Home » If this is true, Obama’s in bigger trouble than we thought


If this is true, Obama’s in bigger trouble than we thought — 16 Comments

  1. The whole point to mining the other 50% of the human race is because when you can’t find it in the male population, you can still find it in the female population.

  2. Look, I’m an early fan of Gov. Palin and I hope that she is everything we expect her to be. My fear is that people are going to treat her like the Left treated Obama early on, like the Second Coming, and overhype her, creating unrealistic expectations and setting her up for failure.

    I like her, I like her background and I think she has tremendous potential. The question is, will the Republicans harness that potential, or screw it up?

    P.S. to the Dems: Our VP is way hotter than yours!

  3. If you watch the 1980 Convention speech Reagan gave, you’ll see that people treated him the same way they treat Sarah.

    1. They call out his and her first names, as if their loyalty goes to them, not the party, the nation, or a slogan like (change).

    2. It is similar to Democrat adulation of the Messiah in putting all their faith and loyalty unto him, rather than the nation. I say similar because charisma and leadership works whether you are right or left. And it works the SAME way. It just goes to two different ends. One is heaven, the other is hell.

  4. You can find the speech easily on Youtube via the gop convention account.

    Search 1980 Ronald Reagan Republican Convention

  5. I have a feeling that something unusual is about to happen. That something will not show up in the polls, but it will in the final election. That is, a lot of people who have been supporters of Obama — which has in itself almost created its own social society, peer pressure and all — will actually vote for the McCain-Palin ticket. They will not talk about it in public. They will not be willing to admit changing their minds amongst the Obama-frenzied. But in the privacy of that election booth on Election Day, I just have a feeling there are going to be some big surprises — most of all, to the pollsters and the MSM, not to mention the Obama camp.
    The “Bradley Effect” multiplied. I just have this feeling….

  6. cSimon: B Hussein’s polls numbers have already started to collaspe, McCain is surging.

    Plus B Husien called himself a Muslim on ABC today.. that’s going to hurt too

  7. SGT:

    I do believe that many Obama supporters, especially the young, think he will work miracles. But I think most of the the people excited by Palin are realists. The excitement comes from having someone challenge PC and convential wisdom. It is wonderful to see someone who is not masochistic about her life or our country.

  8. Tho’ I try to look at things with clarity, I have to admit to the inexplicable awareness of superstition, and don’t want to count any eggs before they hatch…. But I am thrilled that McCain finally showed us all that he could indeed excite his supporters, and that he has done. Together he and Palin will continue to do so for the next 60 days or so, despite the highly paid detractors that have their own mission to execute. Those that make it their responsibility to listen to each of these candidates, rather than absorb information through agenda-screened “news” will get what’s really happening. I also think that that besides all the undecideds, and independent voters, there have been discounted many women — Hillary supporters or not, who have been looking for someone real and genuine and who can relate to their situations, and they think they have found one. The privacy of the voting booth is going to allow a lot more free expression than some of Obama’s handlers would like I think.

    By the way, has anyone noticed that in the last week and a half, since the appearance of Palin, the Governor of Alaska, Obama has not once (in my observation) acknowledged her governorship; only her mayorship of “Wasilly” — he actually said that on Bill O’Reilly’s interview and I’m not sure if it was meant to be sarcastic or a sincere error. Further, as he’s faced with questions of experience, his newest reply is to point to his running of his vast campaign — over and over again. Please somebody, introduce the public to David
    Axelrod and David Plouffe who toil behind the scenes while His Tallness takes credit for their admittedly brilliant work.

    Vince, missed the Islamic admission today on ABC. When was it?

  9. there is something to be said about a 44 yr old Governor with a passle of kids and she is photogenic to boot – she strikes some very common ground with the travails of a pregnant daughter and a handicapped baby

  10. “But I think most of the the people excited by Palin are realists. ”

    To me this “feels” much more like the mid 90’s and the GOP’s Contract with America – probably the highest spot in Republican politics since at least sometime in the 50’s if not well before that.

    Unfortunately we all know how the Republicans chose to run with that after the first few years. I hope Palin lives up to it (she sure seemed to in Alaska) and *stays* with it.

    Republicans have done VERY well every time they have run campaigns on those values and would still be dominate today if they didn’t get greedy and/or buy into the media that hates them.

  11. She’s going to have to drop the line about “Thanks but No Thanks on that bridge to nowhere” – and move the marker to the next point, earmarks are bad, need to be stopped and can be stopped. She’s seen both sides, of course, lobbying for federal dollars, and knows the difference between projects and funding that actually make a difference, and pork.

    That will take her past the rhetoric and past the criticism/talking points being leveled against her. Right?

  12. Rose, recent reports indicate that the Messiah and Biden both voted for the Bridge to Nowhere. If true, that will take the wind out of the sails of those assailing Palin about this.

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