Home » How about those anti-Clinton bumper stickers?


How about those anti-Clinton bumper stickers? — 2 Comments

  1. Is the analysis of bumper stickers a worthwhile use of time by people interested in politics, ideas, and the state of our country? Neo-neocon’s post was about ten times longer than the topic merits. Ooops, I’ve gone on too long….

  2. Like you, I’m a neo-necon, though one who held his nose and voted for Kerry this time. I am very glad to see the wave of freedom rippling through the Middle East since Iraq’s elections, and only want to see it continue.

    I think the Bush hatred is absolutely ridiculous, and one reason the Democrats lost — they had to be more FOR Kerry than against Bush, and they simply weren’t.

    But I differ from you in this one respect — I think Clinton hatred was central, not peripheral, to the Republicans in the 1990s.

    For all the rabid criticism of Bush, and the overwrought comparisons to Hitler, etc. on the fringes, the Democrats have not engaged in a series of investigations via Independent Counsel of his Presidency, as the Republicans did for nearly the entire eight years of the Clinton Administration. It bears mentioning that the first two years of Clinton’s presidency, the Democrats controlled Congress, and they still went forward with the independent investigation of “their” President.

    It also is a simple fact that one of the leading papers keeping the Whitewater story alive from 1992-1996 was the New York Times, allegedly friendly to Clinton. I have yet to see such searching journalistic investigation of the Bush Administration’s various alleged scandals from its ideological soulmates at the Wall Street Journal, to name but one example.

    Finally, the Republican hatred of Clinton led to their attempted impeachment of him over his undeniable lying during the Monica Lewinsky affair. I doubt very much that Democrats, even if they currently had majorities in the House and the Senate, would be attempting to impeach Bush. But that’s just theorizing on my part, I know.

    I hope the hatred of the other side in politics is not a trend. I’d like to see the extremes purged from both parties. Since Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader seem to agree more than they disagree these days, maybe that will happen. But we’re not there yet.

    — Eric

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