Home » The Arab street speaks


The Arab street speaks — 14 Comments

  1. People should not overlook the fact that fanatics, by the very definition of fanaticism, is not the choice of the great majority of people, for obvious reasons. Not least of which is human nature.

    The choice that is made by the great majority of folks, is whether or not to support their interests through the support of fanatics or the support of the people the fanatics fight against.

    And in this arena, biting the hand that feeds them, is totally ass backwards in terms of human nature.

    As such, the Arabs will only support fanaticism when fanaticism benefits them, since they are obedient dogs and will not bite the hand that feeds them. Change the master, and make the US the hand that feeds them through occupation and Imperial assimilation, association, and political infrastructure, then you start to win not inspite of human nature but because of it.

    There will, however, always be those people who will never believe that anyone can ever act this pragmatically towards the United States.

    The rest of the world may be confident in the dictates of human nature. Fullfill the requirements of political infrastructure and basic necessities for the human condition, and you will acquire the loyalty and love of the populace. Whether that is the rioteers in France, the Klu Klux Klan, or the Arabs themselves.

    Human nature is both dynamic and unchangeable. It is the only one constant anyone may be sure of.

    P.S. The US strategy has been working since car/IED bomb one. I knew and so did many other people, that with every Iraqi civilian, child, woman, and man killed in Iraq via the violence brought by Fedayeen, Baathist money, and terroist cells, the more the United States would be supported. In our objectives, if not in our person.

  2. I’ve come across an interesting article about the CIA that Dr. Vic might want to read. Here the author, Gabriel Schoenfeld, writes of Michael Scheuer’s rather strange views:

    Sentiments like these mark the author of Imperial Hubris as something of a political hybrid–a cross, not to put too fine a point on it, between an overwrought Buchananite and a raving Chomskyite. This alone, one might think, should have unfitted him for a high position of trust within the CIA. But that is not the end of it. Even as he lambastes the United States from his isolationist position, reserving special fury not only for America’s alliance with Israel but for our “hallucinatory crusade for democracy,” Scheuer also swivels to assail Washington for being insufficiently hawkish in waging the war on terror.

    “An Unprepared and Ignorant Lunge to Defeat” is how Scheuer titles his chapter on Afghanistan. What appears to exercise him most is the fact that, after September 11, the United States waited almost a month to respond to al Qaeda’s attacks. Instead of a “savage, preplanned U.S. military response,” there was “inexcusable delay” and “supine inaction.” This had the effect of turning the “human-economic calamity” of September 11 into a “catastrophe” and a “full-blown disaster.”

    The same passivity supposedly on display in Afghanistan is, Scheuer asserts, undermining the broader war on terrorism. To our lasting peril, we have ignored the maxims of General Curtis LeMay, who taught us that war is about killing people and that “when you have killed enough of them they stop fighting.” What we need to do, and immediately, is to “proceed with relentless, brutal, and, yes, blood-soaked offensive military actions,” and these should not cease “until we have annihilated the Islamists who threaten us.”


  3. I suspect the Dr. would be good in a poetry slam.I believe you are right neo that this is a stupid tactical error on Zarqawis’part and may be a watershed moment on turning Arab and Persian opinion away from support for Al qaeda.I don’t believe that necessarily translates into support for US occupation, in fact the de-stabilizing effect of our presence in Middle East as well as the building of permanent base facilities may cause US to share in the blame for the violence overflowing into Jordan. The “steel in their spine” combined with hate in their hearts and air in their head is what makes all fanatics fanatics.

  4. dr vegie:

    I got about two sentences into that paranoid rant and gave it up.

    Why don’t you?

  5. The Iraqis also wonder at what is going on. We have already split Iraq off from the Arab street. We have split the Arabs so much that the only unity of expression they have is in… wonder of all wonders, France.

  6. You know, it’s been a while since I heard about the “Arab Street.”

    It’s one of those phrases that is too inexact to use properly. On the other hand, the phrase recognizes that the culture of the Arab Middle East includes many people who think that they are Arab before they think of their nationality (Iraqi, Saudi, Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese, etc.)

    Still, these are signs that at least one segment of the Arabs in the Middle East are beginning to wonder what Al Qaeda will do to win, and whether they are friends or enemies of most Arabs–or most Muslims.

    I suspect the big difference between this bombing and the hundreds in Iraq is that Jordan isn’t anyone’s battle-field. It is easier to assume that the target is an American soldier when the bombing happens in Iraq–even if the bombs hit locatins like hotels full of journalists or voting locations.

    But when the target is hundreds of miles from the nearest American Army battallion, in a country that has no “on-the-ground” action against Al Qaeda, people begin to wonder what is going on.

  7. It’s worth taking a peak at Dr Victorino’s fanciful blogger profile. He is clearly a crank with pretensions and an animus against neocons and the Bush administration, but not a doctor.

    I still don’t understand how his behavior furthers the anti-Bush cause, unless of course he is another fiendishly clever operative from Karl Rove to make Bush’s opponents look insincere and stupid.


  8. Doind a quadri-lineal, 4 dimensional, sarcasm post isn’t really good propaganda, vegie.

    If you want complex soliquaries attendant to good sarcasm, you might want to stay with the double sarcasm. As in, support position A, which you support, and then write about supporting position B, which you don’t support.

    That’s complex enough, without the quadrupleness.

  9. Dr de la Vega.

    Thank you for sharing the symptoms of your delusions.
    I admit, you had me going there at the start of your comment with the current Arab street info but it all fell apart after that with your rabid anti-Bush rant.
    I can’t believe that you believe anyone would take you seriously.

  10. Al Qaeda may need to ask the question, “To bomb or not to bomb?” They may have alienated a lot of Arabs by this latest travesty. To kill infidels is one thing, but to kill Arabs is quite another thing (in the Arab viem of things).

