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The George Floyd video matches the transcript — 33 Comments

  1. Shipwreckedcrew also notes that there’s not a hint of any racial issue in the video.

    The racial issue, as far as BLM is concerned, is that blacks are subject to the authority of police officers.

  2. Also recommended is the analysis by Matt Walsh at the Daily Wire. This is yet another example of what is often called “narrative collapse”, a premature and widely-disseminated account (based on snippets of smartphone video and a great deal of rumor-mongering and race-baiting on social media) gradually yielding, among those few who are willing to examine important events with skepticism and receptiveness to new facts and additional evidence, to a different conclusion than what was originally supposed to be true. Unfortunately, in this (as in many other cases), a massive amount of damage has already been done, nor will the MSM ever acknowledge its culpability.

  3. “But that won’t stop BLM and all the rest from asserting that the entire episode was a case of a race-motivated murder.”

    Obviously, it won’t. The narrative is set. And the MSM will continue to push it.

    It has occurred to me that we should expect, on election day, Antifa/BLM to attack red precincts in areas they think they can win. For instance, in the congressional districts they took in 2018, and of course, in states like Michigan.

    Remember the principle that whatever they accuse us of doing is either what they are already doing, or what they plan to do. The idea in this case is simply to suppress the Trump vote. This will be very effective in places with lefty pols in control, but it would even be effective where they are not. As soon as it comes out that it’s unsafe to go vote, that alone will do the job, even after the perps are arrested.

    There was a time I’d have scoffed at such an idea. But now we know that all bets are off. They will do ANYTHING to win. And the MSM, all Democrat pols, and the Never Trumpers will back them all the way.

  4. As I have commented before, George Floyd’s blood contained 11.0 ng/mL fentanyl, plus 5.6 ng/mL norfentanyl. Fentanyl is metabolized into norfentanyl, so Floyd obviously had taken quite a dose of fentanyl. From various studies, the average lethal dose of fentanyl is about 10 ng/mL. The police realized Floyd was high on something and called the EMTs. At that point, the police should have departed. I’ll bet that’s what the police do from now on.

  5. Very interesting Ray, thanks for the amplification about the drugs. As to your comment about the police departing the scene; we are already seeing that as a result of the climate of hate that surrounds them, they just don’t show up in many cases.

    I have never doubted that if the whole story were ever told that it would be considerably different from what we have been fed. For instance, the original ME’s report differed from the edited one, and differed a lot from that of the hired gun that Floyd’s family hired. (That was a joke. Does anyone believe that Floyd had a family with the wherewithal to pay for a private autopsy?)

    There are a lot of reputations on the line here. Watch for the spin. I still think that it is problematic that Officer Chauvin will survive to stand trial.

  6. Neo’s and Shipwreckedcrew’s observation that there’s no sign of racial animus in the videos and transcripts highlights what makes this whole mess so bad. Activists have not only labeled Chauvin a racist, without evidence, but have gone on to extend that assessment to every pale-skinned person in the country.

  7. Nick Sandmann is winning libel cases right and left. I wonder what Derek Chauvin can get out of all the media outlets for declaring him a murderer (not presumed or accused) before he had even been indicted…?

    I hope it’s enough to bankrupt them.

  8. I watched the bodycam footage, and it vividly brought back memories of the the seven years I worked as an admitting clerk on nightshift in an innercity ER. We had all kinds of patients like this. Patients, or their friends, or just people who didn’t want to leave the waiting room and go home when we had no use for them. Our security would only call the police if someone was violent, could not be handled, or brandished a weapon. But that sort of endless, not really unfriendly, meandering conversation going nowhere,,,, new security officers in particular sometimes believed the subject could actually be persuaded, talked into being rational and cooperative, if only if only (and so on)

  9. Yes, there is no evidence that diversity was a motive. Also, from the circumstantial evidence, and the autopsy report, there is no support for homicidal intent. Floyd was restrained to protect him from himself. It seems unreasonable that they officers could have known of his probable drug overdose, multiple comorbidities, and how multiple stressors (e.g. criminal offense) had affected him.

  10. new security officers in particular sometimes believed the subject could actually be persuaded, talked into being rational and cooperative

    So green, but laudable to offer the benefit of the doubt. Their wisdom will be fine tuned with experience.

  11. N.n. All true. Chauvin is a fall guy. I hope he has a good lawyer who doesn’t sell him out as Flynn’s first lawyers did. Right now his only defenders are you and me, which won’t do him much good. And I thought I read the EMS was delayed and had it not none of this would have occurred.

