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Nor’easter — 12 Comments

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  2. Ymarsakar, that was a great response. I do that sort of thing in my head – hear the weak response from somebody, then develop my own sterling, witty one.

    ‘Course nobody ever asks me to give a response …


  3. A nor’easter is called that because the winds come from the northeast, driving the water onto the land, most of which would be affected by winds (and water) driven from the northeast. The mouths of most rivers in Massachusetts point to the northeast, also. Flooding is a worse problem than the snow is.

  4. Another Dick Cheney Dark Lord of the Vice Admiralty, moment.

    Q: But that’s ridiculous. Are you saying that you don’t know within the White House? What took you so long?

    McClellan: Listen again to what I said. The first priority is making sure Mr. Whittington is receiving medical care. Secondary to that is making sure you get the facts together and then as quickly as possible provide that information to the public. Now, the Vice President agreed with Mrs. Armstrong that it was best that she provide that information publicly first —

    Q: Understanding that, but he doesn’t even —


    Now, how I wish Clellen would be honest with the jokers. Here is what he should have said, in all honesty.

    “Look guys, I know you want to get the scoop and get it out fast, but we’re not like that here at the White House. We don’t irresponsibly leak information and refuse to spend the time fact checking our sources. We’re not out to fool the American people with claims of ‘fake but accurate’. So, yes, we do take our time, and I’m sorry you don’t like it, but we don’t operate like the White House Press Corps.

    It is ridiculous to expect the elected Executive branch to have a propaganda 10 second sound bite 1 hour after something happens. We leave that to the media.

    I know you guys don’t like fact checking things and you want the stuff now, now, but Christ Al Mighty can you guys just Stop for once, and let us do our job and check the facts before we tell the American people something that we know is definitely true? I know that’s a lot of to ask, but we’re asking here.”

    The White House needs an intervention, they are being MURDERED by the media. And the media ain’t even elected. There goes the balance of powers.

  5. As Ace said, Big freaking deal. It’s more newsworthy when Dick Cheney doesn’t shoot someone. I think that usually means six more weeks of winter.

    Nobody pocks with the Dark Lord of the Severrus, Cheney.

  6. Brad: SC&A said in comments elsewhere, “I’d rather hunt with Dick Cheney than take a drive with Ted Kennedy.”

    Cripes what is it with all the hearty chest pounding about the weather? It was 75 F here today and all I have to do for some snow is drive to Mammouth Mountain where I can sip buttered rum in front of the fireplace. Location, location, location. Even our weather obeys the rules.

  7. I think you would admit that it keeps Southern and California riff-raff out, for the most part…

  8. We got about a foot of “sneaux” hereabouts.

    These are the times that make me wish I didn’t have to wait at least 7 more years until I can retire to Hawaii…and it’ll probably be more like 10.

  9. After all the hype, it was much ado about (almost) nothing here. We went into the weekend hearing 8-14 inches. We got 3-4. South of us they got hit harder. We’re far enough up that global warming sounds like a good idea.

    We don’t love the cold, but our protections against it. We appreciate our fireplaces and flannel very little in summer.

  10. Lol.

    If a neocon shot someone, they would be fishing his head from the lake and his body from a post hanging upside down.

    In January, it was soooo warm one might have thought GLOOBAAL WARMING was occuring. Now we see that everything has a cycle and a balance, and that periods of unusual warmth are balanced by periods of unusual coldness. Of course, the idea of a natural balance goes against the propaganda line of “human vs nature”.

    I think the world can survive with raised ocean levels, they’re still there in tsunami land aren’t they? But the world can’t survive under a perpetual ice age, no sirre.

    And I tend to appreciate humanity’s warmth burning goodness that has kept this planet from the ice age it was supposed to slip into, as a result of a long period of warmth.

  11. Troutsky’s right about you neocons; now you’re even shooting your hunting companions over a disagreement about Iraq!

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