  11. One cannot help but wonder how long the people who suffer most from the terrorists’ acts will continue to put up with them…

  12. Dr Victorino’s post is so drowned in sarcasm and contempt it’s hard to tell what his point might be beyond a raging dislike of Bush and neoconservatism.

    Or what he hopes to achieve in this forum by using such unpleasantly loaded language. When I see writing like his, it reinforces my impression that a fair number of Bush’s opponents have gone well beyond the raucous debate of democracy to the display of a personal psychological crisis.

    It is a fascinating phenomenon in itself. Neo-neocon writes well on this aspect of current events, which is a big reason I read her blog.

  13. – Dear Ms. Neo,

    Sorry to ruin your delusions about the state of the “Arab Street” whatever that vintage 1950s Marxist/Nasserite expression may signify:
    – “Iraqi government spokesman Laith Kubba” who “also agrees” with your point of view happens to be a lifelong Marxist activist recently “mugged by [Koranic] reality”: he conveniently converted to Shiite Islamic fundamentalism a few months before the US “liberation” of Iraq
    – Dawoud al-Shoryan is certainly not “a prominent writer and journalist from Saudi Arabia” but a second-tier (at best) press officer employed by the Saudi government
    – As for Ms. Hanan Ashrawi, she’s a member of Jerusalem’s tiny Christian minority, and a self-proclaimed Marxist intellectual who’s spent half her life in New York, London and Paris…which doesn’t really qualify her as an “expert in Jordanian cum Islamic issues”

    Yesterday, our Arab (street) savvy Al-President Bin Bush as they call him in Saudistani collaborationist circles delivered his long-awaited Veterans Day speech on the fight against “terrorism” at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania: this turned out to be a fascinating speech full of true-blue Trotskyite/Noecon clichés about the eventual collapse of the Islamic Al-Qaeda “system” from the burden of “its internal contradictions” and the firm presidential belief that its leaders will soon be “joining the dustbins of history”…beyond the irony of listening to a right-wing Republican leader using 19th century vintage Marxist metaphors, Dubya’s delivery was clearly below (his own already sub-par) personal average, and the rehearsed hurrahs sounded less enthusiastic than usual- maybe because Karl and Scooter were busy elsewhere and didn’t have enough time to prepare properly for this staged show of martial masculinity.

    Anyway, the following 2 points in Bush’s speech caught my attention as they perfectly capture the essence of “Neo-conservative” Pharisaic propaganda:

    1) “…the militant network wants to use the vacuum created by an American retreat to gain control of a country, a base from which to launch attacks and conduct their war against non-radical Muslim governments”

    This type of talk is particularly racist and offensive: 1.4 billion Muslims around the world will be glad to learn that the US government has officially segmented them into two broad categories: “Radical/Al-Qaeda types” and “Non-radical Muslims” [sic]

    2) “…our troops fight a ruthless enemy determined to destroy our way of life”

    That’s an outright lie, which has been propagandized on a massive scale since September 11th 2001 by Wolfowitz, Perl, Libby, Sharon, Cheney & Co.

    As veteran Middle-East experts such as former senior CIA officer Michael Scheuer have said repeatedly, this canard about “Bin Laden’s alleged desire to shatter the American way of life” was (and still is) the ultimate justification of the invasion of Iraq…simply because it was “market-tested” extensively by the White House and proved to fly well with focus groups and folks in the heartland.
    See link below for more on Mike Scheuer’s sharp criticism of the Bush administration

    Dubya’s mass repetition of the same failed arguments ad nauseam now threatens to unmask the dirty secrets of Neocon statecraft: in the future, he should keep his advanced Pharisaic talking points algorithm under wraps lest he reveal his intellectual edge to the enemies of freedom/democracy/Zion/McDonalds burgers/Philadelphia cheese/Alabama banana pudding/you name your favorite American dish and call the PR & Public Information Management department at the Israeli embassy in Houston so they can add it to the list of heartland gastronomic liberties that constitute the bedrock of culinary freedom on which this great nation was built!

    We won’t let Jacques Chirac and Saddam Hussein destroy our way of life with their poisonous Gallic Gaullist soufflés and other radioactive “yellow cakes” cum hummus sauce cooked in the dirty Baathist/terrorist/evil/satanic/Islamo-fascist kitchens of Damascus and Tickrit.

    Vive le Liberty!
    Vive Al-President Bin Bush!
    Long live our freedom-loving friend His Royal Wahhabiness King Abdullah of Saudistan!

  14. 9/11 engendered a sense of weakness and horror at the implacable will and determination of the terroists.

    Iraq has given American youths a vision of the strength and durability of the American spirit, liberty, and the follies of fanaticism.

    And why, oh why, did Zarqawi actually claim this as his own act,

    It doesn’t take much to put steel in young people’s spines, when that is all that stands before you and an anthrax attack, or fear of a nuclear bombardment.

    Fanaticism, to the decadent sleepers and the weak fools which set the standard for most of America prior to 9/11, might appear to be a stunning threat, horrendous in its power and fortitude.

    Fanaticism, to the renewed national and patriotic vigor post-9/11, looks more and more like buying into a con-artist’s promise of virgins in heaven.

    Formidable? Perhaps, for an idiot.

    In the end, there is a price to peace, and it is paid in the blood of patriots and the vigilance of citizens. The more you pay, the less your debt, and the less fearful you are of economical destitution.

    Our debt before and just after 9/11 was horrendous. Fanaticism seemed like vikings ready to plunder our savings, our houses, and our cars. Foreclosure, bankruptcy, loss of a home.

    How different the outlook of one’s personal status now, when it is the fanatics that are scrabbling around to pay their debts, and being unable to, cause fanaticism produces neither patriots nor citizens.

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