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You want escapist video? I’ll give you escapist video — 21 Comments

  1. I like cats. Having had cats in my home for perhaps forty years, I discovered that I am moderately allergic to them. Without a cat, I no longer get the frequent bouts of bronchitis which plagued me for those forty years (which were made worse every Christmas season by a real fir in the house).

  2. Oh, Neo, don’t make me post pictures of my beautiful cats, one snow white and one coal black.

    I’m one of those apparently unusual people who likes dogs and cats equally. My dogs have now passed on, and I think I’m too old to take on another. So I pay more attention to the cats now, and am almost awe-stricken by their beauty and grace.

  3. If you watch kittens suckling, you’ll see them kneading around the mother’s teats to stimulate lactation. I think they’re doing the same thing with their humans, whom they see as gigantic, stupid kittens that smell strange.

  4. Even if Neo doesn’t like cats, how could she omit mentioning the ballet step known as the pas de chat?

    Here is one of the best-known examples, from Swan Lake:

    Here is a short video of a guy dancing informally with his pet cat:

    And now it’s only a matter of time until Gerard VdL shows up with photos of his feline editor-in-chief, Miss Olive.

  5. I worry about people who don’t like cats.

    Don’t make me tell you about our first Siamese. Born in Dallas, she moved to Florida as a weanling (cost $10); then to San Diego; to Hawaii (90 day quarantine); back to Florida (temporarily); to California; back to Florida (temporarily); back to California; within California; to Virginia; to Georgia (temporarily), and finally back to Virginia. (Should have got her a frequent flyer account; although she also spent many days on on the road in the back seat with her girls, and nights in Holiday Inn.) Never complained; a true Navy family trouper.

    She hooked us on cats for the next 55 years or so. Never regretted it.

    I like dogs too; but, cats are different.

  6. Kate:

    I’ve heard its not the fir it’s the dander? 🙂 I pine for my last cat occasionally, but find consolation with two poodles.

  7. Cats also have scent glands in their pads and kneading like this marks their territory – just as when they head butt you, same thing. But the root is in suckling, as you can see from some of these cats with blanket in their mouths as they knead.

    We got two kittens a couple of weeks after we got two puppies. We brought a whole litter of 5-week-old kittens to meet our two 7 week-old pups, and chose the two most laid-back ones. Now we have a pack-pride of cats who have dog traits and dogs who have cat traits.

    Initially, the kittens would try to suckle on the puppies, but the puppies soon tired of the novelty. Now they all just hang out together, and when they’re outside in the yard, the dogs keep watch over the cats – they are very protective of their sisters.

  8. I’m with NEO. I’m an animal person so they all love me but cats will tell me they’ve had enough when they dig their claws in my thigh as they leap off. I’m not particularly fond of pain. Give me a happy dog any day.

  9. Resign yourself Neo, they will never give up trying to win you over.

    Sadly, cats are so often the targets of abuse by sick or evil people. I wonder if they sense that they need to establish relationships–on their terms, of course.

  10. That business the cat is doing with its front paws before it lies down is called “kneading.”

    I recently observed a neighbor’s dog doing the same before lying down.

  11. Gringo:

    Dogs usually circle around a few times before lying down, and sometimes they do something a bit like scratching/digging before lying down as well. Kneading is gentler and more delicate, with the paws. I’ve only seen cats do it.

  12. Oldflyer:

    It’s my contention that cats love me because I’m not fond of them.

    There have been individual cats I’ve liked, although those cats have been more like dogs – friendly and affectionate.

  13. Griffin, you surely jest.

    The truth is that dogs are frequently loved because they are subservient; while cats are often loathed because they are Regal.

    I jest as well. I know that many dogs serve faithfully in many ways, while cats express love and provide comfort more subltly. I do love dogs. But, there is room in my heart for both.

  14. Oldflyer,

    Yes, cats have their place, usually hiding in a closet somewhere. Dogs are just more fun I think. Nothing beats coming home to that excitement of a dog.

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