Home » The stimulus bill fails to comfort Wall Street


The stimulus bill fails to comfort Wall Street — 20 Comments

  1. Mitsu (or any big government liberal),

    I repeat my question that was issued a few threads ago.
    What month between now and October do you expect to see:
    a) positive economic growth?
    b) NET job gain ?
    c) increase in home values ?

    It is now February. With such an unprecedented stimulus bill, I’d believe you can claim for us a month or two or a quarter before Christmas sales hit where there is some good strong economic indicators to report.

    So what month????

  2. Neo asked, “Why does this not surprise me?

    I suspect it is because the bill did very little to affect the private sector for such a large price tag.

  3. they are firing these things the way that a mortar unit can fire 5 shells at different powers and angles so that they converge on the same location at the same time.

    Stimulus is only beginning of Obama’s economic plan

    first volley was in bush term
    second volley was this spending bill
    third and other volleys are now about to come

    the WHOLE idea from 1920s onward was to prove capitalism (not an ideology, marx coined the term to put socialism on equal footing), as not functional.

    in other words, take a find beautiful race car, drain the oil, add sand to the cylinders, sugar in the gas tank, ball peen hammer to the windows, and then run it in a few demoltion derbies.

    then claim that due to its inability to handle these problems, capitalism is a dead ideology… and that socialism is the future, since socialisms ‘problem’ was capitalism and the oppressors not allowing socialism to work (the same argument flipped around is whats is being projected).

    read the ny daily news saturday op eds… the whole article was basically saying that very smart whites and chinese shoudl not go to school… (that gifted programs should be reserved for the level in which all races are equal, but not stating it that way. thsi was the reason why they trashed my education! now i am working wiht some geneticsists on solutions and the administrators arent backing us sinve 110 iq cant understand the things teh 170s are saying–ARRGGGHHHHHHHH. basically the smartest are experimented on and push out for not being the right color… the dumbest have abortion clinics put int heir neigborhoods in much higher numbers, and we pretend that the mean are the geniuses and give them self esteem so that they never are humble enough to believe others are smarter than they are)

    the WHOLE plan is to prove that change withing the system is impossible

    which is why they protest and use political terrorism to get their way rather than debate. debate would prove the system is capable of reform and therefore remove the reason for revolution!!!

    in feminism the whole plan is to prove that we cant live together, jsutifying living apart and turning our children over to the state for directed upbringing. which reflects all their quotes as to the destruction of the family, lesbianism, and what the soviet union promises.

    in finance, the idea is to paint illegal acts as natural parts of capitalism. sicne when is embezzelment a part of EITHER system? only among sociailsts could they claim that the bank robber was a partr of the system!!!

    so, how do you effect a complete cahnge of political system?

    you can do TWO Things… you can take it over by force, or you can run it into the ground so that it cant function enough to defend itself. kind of like getting it too drunk on its own crap to stand on its own…

    we won the first attempt at by force.
    we lost the second attempt by subversion…

  4. Dow down almost 300 today closing around 7,500. This is on the news of the signing of the stimulus bill.

    Welcome to the world of Socialism. The only possible benefit is that the nation may see that socialism is a failed ideology once and for all. The Republicans need to pound this message into the ground and keep reminding the American people that this is now Obama’s economy.

    Of course, if the so-called “Fairness” doctrine is enacted, we may not have a voice to do that.

  5. Of course, if the so-called “Fairness” doctrine is enacted, we may not have a voice to do that.

    So what impact is the “Fairness Doctrine” going to have on Christian Radio?

    “Following the two hours of Praise and Joy in Our Lord will be two hours of Hate and Pain with host Be’elzebub. Enjoy….”

  6. Sal Says:

    “Welcome to the world of Socialism. The only possible benefit is that the nation may see that socialism is a failed ideology once and for all.”

    We sort of did already… but a couple things happened.
    1) the democrats needed a new message after Clintonism… and they jumped far left over the last six years. Basically dumping DLC moderation in favor of far left ideas…
    2) new crops of voters who didn’t remember socialism’s failures and the left made sure to never teach them about them…

  7. Yes, yes, and yes. Check your calender, Fannie/Freddie
    house of cards in place, September 2008 Sarah Palin
    introduced at Republican Convention, McCain surges ahead 6% points, Chuck Schumer pulls cards from bottom of Fannie/Freddie…..What to do? Remove Dems
    from office, money would come from the world over,
    crisis over in days. And furthermore, Obama delenda est.

