ending up with sheepskins, and a hell of a lot of money in between, the overall cost is staring a million bucks right between the eyes. Couple a major crash to it, and your savings cut in half, things start looking pretty scary.

    Had I stayed single my investment accounts would rival neo’s site meter. Hey…..maybe that’s the key.

  13. I do not think the majority of boomers are responsible for the fact that 68% of the under 30 crowd and 70% of single females voted for Obonga. Yes, a minority of them played a role, by virtue of their infiltration of education and media. Now did Boomers in comparable percentages to those I just cited vote for Obonga? If that Big Mack Daddy got 53% of the vote, I would say that the demographics I just cited were the core strength of Obonga’s victory.

    Since November 4th the equities’ markets fell precipitously. They rallied briefly in December when Obonga’s “moderates” from the Clinton administration were given high profile as cabinet appointees. But the cabinet people are not his most trusted advisers on policy. Obonga picked cabinet people who would pass muster with Congress, while those on the 2nd tier, the “czars,” do not have to pass a committee vote of confidence. Folks, you’ve been bamboozled, and it’s sickening to watch.

    But hopefully this rerun of 1977-1981 will impart the indelible lesson on the kiddies and lassies.

  14. Perhaps many will end up in a boarding house. Your monthly pension and S.S. (if there at all) traded for a bed, a chair, a dresser and a TV, or maybe just a radio.

    But I suppose the lefties will say it’s better than an underpass in Florida somewhere. The biggest memory I have of the original movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, is the boarding house.

  15. Aren’t we really just seeing a leveling we all knew was coming in the back of our minds due to a global economy?

    The poor kid in China story always sat in the back of my mind growing up that we’d end up sinking a few notches before they ever got close to catching up.

  16. As a boomer also, i’ve always contended that my generation is the worse generation. We’ve brought the world political correctness, raising our children in the culture of “self-esteem”, a more than passing regard to socialism/communism especially where it counts in the schools and academia. I could go on but it’s too depressing. BHO is the end result of 30 years plus of the Boomer influence.

    No, we are not all still aging hippies. But, at least for me working in academia, I see enough of my comtemporaries who still believe that it is 1969 to make me wonder how this generation became so screwed up mentally.

  17. physicsguy,

    Born in 1955, so I was just a kid during the Sixties and didn’t get into the hippie thing. I thought the older kids were obnoxious and they smelled…

    Did not raise my kids in the self-esteem regimen, or subject them to indoctrination. I’ve told them about my past as an aspiring Marxist intellectual and what my mistakes were. But also told them exactly what I was pursuing: the epistemological feasibility of utopian thought and found it well-nigh impossible. And when I did I dropped Marxism like a hot potato.

    I know you’re around academics, but those people live in a bubble and not the real world. Not all of us live like it’s 1969.

  18. You pack 300+ million people into a single country. The only way to keep them reasonably peaceable is to distract them with lots of toys and diversions. When they stop, and they are stopping, all hell will break loose. Communes? Try mediaeval keeps.

    People of our ilk should starting filling up the remoter parts of the country.

  19. According to this AP article the government of the state of Missouri has issued a report “informing” state police that people with third party bumper stickers on their cars or who believe the NAFTA superhighway is an attempt create a North American Union are subversive members of paramilitary militias and potential terrorists.
    The Missouri Information Analysis Center (a division of the state police) has compiled an enemies list of warning signs for state police officers, signs that are supposed to help them determine potential terrorists. Such signs include Ron Paul bumper stickers, or “Right to Carry” handgun stickers (I have to wonder: does it include Support Your Local Police stickers, too?) and our friendly state troopers are warned to proceed with extreme caution against such radicals.
    Don’t believe me? See for yourself. (pdf-sorry.)
    Who is being targeted in this report? The state police are warned that Christians, “sovereign citizens”, those opposed to abortion, tax revisionists, and anti-illegal immigrant advocates are potential would-be terrorists.

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