  12. Neo, you mentioned an effort by Ellison to suppress the video. I haven’t been following the details of this side of the story much, but was he suppressing it because it was evidence, or was it not so much him but maybe someone else who was keeping it under wraps, or trying to? I wonder what the Mail did to get hold of it eventually – might be better not to say. But why’d it take them so long? Did they have to wait a while for the heat to die down? How long has the Mail been holding onto this? What’s their motivation in this whole thing? They’re press, albeit English press, so they must have some angle, right? Not necessarily the same as a US newspaper would have, but since we’re so suspicious of the agendas of US press outlets these days, I’m not sure we should be overly ready to embrace European press organs too hastily.

  13. This video explains why Minnesota’s illustrious attorney general has withheld it.
    To “affect the prosecution,” of course. Prosecutorial misconduct anyone? After all, everybody knew Chauvin killed George Floyd. There’s video proof!

  14. And why did it take the Daily Mail to release the video? None of the great American newspapers could have dug it up, right? No conspiracy here. Only coordination.

  15. when I was young, Cops had the same muscle mass that Floyd did. In fact he had more than the four PeeWee Herman cops did. a cop of old would have no problem tossing him into the squad car.
    What gives? has affirmative action get more female cops lowered the standards that we now have pajama boys?

  16. American “Civilization is on the brink.” VDH concluding quote from a gripping interview, do not miss this!

    Everyday the subtext in the US is Maoist-French Revolution versus the American Revolution. Yes.

    “Unfortunately, everything is [politically] weaponised in this country. And I grew up in the 1960s…and even that was not like this: it’s scary…We’ve never seen anything like this…Our civilisation is on the brink.”

    Yet that it is so is frankly ridiculous and offensive. Mount up Patriots! We’re called to defeat Petty Tyranny.

  17. And i am going to get fat eating all this popcorn…
    after a long time wasting my youth warning this was coming..
    not much i can do but say pass the butter

    Helter Skelter?

  18. I’m out of the US, but I joined a bulletin board to find a self defense militia group. You know, the unorganised militia mentioned in the constitution. A place to find others who will stand up for voting regularity and will protect those locals carrying out the process on Election Day from the new designated rioter class (those “peaceful protesters” with damage bills into:the hundreds of millions of dollars)..

    They sent me a message asking for support, naturally. But the intro may be of interest here

    MyMilitia.com is experiencing EXPONENTIAL growth in registration due to the uncertainty in our country in current times. The unrest of militant socialist groups destroying cities and harming people and our own state governments violating the constitution have created the need to come together and be prepared for whatever future may come. THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!

    Of course it’s ironic that it’s “Great News” that it’s come to this, the last line of self-defense and the Second Amendment against tyranny. But you all know that.

    The important point is that others are properly motivated to see the nihilists, Marxists, and Traitor Media and Ruling Class Punks down!

    This is, therefore, a source of optimism and a point to rally round in these grim times, what with the constant media gas lighting to the contrary.

    Semper Fi.

  19. his only defenders are you and me

    I support our civil right to due process. The evidence is, at best, redemptive, and, at worst, inconclusive.

    Cops had the same muscle mass that Floyd did

    That may well have been a factor that determined the tactic to manage his irregular behavior. A tactic that was sanctioned by the department. Does the AG sign off on rules and regulations of law enforcement?

  20. avi,

    Where to start? Standards have changed. There’s a counterproductive emphasis on BMI, with no room for judgment, resulting in men who are more slender being categorized healthier than a muscular guy who lifts iron. The lifter doesn’t even need to be real big, just enough that he’s too heavy for his height, even though most of that weight is muscle rather than fat.

    So the strong, muscular guy gets rejected in the pre-physical. But the skinnier guy doesn’t.

    Standards of fitness have been gradually lowered too. The millennial generation coming up has spent too much time playing video games and eating sugar. It really shows. An old co-worker of mine became a police academy instructor and he said that men in their 20’s are having a harder and harder time doing simple push-ups. Worse, they whine about it. A lot. The women are no better, just different: they didn’t play video games they just expect to be treated with kid gloves when they are even worse than the men with PT.

    Many agencies are desperate and have gradually acquiesced to the demands of reality. Reality is thus: this generation is far, far softer than the preceding generations.

  21. There are a variety of approaches to take in defending Chauvin, who has been obviously overcharged by the idiot Attorney General, but the most glaring to me, other than the condition of Floyd at the time of the incident, is that the positioning of Chauvin’s knee was to the side of the neck and it is virtually impossible to close off the inflow of air into the lungs by utilizing that position. The original autopsy reflects no signs of injury to the trachea or the related soft tissue structures, an injury one would expect from administering a choking action.

