Home » AOC comes for Father Damien


AOC comes for Father Damien — 28 Comments

  1. Caring for lepers, and ultimately dying at a young age tending selflessly to those most afflicted in body and in spirit, is something that none of the rest of us can truly begin to comprehend; to denigrate such a saintly man is, even by the low standards of AOC (who recently likened looters and rioters to Jean Valjean), truly despicable.

  2. I doubt that she even knows there was a Leper Colony on Molokai. In fact I might wager a small amount that she doesn’t know where Molokai is.

    I wonder if anyone will find it ironic that this woman is championing a monarch.

    I am reasonably confident that if questioned about the existence of “contract servitude” under the Hawaiian monarchy she would either plead ignorance or simply deny its existence. But, after visiting Hawaii, Booker T. Washington described the plight of the “contract slaves” as being worse than anything in the U.S. South.

    On another note, some people claim that today’s contract fishery employees (primarily undocumented aliens from Southeast Asia who cannot even come ashore legally) are essentially slaves. The Democrat government of Hawaii chooses to overlook violations of their own and U. S labor laws. Oh, never mind.

  3. AOC is as ignorant of history as she is of most other subjects. One of the two statues placed by Hawaii in the National Statuary Hall in Washington is of King Kamehameha I (1736-1819), the first king of a united Hawaii. Okay, he was a male who sired a large number of children by several wives, but he was definitely a Ruler of Color.

  4. Early on, I found myself wondering if Fr. Damian would even be allowed to help the sick, such as lepers, in our time. A whole new rulebook-the Church taking its directives from the state.

  5. And then there’s the statue of IZ in Oahu, Hawaii:

    “Israel Kamakawiwo’ole Tribute”

    IZ performed that heart-melting version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” which I mentioned here a week ago.

    –Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo?ole, “Somewhere over the Rainbow”

    AOC has earned and re-earned her mean nickname: “Occasional Cortex.”

    All I am saying is give IZ a chance.

  6. AOC looks to me like a prime candidate for Damnatio Memoriae.

    This woman does not seem to have much imagination. What she’s got going around will most certainly come around to bite her in her ample posterior.

    I, however, have too much idle and unbridled imagination… and have discovered a latent penchant for election sloganeering:

    An optionally fried chicken for every pot and a Wise-ass Latina for every lamp post.

    Note the deeply subtle appeal to those Black Voters who haven’t yet grasped that the Squatemalan Illegals will eat them alive in due course. Hell, any long-suffering LatinOs after a decade or so of marriage would probably vote for me.

    Finally, to help the Zaphod Retirement Fund, could you all please encourage your Progressive Acquaintances to get online and wager heavily on Biden to win?

  7. A fitting punishment for AOC would be to slap her in a time machine back to a time and place where Whitey did not rule and give her a case of leprosy to boot.

    Beyond contemptible to crap on the memory of people of any race who made it their lives’ work to help the incurable, doing so with the knowledge that it was a near certainty that they would end up catching the disease in the course of their work.

  8. As usual, AOC knows a lot, but so much of what she knows is plain wrong. Apparently, she has not heard of this statue.
    “The statue of Queen Liliuokalani stands around 6 feet tall and dedicated on April 10, 1982 by Marianna Pineda. She is the author of Aloha Oe among 160 songs she wrote in her lifetime. She stands here overlooking the Hawaii State Capitol, keeping watch over her people.”

    It’s right there in Honolulu. Here’s a picture:

  9. They’ve got nothing “real” to promote. Not a single idea.
    All these Leftoid power-grabbers have is anger and envy and narcissism. It’s SOOO much easier to tear down than to build up. So that’s what they run on.

    Apparently for a large segment of our citizenry, the politics of annihilation / dragging down the other guy / disparaging anything that’s Less-Than-Perfect, is an effective strategy.

    Heaven help us.

  10. Add to the above that when Kamehameha I conquered the Hawaiian islands he committed mass murder. On just one island he forced 4000 defeated men who had resisted his invasion and surrendered to jump off a high cliff to their deaths.

    Hardly an action worthy of admiration. But we mustn’t judge his actions, not because it was a different time and culture but simply because he was a person of ‘color’.

    The hypocrisy is beyond contempt and has entered the realm of evil.

  11. There has got to be a way to deport this Stalinist creep to Cuba.

    If she really has a problem with our white patriarchal society , she is free to go and live in a majority black nation.
    I think many would contribute $$ to buy her a one way airplane ticket, as long as she also renounces her USA citizenship and is never again allowed to enter the USA.

  12. Doesn’t quite fit any of today’s topics, but part of the general zeitgeist of craziness.


    The overturning of the sentence does not necessarily mean the Islamic terrorist will not ever face the death penalty. The appeals court upheld all the convictions but another trial will be needed to determine the validity of a death sentence.

    (Judge) Thompson stressed the ruling’s limits. “Make no mistake: Dzhokhar will spend his remaining days locked up in prison, with the only matter remaining being whether he will die by execution,” she said.

    Which means he gets out in 5 years; sooner if the prison is releasing inmates because of Covid.

    But Judge Sullivan can’t let Michael Flynn go free even though the DOJ admits they framed him.

  13. My husband’s best friend/surfing buddy is that rarity, a 50%+ blood quantum Hawaiian. Kamehameha School graduate – only Hawaiians get in. He despises AOC and her ilk.
    The one place where Hawaii is way ahead of the curve, is intermarriage. It changes everything – you can’t hate family. We have been at it for so many generations that for most of us the main definition that applies is ‘American’. Just had a lovely wedding in my yard (thank goodness Hurricane Douglas turned out to be ‘Hurricane Dudley’!) and the hoped for grandchildren-to-come can take pride in a heritage that stretches from ancient China to the deepest fjord in Norway to the New World’s American Revolution. And much more.

  14. AOC is part of the group with this goal.

    Pitting one segment of the citizenry against the other is a crucial process in the Left’s drive. Progressives have succeeded most spectacularly in diverting attention from their assault on freedom by distracting the citizenry through resurrecting racial inequities that had been largely abolished a half century ago. The central thesis of those attempting to initiate a race war in America is that, even if there is not one law, rule, procedure or practice that is racist, America is a racist nation so long as any individual commits a racist act. That, of course, establishes a criteria that every single citizen must be totally pure of heart, thought and deed, a criteria no human society can attain.

    It is a sobering reality that, so far, the Progressive war on freedom has made extraordinary advances.

  15. There’s incompetence, and there’s aggressive incompetence. As if there’s an effort behind it.
    AOC’s ignorance strikes me as purposeful. In some way, she manages not to know what everybody knows. You can’t do that by accident. Strange.

  16. Today’s young have no concept of faith. When I was working in West Africa I had a Catholic priest visit me on a charitable mission (looking for funding). He was opening an AIDS clinic, and at the time (early 90’s) the disease was very poorly understood, mostly un-treatable, and infection rates were through the roof because of the sexual promiscuity of the population.

    He told me that in the late 1800’s and early part of the 1900’s, the Catholic priests who were posted on missions in West Africa would bring their headstones with them, leaving only the final date as a blank to be carved in later. Such were the odds.

    Yes – Today’s young have no concept of faith – or unselfishness.

  17. AOC won her primary the other month against a far better female Hispanic candidate despite the fact that AOC cost her District 25,000 jobs that “woke” Amazon was going to bring to Queens by building a Headquarters there. Tell me we are not living in “The Age of Madness” right now.

  18. Geoffrey Britain on July 31, 2020 at 9:38 pm said:
    Add to the above that when Kamehameha I

    Kaaa… ME HA ME…. HA!!! *DBZ Energy God ray shoots out*


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