  8. OK, any financial geniuses here have some good suggestions as to how the average joe can survive the coming inflationary cycle?

  9. the average joe can work harder, expand his skill sets, make himself valuable.

    It is the senior citizen on a fixed income that is hurt much worse.

  10. http://hotair.com/archives/2009/02/18/video-after-porkulus-now-what/

    Everyone must know. This country was pretty sound only a few years ago.

    The direction we take with Obama can hurt this country but we can always rebound in comparison to countries around the world.

    We are the world’s largest exporter.

    The press doesn’t report that.

    We are also the world’s largest importer but that does not mean we need to implement protectionist trade policies.

    We will all pull through this. We need to teach economics by sharing the link above and other links like it.

  11. I have some friends who combine what they consider wicked sharp investment skills and screwy liberal beliefs and serious BDS.
    The market always tells the truth. The market Knows All.
    Until now, when it’s a bunch of greedy bastards just trying to make money.

  12. Baklava,

    I know engineers who actually were laid off during the Carter era (I work in engineering). While I am currently pretty safe in my position and my firm seems pretty sound, I know how quick things can change.

    This is a profession that requires continuing education constantly, so expanding skill sets isn’t really going to help – it’s already a prevailent practice.

    Working harder isn’t an option if the projects to work on aren’t available.

    This is the problem as I am seeing it – there is capital floating around, but people are holding back and waiting to see what happens to the economy.

    A situation getting no help from president doomsday.

    When some of this capital begins to loosen up, we may be in a painful inflationary cycle which will eat up the available capital, allowing the same dollar to purchase far less than it did even a year or so ago.

    When you’re talking about projects that can run into the millions of dollars and take years to build, this is a big hit and can lead to people again sitting on their capital and not spending it as projects could end up out of reach due to inflation.

    This in turn can lead to projects being postponed or cancelled altogether, which directly impacts the industry I’m in – hence my concern.

    Such cancellations or postponements in turn affect every other industry reliant upon engineering as the starting point for projects, everyone from construction workers digging holes for foundations to caterers supplying services for a grand opening can be hit.

    Simply working harder doesn’t change that reality.

    While the economy can recover on it’s own – especially if government steps way back and gets out of the way – if they keep up with these “stimulus” bills we could very well have even bigger problems on our hands than we do now, and a prudent person will recognize this and start considering options to mitigate the damage.

  13. I know engineers who actually were laid off during the Carter era (I work in engineering). While I am currently pretty safe in my position and my firm seems pretty sound, I know how quick things can change.

    I’m an engineer who was laid off 3 times under Clinton when defense programs were cancelled. Obama said he would kill my program (Missile Defense) in stump speeches.

    I have no idea what I’ll do when my program gets cancelled. None. I’ve previously installed security systems, safes and vaults, computer networks, database manager, computer security manager and SW system engineer.

    I would never recommend an engineering career to anyone–it’s a difficult 5-6 yr degree now, just for a B.S.E.E. with no security.

  14. Gray,

    The very situation you describe is what I’m talking about. My type of project is far more generalized than what you describe, but it’s the same problem.

    Simply working harder doesn’t address the problem.

    Simply expanding skill sets doesn’t work either.

    If the money stops flowing, the economy grinds to a halt no matter what you do. If what I’m concerned about happens with regard to this “stimulus” debt spending, when the money starts flowing again inflation will really do a number on the economy, further exacerbating the problems.

    During and after Carter, it took years to undo the damage he created. Not saying it’s exactly the same problem coming as was the case under Carter, but inflation is something a lot of folks really have either forgotten about as a serious issue, or have not experienced firsthand in a really painful way.

  15. Been working in the computer field 20 years straight.

    I can be layed off also.

    Even though I just spent $8K for more education last year….

  16. It’s just about 180 degrees now. Losers are the new winners. Playing by the rules means losing the game. Those with no business purchasing a mortgage that a first grader could have calculated as unaffordable are to be bailed out. Those who are upside down, but still able to afford their mortgage payments will be screwed. Screwed for being responsible, screwed for meeting their agreed to obligations. But the lines are drawn. So what happens if these responsible people lose their jobs down the road a couple clicks? Do you become group 1 if you lose your job later? Or do you have to be in group 1 now to qualify?

    If you can stand the life style the government is willing to give you – using money taken from those who cannot stand to live at that level, and want more out of life – then I suggest you become a loser. I am giving it serious consideration. Become group 1 now, before it is too late!

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