  22. Were the vast numbers of private contractors under Obama using NSA data for greedy, illegal, insider stock trading purposes? It would be “free money” to rich, powerful, politically well-connected Dem families like Soros or the Clinton’s.

    This unanswered question is finally raised here

    SusanPhD observes:

    …my instincts tell me this is a BIG DEAL COVER UP. per Hillary, “If revealed, they will all hang.” They’s why the elites want Trump out so badly. This is about money & theft on a GRAND GLOBAL SCALE.

    Hillary has been known to be involved with insider trading back in the 1980’s with her cattle futures transactions. Since there was no accountability for that, what would have stopped her in 2012-2016?

    McCain was involved in that Savings and Loan debacle back in the day. Charles Keating case. No accountability for him either.

    If this isn’t investigated, we will never know.

  23. I always felt that what Chauvin did was not due to racism but was an abuse of power.

  24. BrooklynBoy, why do you assume an abuse of power? As the recently revealed video shows, we had no idea what was going on. I always felt that the story was incomplete and that it was being “managed”. We know more, but not all.

    Maybe some day it will be complete; but, even if so, the damage was done. BLM and other Nihilist gangs needed a spark. Ellison and other Minneapolis/Minnesota officials with their media accomplices provided the spark. Motivation? Not clear.

    Regarding physical ability of cops. Traditionally the London Bobby who went about unarmed was the biggest, toughest guy on the block. Few wanted to take him on; and if they did he knew a thing or two about night sticks.

    Related fall out from all of this. Riverside County, Ca Board of Supervisors unanimously voted yesterday to declare “Racism is a Health Crisis”. The usual cocktail of remedies is proposed.
    I wrote an email to my Supervisor, telling her that I thought they had lost their grip on reality; and asked several questions that I thought pertinent. Waiting for a knock on the door. The really worrisome aspect is that the community bulletin board that carried the news was saturated with approving emoticons.

  25. As to the size of policemen in years long gone by. Yep. I can remember being in cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Detroit, etc. and seeing cops walking their beats. Big men. Really tall and fit looking men. A night stick was their main weapon. It worked. What changed? The nature of crime – mostly the drug problem. Drug dealers became more sophisticated. Avoided the places where cops walked their beats and were more mobile. The police had to become more mobile as well. Thus, the reliance on the squad car to chase the perps. With the advent of non-lethal weapons (Mace, pepper spray, Tazers, etc.) physical size and brute strength became less of a factor for police recruitment. (Although many of the arrest videos we have seen on where the perp overpowered the police makes one wonder if brute strength should be elevated to a much desired trait for cops.)

    Being a policeman is a hard job that doesn’t pay all that well and is not only dangerous, but, these days, is thankless as well. For law abiding citizens who have no training in self defense or weapons use, the police are their main line of defense. This is becoming apparent now that ANTIFA and BLM are targeting anyone who isn’t in their sphere of influence. The “silent majority” is in being silenced by violence.

    The video of the Floyd arrest adds a bit of flavor to the transcript. Illuminates how difficult Floyd was and how obvious it was that he was high on something. It shows no racial animus and that Chauvin did not get involved until Floyd was placed on the ground and held down (per department procedures) for his and the officers’ safety until the EMTs arrived. The cell phone video tells none of that story and has been the lie that went round the world before the truth could get its boots on.

    There is growing evidence that the George Floyd arrest was the trigger that the Marxist revolutionaries were waiting for. If it wasn’t that arrest, it would have been another such incident. Maybe the Rayshard Brooks shooting in June would have been the trigger. The anarchy unleashed so far is organized, well funded, and approved of by the Democrats.

  26. Fractal Rabbit

    thanks, for the scary but fascinating answer. The criminal in Atlanta was also far more muscular than the cops he manhandled. this can only lead to trigger happy wimpy cops. not a good sign for the future.
    I also have noticed given their generation how scrawny the antifa people are. granted they can do much damage as a mob with weapons, but scrawny nonetheless

  27. George Floyd was 6′ 5″ and quite muscular.

    The videos have been available for public viewing at the county courthouse. One has to sign an agreement and not have any recording devices. Whoever supplied the videos to the Daily Mail used a video camera to record the computer screen.

    And yes, the key really is what the EMTs discovered when they arrived. They did not behave like the patient was in cardiac arrest.

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